Chapter 7

Massachusetts- Same day

I looked over towards V. He was over with dad, who was covered with children. I laughed at the sight.
"So," I heard a voice ask from behind, "what are you grateful for?"
I looked behind me to see Richard standing there. He looked at me expectantly. I thought for a moment. I wasn't really sure what to say, I had never really thought about it with everything that's happened.
"So...?" He said, his face still eager for an answer.
"I-I don't really know..." I said.

Richard smiled, "Come on! Surely there must be something you're grateful for!"
I shrugged, "I've never really thought about it..."
"That's the problem! We've been think to much about all the bad things that've happened that we forgot to consider the good!"
I sighed knowing he was right. I look to my right and saw a native with a giant basket. He placed it on the table and I walked over to see what was inside. It's a bird, or at least was a bird. It was cooked, and all the feathers had been removed and it had no head. Richard noticed me inspecting the strange animal and laughed.
"The natives said it was called a 'turkey'." Richard told me. I smiled and talked to him for awhile, then V came up.
"Mass!" He cheered happily, "Why don't you come play with the children with me and dad?"
I laughed and said, "Sure, why not?"
V then grabbed my wrist and dragged me over towards day, where I was immediately tackled by the group of children.

We laughed and played with the children for hours. After awhile there was a call. It sounded throughout the settlement, grabbing the attention of anyone who could hear it. We looked over to the person who had called, it was Bradford. After realizing this we all headed over towards the table and took our seats. The table was filled with food. There was at least five cooked deer on the table, along with baskets full of chestnuts, cranberries, garlic, and artichokes. All of which were things we never knew existed, much less knew how to use until the natives came. And I cannot forget the turkey! I looked over to my brother and Papa. I smiled, I was glad to have them here. I looked around the table. Settlers and native all chatting and hanging around the table peacefully. It was nice. Having everyone be able to get along, without an on going fight.

Then I heard Bradford start to speak. He talked about all the events that have led us to where we are now. From their first arrival in 1620, them meeting Squanto, to right now. Sitting at the table with food surrounding us. He talked about how we should all be thankful that we have made in this far. How we should be thankful for the harvest and for their survival. But mostly for their survival.

I looked over at V, who smiled at me. I smiled back, and then turned towards father. He was intently listening to Bradford. Soon Bradford's speech ended, and the feasting began. Everyone started grabbing at the food, eating and laughing together. We ended calling it Thanksgiving. I thought back to what Richard had said to me. Then looked back at Papa. I knew now what I was grateful for. Out of everything that's happened to me, meeting papa was by far the best to happen.
