Chapter 4

Colonial America - 1621

It's been a few months sense Massachusetts came falling from the sky. I've been checking in on him every once and while. The winters have been harsh on him, but then again, those first winters are hard on us all. I was walking through a path I made over to Massachusetts' colony, Plymouth. It was a name that John Smith had given it, the colonist thought it fit their new settlement.

As I walked through the forest the ground went from dry, wet, to snow covered. It was getting closer and closer to March, I heard for Massachusetts that the settlers made plans to move ashore more permanently. Unfortunately, I also heard that more than half of these settlers have grown ill or died of sickness. I grimaced at these thoughts. Soon I reached the new colony. Massachusetts was waiting over at a nearby outskirt of the colony. They hadn't yet build a fence around it, which they should do soon, you never know what might come and attack. Jamestown is a prime example of this.

Massachusetts noticed my presence and shot up. He waved at me as I walked over to him, I smiled at him.
"Hello Papa!" Massachusetts yelled to me.
I walked over to him and said, "Hello Massachusetts, how have things in the colony been?"
He gave me a sheepish smile as he replied, "Well, eh heh... they could always be better..."
I just smiled at him. That was how most thing went in the colonies.

We walked into the settlement. These poor people looked miserable, which was probably because they were. There was one group who had just finished a house, but as soon as the last piece was placed, a man fell from one of the ladders. He laid on the snowy ground limp, two other settlers came and rushed him over to a common house that was a the center of the settlement. It was originally meant to be used as a storage room and shelter, but it soon became a hospital for the sick.

We walked in to see dozens upon dozens of sick or injured colonist. It was a saddening sight. There were very few settlers left due to this sickness. I sighed then, the door opened. There stood a boy wearing a traditional pilgrim outfit with brown hair and eyes.

The boy ran over to Massachusetts.
"What is it Richard?" Massachusetts asked the boy.
"You know him?" I asked, curious as to who this boy was.
"Yes, his name is Richard Blake," Massachusetts said, then turned to Richard, "Richard, this is my father, America. Now tell me, what's going on?"
Richard nodded, then said, "A native had appeared, he does not seem to be violent and seems to want to help us, what should we do?"
Massachusetts looked to me, as if expecting an answer.
"Oh, uh... well if he doesn't wish to fight, you should go meet with him. Besides these people will need all the help they can get."
Massachusetts nodded, then looked at Richard, who seemed to get the message. The two ran off to go meet the native.

_ _

Massachusetts -

I was running off with Richard towards the place he said the native had appeared. We passed house after house, this native was really far off wasn't he? Soon we stopped over on the far outskirts of the settlement. A crowd was gathered there, Richard and I tried pushing our way through. We got to the front eventually. William Bradford was there already, talking with another native. I tried to listen in to their conversation.

"W-who are you?" Bradford asked very slowly, trying to make sure the native understood.
"I am Tisquantum, or Squanto, I come from a tribe which has long been extinct. They used to live here on these very lands..." The native said.

The native wore animal fur clothing. He had red tinted skin, with black long hair and black eyes. His eyes glistened with wisdom, his face shone with experience. This man could be just the one we needed to save these colonist!

We all got the chance to speak with him, and learn more about him. He taught us all kinds of things from growing food to basic survival tips. Yes, he was exactly what we needed...
