Chapter 6

Virginia - Fall of 1621

I was in my room writing in my journal. Father had told me he was going to visit Mass. He also told me that I should go over, and that something special was going today. I was still deciding on weather to go or not, with all the trouble here and all. I looked outside. The sun was shining brightly up in the sky, it was around noontime. I sighed closing my journal, then got up to the door.
"I guess I can leave for a little while..." I told myself, "I mean what the worst that could happen?"

I then walked out of the small house and over to the entrance of the settlement. I left through it and followed the path father had told me to follow if I decided to go. It was a long path, but it was still a path. It was a peaceful walk through the forest to get to Plymouth. Now I see why dad enjoys going out to hunt in the mornings. I soon reached the end of the forest and looked around. It was a large clearing, and off near the seaside. It was small and had a fence around it. I walked closer, then I spotted father talking with Mass.
"Dad! Mass!" I yelled, running to them.
Mass smiled and dad smirked, they both waved as I ran over.

"Took you long enough!" Father said jokingly.
I just smiled and said, "Well, you know how many problems can occur just looking away for one second!"
"True!" Father remarked, then he and Mass grabbed my wrists and started to dragged me, "Come on! It's about to begin!"
"What's about to begin?" I asked, trying to keep up with the pair who was dragging me around.
"You'll see soon enough!" Mass said excitedly, "But first we need to help the natives!"

They rushed me over to a group of natives and settlers. They were all talking and grabbing baskets that held different kinds of food. I grabbed a basket that was filled with cranberries. I looked over and saw Mass with a basket full of chestnuts, meanwhile dad was holding a giant basket of deer. My mind was swarmed with questions. Why did we have all this food? What was with all the secretive responses? How did he get such good relations with the natives?

I mainly wanted the answer to the last one... All my settlers and native did was fight all day and all night. I let out a long sigh as I thought about this. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, I looked up and saw father giving me a reassuring smile. He obviously knew what I was thinking about. We all sat food on a long table. I then looked around at all the settlers and natives. The natives outnumbered the settlers by 10 times. There were more men than women. But, there wasn't much competition, there were only around 22 men and maybe 25 children of teenagers. It was both a sad and hopeful sight. These people had suffered through so much due to these illnesses, yet these native give them hope for survival. I smiled. I saw Mass walking over towards me.

"V! I'm both happy and surprised that you decided to come!" Mass said happily, this was perhaps the happiest I've seen him. I didn't usually come here often, usually only for really important things.
I laughed and said, "Yeah, it was a close call! But I decided I should probably get out eventually!"
Mass only smiled and nodded. Then saw someone about to spill another basket, and rushed over to help. I looked over at the people's faces, they all looked so happy! I looked back at the table, now almost filled fully with food. I couldn't help but laugh.

I saw dad over nearby playing with a group of children. They all started climbing on him. He laughed at the children as they worked their way up. I walked over to the children who were, at this point, laughing hysterically. I smiled, I was glad I came.
