Chapter 13

Colonial America - The next day

I woke up in a small cramped bedroom. There wasn't much to it. There were only 2 beds. One had New Hampshire sleeping peacefully, the other had Massachusetts sprawled out like a corpse. I was sleeping on a chair. Not very comfortable, but not the worst either. I got up and stretched, a few pops coming from my back as I straightened up. I looked back at my 2 kids who were still asleep. I smiled, they looked so peaceful. Well, at least for the most part...

I walked outside. I felt the fresh cool wind blow through my hair, as I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I then heard the door open. I looked back to find both Mass and Hamp standing by the frame. They both looked tired yet well rest at the same time.
Hamp yawned and asked, "What's up dad?"
"Hey Hamp, did you two sleep w-" I cut myself off. It felt like something was coming towards me. Mass and Hamp suddenly gave me a confused look. I looked to my left, then my right, and finally up towards the sky.

It was once again raining children...

The child came crashing into my arms. We all stared at him wide eyed. Out of everything we expected, that was not one of them.
The child had a blue and yellow eye, his hair was wavy. His hair was red with strips of blue and white. He wore a white shirt with a white cravat and black pants. He had the same flag as all the other colonies. His face was filled with happiness to a point where it was hard not to smile when you saw it.

"Hi there." I said softly.
The child looked up at me and smiled. I have come to learn that I just need to ask the child what their name is and they will give me an answer. They may be young, but they definitely not dumb.
And so with that knowledge I asked, "What are you called?"
"Rhode Island!" The child exclaimed happily, clapping his hands together in his excitement.
I smiled at him. We all stood there in awe of the little child that had just fell from the sky. Soon though, another thought entered my mind. How did this child end up in Massachusetts? And where was his lands?

I guessed that my other kids standing behind me were thinking the same thing judging by the confused look on their faces. I decided that I would take him out later to go looking around for the area of his colony. I'm sure he would know it when he was close enough to it. In the mean time I decided to let him rest.

_ _

New Hampshire - A few months later

It's been awhile sense I was last back at Massachusetts. I heard some more people had gotten banished, and decided to see how he was. I was only less than a mile away from the settlement when I saw a group of people at the entrance. I looked at the crowd and spotted Mass, who looked extremely annoyed. I walked over to him.

Luckily it didn't seem like anyone was being banished, though it did look like the group of people were getting ready to leave.
"Hey Mass!" I said, "What's going on?"
He looked over at me, his expression went from annoyed to neutral, "Well, Thomas Hooker and this group of people are getting ready to go off and leave the colony due to the voting rules. On the bright side to them leaving, there will be less complaints to listen to so..."
I grinned and him, the turned and looked at the crowd who were already started on their way. I wondered if this could lead to an event similar to Rhode Island's.
