68. What happened with Mia?

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"So...you're Nikolai's wife. The idiot who is the head of Russian Mafia?"

"Correct." She smiled making me frown.

Wasn't she kidnapped by them or something like that as far as i remember?

This bitch fell in love with her kidnapper!?

What in the Wattpad!?

"You look surprised Valentina." She smiled giving mysterious vibes as she leaned backwards on the couch.

"You were in love with Dante though." I stated confused when her nose scrunched up in disgust as she laughed.

Why does her laugh sound like a beautiful melody and mine is literally of a dying whale? Not that I've heard a dying whale laugh. Wait...Why would a dying whale laugh at all and why the fuck am I thinking this?

"Yeah you're funny Valentina." She said after composing herself.

Even her posture is so elegant.

Her face is hardly having any makeup and yet it looks flawless. I wonder if she is into a specific diet which helps her skin glow like that.

And I'm totally not having a lady crush right now.

"You look lost." She says bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry...but how? I'm so confused! You ran away after Dante and everyone told me that you were in love with him and also in the cabin when i was kidnapped there was only you who wasn't locked up by Dante." I blurted out as she watched me.

"Looks like people misjudged me a lot then." She smiled looking down as her hair fell on her face.

You have Luciano stupid bitch! Stop observing her like a creep. She is his sister!


" I was born and brought up in Italy like my every other sibling. Everyone knew our family which means everyone was scared of us. Nobody wanted to be my friend and that's understandable because I had these four big as fuck brothers always around me. Even the ones that dared to talk to me or try to befriend me were girls and some boys who wanted my brothers." She chuckled humorlessly glaring in the distance.

Im sorry for her but Can we blame those girls though? Moretti brothers are hot as hell!

"I was continuously checking if you were okay because believe it or not, you are the only girl whom I considered as a real friend even though we were together for one week only."She sighed looking back at me.

"You didn't know my family background and I knew that you were being genuine because lets face it, you were kind of a prisoner and i was the only one who was there to keep you company for sometime." She grinned as she called me a prisoner.

I was an actual prisoner!

She is weird.

Blood of Serena after all.

I snorted making her raise an eyebrow in question looking amused.

"Its nothing. Please continue." I replied smiling.

"There were several occasions when I wanted to come and meet you but then I also didn't want to scare you and change my image of being associated with a mafia as you were already shaken up by Dante."

"So imagine how surprised I was when I got to know by one of my men that Valentina fell for my brother." She looked at me somewhat disappointed.

"And not just any brother but the one who is a Mafia Lord! You even started talking to him. That was when I decided that I needed to do something. I had to keep you away from mafia life. "She spoke staring straight into my eyes.

What the actual fuck?

"I was not very happy when you started fighting in the underground either but I let it go because that was still not dangerous as you were good at it but falling for a mafia don? Seriously?" She shook her head like a disappointed mother.

Excuse me?

"You're literally married to a mafia don  yourself." I pointed out smiling sarcastically.

"I'm born into a mafia Valentina. I've seen all of this but you? You could've had a beautiful normal life with a normal family and you started putting it on line for your stupid attraction towards Luciano." She snapped.

Yeah okay Rosalie from Twilight!

I understand that was a risky and not so safe option I chose there but have you seen Luciano? Im a woman with hormones that are jumping everywhere!

"That's when Dante came into the picture. I asked Nick to make Dante do it." She said closing her eyes and leaning back.

She did what?

"Dante never saw you" I stated making her smile while her eyes are still closed.

I clearly remember Dante never mentioned her. He didn't even know if she was alive or dead.

"Nobody knows how i look. We live in a separate estate. Its hard but we have managed to keep my identity a secret for my safety as you already know people want me dead...starting with my Mother dearest." She opens her eyes smiling sarcastically.

"Alright. I understand that but How did you even fell in love with Nicolai?" I asked curious making her smile wide.

He is their rival as far as i know so I don't understand how she went and fell for him.

"We met at a Mafia ball when I was sixteen, it was my first ball. Everyone has to be civil towards each other in these settings, its kind of a law. He asked me to dance and we didn't disclose our identities or anything. We just danced and it just happened. He asked me out on a date at the end of our dance and I obviously said yes because have you looked at him? So fucking hot! Can't believe i got him." She sighed happily.

So there is something similar between me and her. We are obsessed with our men!

"So when did u two get to know the truth?" I asked smiling back.

"On our date. Due to my overprotective family, we decided it would be best if I met him at his place so we are not in public. I had to sneak out of the house as i had to take bodyguards if i went out. I snuck out after dinner so nobody would check on me and it was easier to get out of the house surprisingly but yeah we talked the whole night and we both were honest and told each other everything and we both decided that our family background won't affect us and we started dating." She explained making me nod.

"I love secret relationship plots with a forbidden touch!" I grinned as she smiled.

"After eight months of us dating happily, everything came crashing down." She whispered sadly.

"What happened?" I asked holding her hands as she looked sad all of a sudden.

"Mom." She said looking at me with a sad smile.


What can Serena even do?

She is an absolute sweetheart.

"I-I...Serena? What did she do?"

"Instead of being understanding and supportive, she got mad. She stopped me from going out, increased my security and basically made me a prisoner in my own home. Lu...Luci went to New York to expand the business. Ivan had his own and Angelo and Lorenzo were too young to realize what was happening. " She said as her voice cracked.

Oh, my God.

I cannot believe this!

Serena is a fan of romance and anything related to Love. She cannot do this.

"What about Leo?" I asked not commenting on what she said.

"Dad belived Mom when she said i was going through a breakup and Dad gets awkward when it comes to this stuff so he didn't ask any further." She replied wiping her cheeks.

Leo and awkward?


"Do i blame my family for what happened with me? Yes. A part of me will always be upset with Luci And Ivan for going away, Angelo and Lorenzo for being in their own world, Dad for believing mom and Mom for just being herself. They were not there when i needed them." She looked at me as tears still left her eyes and all i could do was hold her while she told me what she wanted to.

"If you know anything about my Mom then you would know she keeps family as the top most priority. Was I not family then? Did my choice not matter?" She sobbed more making my eyes water.

"I'm so sorry for what you went through Mia. So sorry." I whispered hugging her as she sobbed.

"Im okay now. It doesn't matter anymore." She muttered wiping her cheeks and smiling.

"We will sort this out Mia. I promise you. I'll talk to everyone. Serena misses you. Everyone misses you. Don't worry, you will have your family back." I squeezed her hands in reassurance when she started laughing loudly.

"No. She wants war, I'll give her war." She looked ahead without blinking once.

"What?" I whispered unable to believe her.

"I am not going to ever forget what she did to me. Dont ever expect me to forgive her Valentina. She will attack soon as far as I know her. Why dont you relax till then?" She smirks standing up from the couch.

"Relax!? Are you out of your mind? This is not how problems are solved all the time Mia. War is so outdated anyway. For our own mental peace, why cant we just talk and stop this nonsense once and for all!?" I exclaimed getting up.

Both this mother and daughter duo needs therapy. No kidding. They need to talk the fuck out. They're hurting everyone else because of their personal issues.

"Some things cannot be solved with a simple talk Valentina. You need  explosions sometimes to make a point." She whispered putting one hand on my shoulder.

Yeah sure...explode us all. We will happily sacrifice ourselves for you both.

"No Mia..."

"Let it go Valentina. You can explore this place as you're not a prisoner. My staff will be there to get you whatever you need. See you at dinner." She concludes literally walking out of the office.

I need to find Luciano first so we can do something about this mess.

What the fuck is he even doing in the basement!?

Did he meet Mia?

There are still so many questions I need to ask her.

This is all so confusing.

Who should I even trust?


Hello loves!❤

Finally an update! Hope I complete this book soon as I want to start a new book.

Felt so good clicking the Publish button after six freaking months!😌😂

What do you think about this chapter?

Now we know Mia's side of story so who's side will you take? Mia or Serena?

Hope you're all doing well.🤗

Do vote and share your views in the comments!

Love you all!❤

