46. Hot and horny

I'm really sorry for such a late update. Please forgive me but I really needed this time as I was going through a bit of writer's block and family issues kept me busy which is no excuse ofc but I'll update regularly now.❤

Anyone from West Virginia? (I'm working on a new story and I need some info)

"Guys...this is getting more creepy now. Can't we just attack already!?" Nia sighed putting her head between her hands.

The old diner we are in gives a warm and peaceful vibe. We come here once a month mostly.

"Attack whom exactly? The text messages? The cameras? or the voice?" Luciano rolled his eyes and puts a forkful of spaghetti in his mouth.

That fork is so damn lucky!

And I'm so damn unlucky!

"Oh Cmon! You are a mafia lord! Aren't you supposed to find these things!?" Nia pointed her knife at him narrowing her eyes.

My eyes wonder on the others who are too busy shoving food inside their mouths to even comment or acknowledge what's happening.

Angelo and Lorenzo came too obviously and now all of us are sitting here silently while Luciano and Nia argue which is surprising really.

My friends never shut their mouth up but this time everyone is just sitting quietly having their dinner.

"Exactly! A Mafia lord, not God!" Luciano snapped slightly glaring at her.

"Guys please! Can we calm down now?! This is supposed to be a peaceful dinner. You both are spoiling it." Vanessa said breathing rapidly.

"I didn't say anything wrong!" Nia argued making me sigh tiredly.

Sometimes Nia's attitude makes everyone angry. I understand that she is stressed but so is everyone else and her constant arguing is not helping anyone at all and I don't like that.

She doesn't know when to stop speaking and I'm not really a patient person so if this continues I'm going to explode. That's my flaw. I can't control myself if I lose my patience.

Cody gives me an apologetic look making me slightly shake my head with a small smile.

"I think we should go. Did Angelo and Lorenzo took another car?" I whispered to Luciano besides me.

"Yeah. Let's go." He stood up holding his hand out for me.

"I'm going to stay with him tonight." I stated observing everyone's expression.

Vanessa and Nia smirked while Emma smiled. Cody and Eric shrugged not caring if I stay with him and lets just forget Angelo and Lorenzo who are grinning like fools.

Luca nodded looking at both of us and we walked out Luciano holding my hand.

"We need to go back to my place." I said putting the seatbelt on.

"What! Why?" He raised an eyebrow in question holding the steering wheel.

"Carol is going to pick Olivia up in an hour so I need to say bye." I grinned making him shake his head.

What!? I really love her and she lives a little away from our place and we don't get to see each other much so I have to.

"Alright. So are you going to race this weekend?" He asked glancing at me sideways.

"I don't know. I think I will but I'm not sure ." I shrugged and he nodded.

I want to just curl up inside a blanket and sleep for the entire weekend!


We walk inside his place after two hours finding Lorenzo and Angelo in the living room. Carol was an hour late and we talked for a few minutes when she came so it took us some time.

Everyone of our friends were back home too by the time Carol came.

"What? You guys left before us!" Angelo raised a brow.

"Yeah but I had to meet Carol. Olivia's mother." I smiled standing by the couch.

"Okay...so now?" Lorenzo grinned looking at me and Luciano.

"Now you both stop behaving like kids and get some work done." Luciano said in a firm voice walking towards the elevator.

"Its ten already!" Angelo complained.

"Doesn't matter. I need today's report in an hour." Luciano muttered signalling me to go with him.

"Alright. Have fun you both." I mocked them while they glared at me.

I entered the elevator with Luciano and he stood there leaning against one wall hands in his pockets while I stared at him.

"Are you always like this?" I asked raising a brow.

"Like what?" Came his reply still in the same position.

"Strict and demanding." I stated.


"Why?" I asked and he just shrugged as we reached his floor.

I let it go and entered inside feeling warm as the lights were also dimmed and that amazing view from his balcony was visible as curtains were drawn open.

Everything was perfectly placed just like last time. I love his soft white couch in the middle of the room directly facing the balcony.

He entered his room so I follow him having nothing better to do anymore.

"So how are you going to entertain me tonight Peasant?" I grinned plopping down on his bed.

"By teaching you how to shoot. Now Change." He rolled his eyes walking inside the closet making me groan in annoyance.

Are his hormones working properly?!

"Really!? You have a chance to fuck me tonight and you're going to teach me how to freaking shoot!?" I walked in behind him in disbelief.

He took off his shirt and looked at me in amusement making me glare at him.

"Yes love." He replied, his eyes showing that he is enjoying this a little too much.

"Why!?" I folded my arms and stared at him.

"The sooner you learn the better." He said and removed his pants right in front of me staring straight into my eyes.

Is he teasing me by stripping in front of me.


"Fuck you!" I muttered diverting my eyes away from his body and stomped out of the closet hearing his loud laugh.

"Change into something comfortable love." I hear him yell and I can literally feel his amusement.


I changed into an oversized T-shirt which completely covered  my underwear and removed my bra.

He said comfortable and this is my comfortable.

Hearing him open the closet door, I turned towards the door watching him come back inside the room wearing a black shirt and sweatpants.

Why is he so hot and why am I so horny!?

"Ready?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me from head to toe.

"Yep." I said moving towards him and stood in front of him.

"You look beautiful." He kissed me pulling me by my waist.

"And yet here you're making me learn how to shoot!" I sighed rolling my eyes making him chuckle.

"Its for your safety love. Trust me all I want to do is push you against that wall and fuck you senseless but right now that's not the number one priority. Your safety is." He whispered and wrapped his arms around me while I closed my eyes savoring the moment as much as I can.

"We'll be fine, Right?" I whispered back wrapping my arms around his neck.

"We'll be fine no matter what." He said firmly kissing my forehead as we broke the hug.

"Let's go." He said pulling me out of his room and down to the basement.

We enter the other section of the basement which we didn't check out the night I came here.

"Woah." I look around in surprise as around ten men were practicing there and they looked quite young actually.

"We train our men here if not outside. Wait here and I'll ask everyone to leave us alone." Luciano said.

"Wait...Why are you making them leave? Let them practice. I just need one spot anyway." I said making him shake his head.

"You...are not wearing anything except this shirt." He stated staring at my chest.

"You didn't say anything upstairs." I pointed out staring at him.

"I can't tell you to change or wear more clothes but as their boss, I can tell them to leave." He shrugged making me smile as he left.

Its not like I would've listened I he asked me to change anyway but this feels good too.

I see his men leaving the area so I move towards where Luciano is doing something to a gun.

I really don't know anything about shooting at all. I'm a good fighter but shooting is something that scares me.

Like what if I accidentally shoot one of our own teammate? That scares me a lot.

"Ready?" Luciano asked looking at me.

"Its not like I have another option anyway." I muttered standing beside him.

Let's see who I shoot.

Accidentally of course.


Hello loves❤

How are you all?

What do you think about the chapter?

How do you think she will do?

Vote. Comment. Share.

Love ya❤

