23. Past and memories

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This is a serious chapter. I hope you guys enjoy.🖤


"So he knew it already?" Vanessa asked sipping her coffee.

"Yep." I said sighing.

We are currently sitting in the garden just talking. Its evening already and we haven't done anything exciting at all today.

"There is this party tomorrow at the beach. Do you guys wanna go there?" Cody asked looking at us.

"Obviously yes!" Nia yelled jumping out of her chair and kissing Cody on the cheek.

Yeah they can be loving brother and sister sometimes.

"Guys." I said making them groan with my tone of voice.

"Its just that I haven't told Luciano everything about Dante and I want to be the one who tells him so by mistake please don't spill anything out in front of him." I explained and they nodded in understanding.

We all get up and walk inside where I see all the Moretti brothers sitting together in the sitting area.

"Ivy!" I call loudly grinning and Ivan groaned covering his face with his hands.

"Someone please take her away from me." Ivan groaned glaring at me.

"Really? Ivy?" Luciano chuckled and I nodded.

"I'll sleep guys. I can't stay awake this late Night!" I waved and kissed Luciano on the cheek while his brothers looked shocked as fuck.

Looks like they don't know about my stalking his brother and claiming him.

"I'll come with you." Luciano said walking with me.

"I'll take a shower. You can do whatever." I said as well walked inside my room.

After shower I wore a short shorts and a tank top. I dont really like to sleep in full clothes. I need minimal clothing for comfortable sleep.

I walk out and find Luciano on his phone typing fast.

"You didn't tell me your side of story." I stated sitting on my bed and he puts his phone aside.

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

"About Mia. We became really close in those two weeks but I don't know your relationship with Dante. Why was Mia there?" I asked and he sighed.

"Mia was in love with Dante." He replied and my eyes widened but he continued.

"Dante was a close friend of the family just like Luca and he was a good man but his father betrayed us and joined our enemy for more power. This affected him a lot and he started thinking that we didn't trust him, too so one day he just left but not alone. Mia ran away with him." He explained leaving me speechless.

Mia ran away?!

But then what was she doing in that cell with me?

"We tried to track them down and everything we could but then one day she called saying not to look for her and that she is happy. Dad didnt believe a single word and we tried to look more when Dad was shot and they took him where you were." He said and I nodded.

This makes sense. Mia never stayed in the cell much. She told me that she was kidnapped but she would just come to meet me in the cell but she was never kept in a cell. She was free.

"So she ran away willingly? But I don't understand. I saw everything clearly Luciano. When there were shots flying everywhere Mia was shot and I was waiting for Leo and her outside as we had decided. And now he is saying that she is alive." I rambled confused.

He tensed when I said shot and I feel so stupid. I don't know when to speak what.

"You know we were in contact with her for six months after she ran away and we tried so hard to make her come back home but she didnt listen." He said lowly looking down.

"Its okay Luciano. Not everything is in your hands. And do you know who were those people that attacked?" I asked and he nodded.

"The Russian Mafia." He muttered clenching his jaw.

"Look..Never talk about Mia in front of Mom. I'm sure you must've noticed that no one talks about her in this house. Dad hasn't told Mom about this thing yet. He told her that you're his friend's children." He explained.

"Why is that?" I asked confused.

"Mom was really close to Mia but when she ran away she didn't try to even stay in contact with us you know? So mom felt betrayed and hurt and she didn't come out of her room for a month. She didn't eat properly or sleep and went into depression. So nobody talks about her in front of Mom." He explained and I nodded in understanding.

I cant even imagine what Serena went through. Her only daughter left without saying anything.

I still dont judge Mia though. She must have been sixteen probably when she ran away as she is my age and she was in love though it does not excuse what she unknowingly did to her family.

"I'm sorry for everything." I whispered hugging him tightly.

"She was our little sister Valentina. She was everyone's favorite. It still gives me chills when I think about the time when Dad came back and said that she was no more. Everyone was devastated so my parents came here to Hawaii because this is Mia's favorite place." He said hugging me back.

"We will find her Luciano." I whispered looking into his eyes.

"She does not want to be found." He whispered back and I sighed.

"Dante always treated me like a queen. " I whispered remembering everything.

"He was a good man. I don't know what happened to him that he kidnapped me and then that shooting too." I said and he nodded.

"Were you two togehter?" He asked with clenched jaw.

"No. I couldn't do that to Vanessa. She really liked him." I whispered stroking his hand.

"Then what was your relationship with him was like?" He asked raising an eyebrow and I tensed for a moment.

I don't know what to say to that.

"I..he was a very close friend." I whispered not really knowing how to explain to him.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that sweetheart." He whispered kissing the back of my hand.

"You're going?" I asked as he stood up.

" I have a meeting with my men. Luca is taking reports right now. I need to approve them." He explained.

"At eleven in the night?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. I need the whole day's report and this is the perfect time." He said smirking.

"Fine." I said and he walked out after kissing my forehead like he always does.

Just kiss my lips already!

I laid down on the bed and switched off the lights thinking about everything.

My phone went off suddenly making me jump in surprise.

"Hello?" I said as it was an unknown number.

"Tina." The voice whispered making my body go rigid and my breathing quickened.

His voice is enough to bring back all the memories we had.

Good and bad.

Some painful.


Hello lovelies!🖤

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