The Plans of Azulla

(The earth kings palace).

Azulla sat in teh throne that belonged to the earth king and was currently deep in thought.

She had just witnessed first hand the power of the empire and she knew that if the empire wanted to they could have taken ba sing se. She was furious as well because war minister qin had failed them his massive drill was now destroyed and they had no way of breaking into ba sing se unless they used iroh's old tactics. 

She was so deep in thought she never heard mai or ty lee enter the room.

"Azulla what's wrong." Ty lee asks concern in her voice.

"Oh nothing I was just considering the war situation and our current plans."

"Yeah hopefully these Dai li agents are as corrupt as they seem cause if they are we can turn them we already know that." Mai says with a bored expression.

"I don't mean the Dai li I mean our plans to defeat the empire. As you both know the attack they launched on Gaoling a few weeks ago seriously damaged our eastern army forces and their navy seriously outclasses ours and our only fleet left is the eastern fleet and we only have two intact army groups. The western and home defense army."

Both mai and ty lee could see that the empire was a serious concern for Azulla.

"So you believe we can't defeat them in battle Azulla."

"That is correct Mai."

"then what should we do then."

"First we will use the dai li and get Zuko back on our side. Then we will defeat the avatar.

Finally we will go to Shou-long and negotiate with the empire."

Shortly after this discussion Azulla and her colleagues went to bed and long Feng made a deal with her.

Using the Dai li Azulla managed to defeat the avatar and he was nearly killed. However he managed to escape. 

Ozai then ordered for his army to advance but Azulla could now see a dangerous situation being formed. They were to spread out and if the empire launched a sustained attack they would lose the war.

(Sky over Shou long).

"Is he alright." Sokka asks worry evident in his voice.

"Well he's breathing at least so that's a good thing but he needs more medical treatment."

They had taken aang to where Hakoda was and he told them that they should go to Shou-long and ask for the empire's assistance despite Katara's reluctance they group agreed to go to Shou-long.

They were still flying when suddenly 3 flying men came up to them.

"What are you kids doing here." one of them asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Please our friend needs medical treatment." Katara pleaded.

"I see. follow us." The soldier says as he turns to one of his comrades." Corporal contact Base and inform them to get a medical team ready."

'Yes sir."

AN: Well everyone lets give aang a big imperial welcome.

Inspirational quote: Mercy is a curtsey we should never forget simply remember the Christmas truce of 1914 for a brilliant example of mercy at it's finest.
