A Push For Shou-Long

(ba sing se) 

in the impenetrable city a storm was raging it was long Feng he was livid with the failures of the earth kingdoms military against the empire.

"i don't care about your concerns general daizo you will gather your men and launch an attack against Shou-long hill at once and reclaim all our lost lands".

"but grand secretariat surely you can't ignore the enemy's power they took over Shou-long hill and it surrounding areas rather quickly and we were powerless to stop them  what hope do we have a direct offensive against that kind of power".

"General let me remind you that we have held off the fire nation for almost 100 years and we have beat them time and time again this new power is nothing more then another type of fire nation power and you will defeat them with your indomitable spirit of your soldiers".

"Of course long Feng how many men shall I take". 

"you will take 120'000 men also if you can try to take their commanding officer alive am I understood". 

"Yes sir".

After the general departed the room he left long Feng to stare out the window in his office. 

"we have to reclaim those lands quickly before teh earth king learns more about this issue and I risk losing everything". 

(at the village of xaulon). in the mayors office 2 weeks later 

"your certain that this is accurate"?

"yes Mr. mayor my brother who lives in ba sing se told me they had amassed an army that was headed for Shou-long hill probably to attempt to kick the  empire out". 

"that is disappointing an army of that scale may force the empire to leave". he says solemnly looking down at the now clean streets." they have helped us out so much I don't know how we could ever repay them or live without them".

"i guess we just should hope they can beat teh earth kingdom again right sir".

"indeed mu-sheng let us hope so".

(at malyn house hold). 

"do the magic again please aunt Viktoryia ". lu-Sen begged with puppy dog eyes 

looking at the young boys eyes Viktoryia couldn't help but laugh. she had been staying at xaulon village for the 2 months since liberating it Rommel and most of the tanks had returned to base but Viktoryia and 3'000 men stayed to guard the village and she enjoyed every minute of it.

"sure lu-Sen" Viktoryia says while using her magic to make the young boy levitate.

"ever since you came to the village our live shave improved greatly and you have my eternal gratitude Viktoryia for what you and the empire have done for both my family and this village".  

"your welcome malyn I'm glad we could help you and this village form its sufferings and I've had a great time here with your children and fellow village inhabitants".

as Viktoryia was visiting with the family a young soldier came into the house waving a letter for Viktoryia. 

"what's this corporal". Viktoryia says taking the letter and reading it. 

noticing the look on Viktoryia's face the family immediately became concerned. " what's wrong Viktoryia". malyn asked clearly concerned.

after a long pause " my men and I have been ordered to return to Shou-long apparently a earth kingdom army is headed there to reclaim it I'm sorry but i must return to defend it from them".

"no aunt Viktoryia don't go" lu- Sen says bawling and grabbing Viktoryia's leg 

after getting the boy off her she knelt down to his level and took his hands in hers" lu Sen I need you to protect this village form teh bad men and make it safe for when we come back can you do that please for me".

after wiping his tears he put a determined smile on his face and responded" yes auntie it will be safe when you return". giving her his best attempt at a salute 

"that's the way buddy". Viktoryia says getting up and ruffling the boys hair.

"be safe Viktoryia i hope we see you again".  malyn says with tears forming

"don't worry malyn I'll be back and i will bring something special back for the kids"

after some more heartfelt goodbyes Viktoryia stepped out of the little house and began to walk to her command car only to shocked when she saw 100 of the village civilians near her car all in military formation.

"what's all this". Viktoryia asks confused .

"colonel sereberyakov we are reporting for duty please let us go with you to defend Shou-long i know we are earth benders but we want to defend the empire our fatherland too".

Viktoryia is about to protest but her aid stops her. 

"mam if they come with you we can leave more men here at the village to ensure its safety" .

seeing the looks of determination in the earth benders eyes Viktoryia accepted and ordered them to follow her as they and 2000 imperial soldiers drove back to ensure Shou-long did not fall.

(Tanya's HQ) 8 days later 

"And those are the last of the defensive formations  mam all towns and surrounding villages are garrisoned and ready for the attack mam ".

"Very good general lauzen ensure that reinforcements are sent from the capital also where did we put LT colonel sereberyakov's forces"?

"here mam right on the front lines since it contained volunteer earth benders high command didn't fully trust them".

"understandable however make sure that those tank battalions arrive to reinforce her am i understood". 

"yes mam". 

"Good you all know your orders now go prepare to meet the enemy in battle again united the empire won the war and we shall win this battle they can fling hundreds of boulders at us we will not retreat in the face of their onslaught they kill one of us 10 more of them shall fall in his place go ensure ultimate victory. GLORY TO THE FATHER LAND AND KAISER 


(on the battle field sereberyakov base)

" cant believe how many of them there are they are just like the federation they don't even care about their people all they acre about is crushing their enemy's with overwhelming force".

"federation I'm afraid I don't know what you mean colonel". an earth bender questions?

"don't worry about it what's the status of our forces". 

"holding in our sector for now but we are being constantly pummeled by boulders galore fortunately our tank reinforcements have arrived".

"hold on does the enemy have any tanks of their own".

"no mam" 

"good order our tanks forward and have the artillery offer cover fire while they charge understood ". 

"Yes mam".

on the front lines as Viktoryia's messenger arrived the front line major offered what words of inspiration he could. 

"men I know the enemy may seem scary with their power over the elements but look at it this way we have guns and the courage of the imperial army flows through us all they think we are broken I say we show them what it means to oppose the fatherland whos with me I say charge"


Viktoryia's flank was not the only contested zone much of this battle had favored the earth kingdom early on but despite their tactics taking the imperial army by surprise initially they eventually learned and by now the earth kingdoms numbers were dwindling.

(earth kingdom base).


"I'm sorry sir but we are failing to beat them back and are constantly losing ground to them as well as taking thousands of casualties".

"we haven't secured one objective sir I urge we retreat now 2 divisions have already surrendered if we don't flee now we will lose the entire army". 

the general was quiet for a few minutes until he gave an order that many of the officers felt would doom them. 

"order an all out charge we will succeed or die trying".

after the order was given on all flanks the earth kingdom soldiers began to drop like flies in many instances the empires soldiers simply meet their spears and swords with tanks guns and bayonets. The mages were also bombarding them from teh skies severely damaging the weakened earth kingdom army. After only 3 days of fighting the earth kingdom had lost 80'000  men and 20'000 captured with only 20'000 escaping. 

(imperial Shou-long hill)

4 days after the battle Tanya gathered all teh soldiers and officers.

"men I wanted to thank you all for your contributions to the empire and I  would like to thank the earth benders who also fought by our side and helped us defeat the invaders I  say this you all should be proud. However after much consideration High command has given the order we are to advance in all directions to liberate the earth kingdom from not just the earth king but also the fire nation. we will bring the saving power and grace to the people of this world and we will build them up to heights they never thought possible now go forth for the fatherland save this world". 

(fire nation palace). 

"unfortunately the north sea fleet was unable to find the 5th fleet fire lord ozai I'm afraid we know nothing about their sudden disappearance".

"it was probably water benders I told you sir they were dangerous please let me take my men and wipe them out". 

"are you an idiot admiral voxel what part of no idea how we lost teh fleet did you not understand".

"i understood enough to know you are a weakling intelligence minister beng ". 

before a fight could break out a messenger ran into the war room bowing.

"please esteemed leaders of teh fire nation i bring news apparently that new nation the empire destroyed an earth kingdom army of 120'000 after the earth kingdom tried to regain their lands teh empire had taken". 

"excellent now i can press our offensive in the earth kingdom and secure a victory over them".

Before he could continue the fire lord stood up.

"No if we over extend our force too much we will surely lose this war i command that all naval force be pulled back to closer ports at once as well and no attacks on teh earth kingdom unless you are certain the empire is not in the region your advancing in".


after the meeting in his chambers fire lord ozai feared for the first time that they could lose the war for once and not only that but be conquered by some foreign power for once in his life he wished he could make an alliance or peace with the empire but cursed Azulla for it as she had already severed that route. He now feared where the empires flag would fly next 

AUTHORS NOTES: hope you all liked this also there will be an update to hydra soon anyways have a great day also i own nothing all rights belong to the creators an owners of saga of Tanya the evil and avatar the last air bender 
