A Backup Plan

(BA sing se inner ring).

The earth kings party had been a bust. The dai li had stopped them and they were now being watched.

Sokka was currently thinking about the empire's attack on ba sing se and he still could not get the image of those machines out of his head.

"Guys we need to start looking for Appa." Aang says after another 20 minutes of silence.

"I agree Twinkle toes but you realize we are being watched right." Toph says never once sitting up.

"Besides we need to keep planning the invasion."

'Sokka shouldn't we do that with the earth king." Katara says looking over at him.

"Yes I agree but I don't think we should ignore the situation that may raise."

"What do you mean sokka." Aang asks looking confused.

"I mean look at it this way. The empire attacked ba sing se and had we not been here we would have lost. I can only guess how many battles the Earth kingdom has actually lost."

The group went quiet after sokka's words. They all knew that trying to beat the fire nation armies and the empire's armies could not be an easy task.

"The earth kingdom has teh largest army in teh world their number should easily allow them to launch an attack against the fire nation."

"Maybe however they seriously lack a technological edge though. Remember the general on the wall mentioned a battle in a place called Shou-long which they lost badly. I can only guess that the empire most likely controls the southern earth kingdom."

"It doesn't matter we need to restore the balance of the world so even if we have to defeat the empire then so be it."

Sokka looked shocked with katara's statement.

"I don't think we can beat them remember those flying men the empire used to attack the walls and those other weapons they had were far more advanced then anything the earth kingdom or the fire nation has. So even if our invasion works and it beats the fire nation we still have no advantage over the empire." 

"Sokka is right katara I don't want people to die in some senseless attack against a nation who can possibly be reasoned with."

"What do you mean Aang."

"Think about it they helped us get out of the desert and defended the north pole. So they cannot be as bad as the fire nation."

'I agree with twinkle toes."

"Then it's settled then we will warn the earth king about the invasion and then we will worry about the empire."

Secretly sokka hoped they could possibly convince the empire to assist them with the invasion. Cause with their weapons sokka believed that there was no way the fire nation would win.

AN: I know this chapter was short just be warned so will the next chapter there won't be much in terms of plot progression for a few more chapters.

Inspirational quote: Peace and love are more precious then any wealth.
