Little Green Eyed Happiness

Jimin's interview with Aeri flowed by quicker than normal, having been on the latter's show countless times, the actress had become familiar with the routine, making the entire process smoother without the need for any additional retakes between shots.

She had known Aeri since the early days of her acting career, even before attaining widespread fame. The two women, close in age and sharing an understanding of each other's challenges in the industry, had forged a strong bond.

To this day, Jimin still considers Uchinaga Aeri as a close friend of hers if not the closest friend she currently has.

She's had many frequencies with countless celebrities, however, Aeri and Jimin were one of the few that had grown closer than surface level...

Perhaps it's because the two are from a very similar background... rendering an subconscious attraction to each other's company.

However, despite coming from a similar circumstance... the two women diverged quite differently in their career, with Jimin known as a diva and Aeri being more of the comedian type. With differing schedules that comes with fame as well as the need to hide from the public, one would never typically see one or the other interacting much in person outside of the Uchinaga show.

Nevertheless, you can still catch the two having a conversation when they are in fact face to face

Hence the ease of the interview.

So with filming wrapped up sooner than anticipated, the entire staff was ushered into the breakroom, where a spread of snacks and afternoon tea awaited them.

This included managers, security and drivers.

Now, normally, Yu Jimin, when presented the options of her favourite snacks consisting of fruit jellies, pringles and sodas, the latter typically never passes it by, considering those food items to be the most elite of the elite.

She could never say no to those very snacks, not even when she was placed on restrictive diets by her company in preparation for her acting roles. (Which by the way is still going on as Jimin had been invited to more and more interviews post filming her movie)

But right now...

Standing behind the snack bar.

Eyeing two people in particular from a distance.

Jimin for some reason can't seem to stomach a single piece of item on the table.

Because you see...

On the other side of the breakroom from Jimin, was a particular blonde standing next to a taller man, smiling and laughing as their discussion had reached it's peaking point.

Minjeong was having an intense discussion with Un Jae about why she believed Cinnamon Toast Crunch was the best cereal to ever grace the planet, while the taller man, in a disputatious attempt, argued for the superiority of Fruit Loops:

"They don't even have different flavours, it's legit just food colouring" Minjeong uttered the sentence with a mixture of incredulity and amusement

"Okay, well neither does your cereal, it just taste like cinnamon."

"That's the best part" The blonde had her mouth open, wanting to add to her point when she suddenly felt a sharp zap on the back of her neck "Ah" her breath hitched as she quickly touched the back of her nape, soothing it from the sudden sensation.

"What's wrong?" Jae's eyebrows furrowed instantly as he moved closer to the woman, concern evident all over his expression.

"Nothing" Minjeong continued to sooth her back neck "must just be static shock- AH" That one hurt more, making the woman taking a step back from Jae... as she tried to recover from... whatever was going on.

But now, having a bit more distance between herself and the handsome man, the pain seemed to have subsided...

But Minjeong was confused; she usually never just gets random spasms like this, it was as if a wave of electricity had been aimed and purposely struck at her every time she spoke...

How obscure...

Seriously it feels like someone's boring holes into me with their eyes or something...





"Wow it feels like you're boring holes into her with your eyes or something"

"Huh!?" Jimin whips her head to the side... only to be greeted by a grinning Uchinaga Aeri leaning against a wall with her arms folded in amusement. "Aeri? How long have you been standing there?" She messaged the side of her neck, the sudden turn of her head having caused her minor whiplash.

"Long enough to see electricity leaving your eyes with that scary look of yours. If I didn't know any better I would be scared for blondie's life over there" With her head, Aeri nudges towards the direction of the unsuspecting blonde who had her back turned towards them and was still engaging in conversation, although this time she wasn't located so closely to the man any longer. "That's your manager right? She's a cute one.. ooo and who's that hottie?"

"What hottie?" rolling her eyes, Jimin finally picked up a pringle from the snacking section. Her appetite returning now that she saw what she wanted.

"I know you're not blind Jimin, there is clearly a tall handsome man standing over there who seems to really want the attention of your little manager."

Aeri's shoulder jolted at a sudden violent pulling motion the actress had used to open the peel from the pringle container, which resulted in quite a loud unsatiable noise.

"He's not a person of interest, Aeri," the woman's words were as cold as her gaze. "Just another man who got a hold of daddy's money and now he's using it to flaunt his made-up wealth materially as much as he can. Honestly, I find the entire act alone pathetic." She munched quite aggressively on a single Pringle, but still handled the action with class.

"Well, it doesn't change the fact that he has a nice face... I'm sure blondie there doesn't mind either"

Slamming the half finished pringle can down back onto the table, with pieces of chips now broken from the impact, Jimin picks up a can of soda on the side.

"Jesus Jimin" Aeri breathed out, hand holding onto her chest from the shock. "Your attitude is going to give someone a heart attack one day"

"Minjeong is clearly slacking off right now, spending time talking to a mere driver instead of doing her job. Forgive me if my mood is foul because no staff around me can do their jobs right." She opened the can and began drinking it... concerningly quickly with big gulps in between.

"Really? What has she done so far that hasn't been her Job"

"Well for one she's wasting time talking instead of managing".

"Managing?" Aeri had to hold back a chuckle "Jimin, we're all on break right now after a successful session, she has every right to mingle with the crowd if chooses to."

"Her job description requires management at all hours when she is on shift, afternoon tea being provided makes no difference to that"

"Right and what would you possibly want her to do right now exactly.. since she should be catering to you 24/7"

"She should stand here, beside me, not talk to anyone else, and wait for my orders when I need something... God, it annoys me that she can't seem to get that part straight... you'd imagine having worked here for as long as she has, she wouldn't make such mistakes."

"Orrrr have you considered..." Aeri looks away from the duo ahead and stares back at her long time friend amidst drinking her can of coke, with a knowing look. "You're jealous"

Jimin chokes on her drink then, causing her to cough and clear her throat desperately. "I am what!?"

"Jealous Jimin. Jealous that some dude had caught the attention of your blonde cutie" Aeri clarifies "J e a l o u s. Jealous" she empathised each syllable.

"I know how to spell Aeri!" The girl growls back, grabbing a napkin to clean up the mess made on her face. "And No. I am not jealous."

"yes you are."

"No, I AM NOT!" Her voice resonated so loudly that it caused everyone else within the vicinity to fall silent, with all eyes turning towards her.

Her face morphed from anger to realization as a sense of embarrassment washed over her. Feeling hyper-sensitive from the sudden number of gazes, the actress grunted irritably before powerwalking away.

"Wait, Jimin," Aeri hurriedly tried to catch up to the actress, who was walking so fast that she had already reached the hallway. "Stop! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay?" Her quick plea earned her a brief pause in Jimin's footsteps, prompting her to continue. "Look, I didn't mean to make fun of you or upset you. That wasn't my intention."

"Well nice going on that one-"

"No Jimin seriously, I just felt happy for you alright- I MEAN IT" Aeri had to pull onto Jimin's wrist so the latter couldn't continue to walk away from her.

"Why would you feel happy for me? Nothing's changed. I'm still the same"

"No, you're not. I don't know what happened in the last couple of months, but ever since you got that new manager of yours, you did change, Jimin. I mean, look at you. You didn't scream at one staff of mine today... not one! Clearly, she's been influencing you in more ways than one. And as your friend, can I not be happy for you that you have someone in your life who clearly has your best interest at heart? If I didn't see it in the way she had managed you today, I can see it in your eyes. And your actions.... obviously.."

"You can feel happy for me, but that doesn't give you the right to verbally accuse me of something I am not," she jerked her wrist away from Aeri's grasp, folded her arms, and looked towards the side at nothing in particular.

"Accuse you? Jimin, be real with me right now," the other woman sighed. "Even a blind person could tell. If they can't see you blatantly glaring at her talking to another man, they could sure as hell feel the knives you were trying to stab at her with those piercing eyes of yours. You clearly like her, just be honest with me on this part."


"I'm not talking to you" Turning around, the actress was about to continue to walk.

"Jimin!" Aeri yelled in a final attempt to get through to Jimin "You know you still deserve to be happy right? I get it, trust me I do, I've been through the same as you after all.. but I found it in myself to let go and move on... my life's been more fulfilling since I did.. it was the best decision I ever made in my life and I only want that for you too!"

Aeri's voice echoed in the corridor, a desperate plea carrying the weight of her concern for Jimin. She had raised her tone, hoping to break through the walls Jimin had erected around herself. The actress stood there, her back turned to Aeri, as if trying to distance herself from the intensity of the conversation.

Those words echoed in Jimin's ears, causing an uncomfortable tightness in her throat. A rush of unpleasant memories surged through her, each one a painful reminder of past events she would have preferred to forget. Tensions crawled through her body, and the weight of those memories threatened to engulf her present moment. They were something she really wished she had forgotten already...


"Things weren't fair, they weren't fair on you at all, trust me I understand more than anything" The woman continued, despite Jimin's obvious rejection "but that doesn't mean you have to keep pushing people away, what happened once doesn't need to repeat... Minjeong seems like proof of that.. why deny someone that you clearly feel a connection wi-"

"I SAID DON'T!" Jimin's voice boomed as she turned around to face Aeri. Her eyes were stern with a piercing gaze, and her jaw was clenched so tightly that Aeri could make out the trembles around her jawline area. "Uchinaga, don't you try to bring that crap up with me again. DO you hear me!?"




"Jimin!" Both women's eyes swivelled towards an approaching blonde woman jogging toward them, her eyes filled with worry. "There you are!" She stopped right in front of the taller. "I was worried sick... you just stormed off like that." Minjeong's words trailed off upon realizing the presence of Aeri. "Oh, I'm sorry." She bowed apologetically. "Was I interrupting something?"

"No, not at all," Aeri responded, waving off the apology. She walked off, passing Jimin, but not before giving her a longing, meaningful glance to which the latter did not reciprocate.

Alone now, Minjeong was the first to break the silence.

"Are you alright..? I saw what happened just then.. is everything ok?"



Minjeong was really sick of hearing such terms that only served as means to mask the truth.

"Look Jimin... I know you've been incredibly busy lately, even with filming over," Minjeong said, gently holding onto the taller woman's hand and offering a small, reassuring smile. "If anything is bothering you, I want you to know that you can always talk to me about anything. This is a judgment-free zone." She gestured with her free arm in a circular motion to emphasize her statement in large.

Watching the blonde in front of her, with such sincerity in her eyes and a determination to lift her spirits, Jimin felt her resolve beginning to crumble. The younger woman's touch felt soft in her hands, and its warmth was undeniably energizing.

In that moment, Uchinaga's words began spiralling in her head, nagging at her in an unrelenting manner. However, what soon followed were the dark shadows of her past... always there... shunning her.

"There's nothing." She waved off Minjeong's hold. "I would like to go home now." Not giving the blonde a single glance, she began walking off without another word. The shorter woman stood there, a mix of confusion striking at her heart and a small twinge of hurt from the rejection. She knew she had to shake off the feeling before it could take root.

But here's the thing...

Jimin had lied

The woman actually had a lot to say...

But she was scared

So scared of what would come from bringing those words to light...

she couldn't fathom where to start...

So Jimin did what she had always done best...

going back to the one place she always runs back to.

she...resorted back to ignoring the feeling.

Trying her best to forget everything.

Don't feel... conceal... don't even think about it.

Ignore it.

It's what's always worked for her... it's what she plans to always continue to do.

Striding ahead, Jimin's one hope is that within the next couple of days, things will return to normal. No more Un Jae, no more surprise staff—just a return to the routine she's used to, free from the discomfort that's settled in her chest.

Yet, battling against the suffocating sensation, Jimin seriously doubts that her week could get any worse than this.


Things have gotten worse for Jimin.

And it's not solely due to what transpired between her and Aeri, nor is it the fact that Jimin, over the past few days, attempted to file a complaint to the CEO multiple times about a certain driver that had disgustingly entered her life, only to be rudely ignored under the pretext of his busy schedule.

While these events haven't improved her situation, they aren't the turning point.

No because the actual reason is precisely due to the fact...

that Minejong and Jae had seemingly gotten closer in the next three days after the incident with Aeri.

Three days.

Jimin had to watch the progression throughout three whole freaking days...

And not even her profession in acting was going to allow her to fake her raging emotions any longer


Day one:

"Minjeong!" Jae beamed the moment he noticed the blonde taking the front seat of his car. He paid little attention to the actress in the back seat, whom he was meant to attend to, he was oblivious to the intense glares directed at him. "Look what I've got!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm, holding up an item he had obviously been waiting to show to Minjeong for some time.

"Cinnamon toast chips, no way, how'd you even get your hands on that!?" Minjeong squealed like a little child who just received candy for the first time.

"I have my ways" Jae slicks his hair back cooly as he put on a handsome smile. "I couldn't forget the convincing argument you made about the brand, so when I saw it, I just had to get it for you- well" he had to stop and correct himself "For you guys of course" gesturing and awkwardling chuckling towards Jimin, who just rolled her eyes and brought something more exciting to look at instead; her phone.

"Oh my god" Minjeong was hardly listening, hands too busy fiddling with the packaging, trying to get it open. She immediately plopped one in her mouth the moment she successfully ripped it an entrance. "It's amazingggg" She sighed into every chew, allowing the strong cinnamon flavour to take over her taste buds...

"Well I'm glad you like it-"

"Jimin!" Still not hearing what Jae had to say, the blonde swiftly turns around to a rather surprised actress behind her, extending the bag towards her "It's good, try one!"

The taller looked at the bag and then looked back up at Minjeong... The blonde's smile had a certain influence on her, even though she would never admit it. Lately, that look of Minjeong's had become an image that frequented her dreams.

But she digresses... never truly finding it in herself to explore what that could mean further.

"You know I'm on a restricted diet now, Minjeong," she said, her tone void of emotion. She then continued to play on her phone, attempting to distract herself or at least divert her attention from the realization that those snacks weren't that hard to come by. She had seen them online all the time, and in fact, she was searching it up right now; it was readily available for purchase.

She doesn't get why Minjeong had to act all impressed towards a guy who literally went ordered those good for nothing snacks over the internet.

It was same day delivery too.

"Oh," the blonde's smile waned slightly, the allure of cinnamon no longer as appealing. "That's right..." She turned back around, uncertain if she still wanted another bite now that she knew about Jimin's diet.

She really doesn't need to go on a diet at all though...

Minjeong already thought the woman was perfect... why would someone who's already reach the pinnacle of the human physique need to make any further modifications?

The idea was just absurd to Minjeong...

And also...

What was she going to do with the snacks now?

"Oh! Jae, would you like one then? It feels impolite for me to eat them all when you're the one who went through the trouble of finding them," Minjeong offered.

"Yes, please," the man's excitement was palpable in his voice the moment the blonde had offered, an idea popping into his head immediately. "But I'm driving, and I can't use my hands right now. Do you mind feeding me instead?"

"Yeah, sure." Minjeong was just about to reach into the packet to grab a chip to feed Jae when the whole bag was snatched away so fast she nearly thought she had imagined it. "What? Jimin...?"

"Actually," the actress quickly plopped back down on her seat, holding the entire bag of cinnamon toast crunch chips. "I changed my mind. I would like these chips." She looked at the driver in front of her with an expression Minjeong couldn't quite comprehend. All she knew was that she didn't want to be the reason for that look at all.

"All of these chips"

The packet crumpled in her hands, as she proceeded to eat them, not allowing Jae or Minjeong to tap into the snacks any longer.


Day two:

"Is the temperature alright for you?" Jae asked, adjusting the AC the moment he saw Minjeong take a seat next to him. "The weather's getting warmer, after all."

"Oh no no," the blonde tried to humbly wave off his hospitality. "Jimin? How about you? Are you feeling alright?" She glanced at Jimin with a slight concern, noting her previous discomfort with sudden temperature changes..

"No" Jimin responds rather dully from the backseat, her eyes gloomier than usual. "It's hot, turn up the aircon.

"Oh right-" Jae finally turned and nodded to Jimin for the first time today before adjusting the AC. The actress did not miss the way the driver did not ask for her opinion on the rising heat at all, nor did she suspect he even cared if her manager hadn't asked..

God she really hates this guy.

"Are you sure?" The blonde was eyeing the actress with furrowed eyebrows, "I wouldn't want you to get sick or anything..." Her eyes lingering on Jimin curiously... causing the taller to feel slightly self-conscious under Minjeong's gaze...

"Oh come on, I can see a droplet of sweat trickling down here" Jae responds instead, pointing towards Minjeong's temple... perhaps a bit too closely cause his finger's brushed against the blonde's skin.

It was an accident... but Jimin had a feeling it was more planned on Un Jae's behalf than anything.

"Drive. NOW" She couldn't help but snap at the two unsuspecting victims in front, causing them to jolt on their spots.

The engine fired up immediately and the car finally left Jimin's driveway.

I can't wait to get you fired

The actress thought to herself with a dry throat. Eyes glued to her phone screen, anticipating a notification that was long overdue.

She had message Jun-woo since day one of her little encounter with Jae... and the CEO at his finest nature, still did not respond to her countless messages or calls.

He's a busy man.

But Jimin knew he wouldn't typically leave her on read if he hadn't expected such a reaction.

Which honestly just pissed her off further.

"whatever" mumbling to herself, she places the device down and leans her head against the back rest. She needed to get her nerves in check before reaching her first schedule of the day... otherwise she's really not sure how she was going to function.

Perhaps this new peace and quiet that finally graced the car might help her with her goal.

Those two better not start yapping again-

"Let me just adjust the direction of the wind for you anyway," Jae spoke up to Minjeong before turning the AC, which was once pointing at Jimin, towards Minjeong. It earned the man a small chuckle and thanks from the blonde, but she promptly readjusted the airflow back to the actress, stating that the actress was the one who needed the AC the most. She then proceeded to turn and give the girl a knowing look with a small warm smile, allowing them to lock eyes for a brief moment... it was very clear the blonde wanted to make it crystal clear where her priorities are placed.... although Jimin was too busy with her tangle of emotions to notice the warmth behind the gaze.




Oh yeah.. Jimin seriously hates her new driver...


Day 3:

The A-lister actress had probably just reached her tipping point today.

She endured it from day one,

put up with it on the second day,

So on the third day of watching Minjeong and Jae interact closely despite Jimin's obvious gestured protests from the beginning, she was seriously over it.

The sound of Jae's voice now just irks her.

The fact that Jun-woo still isn't responding to her irks her.

She had seriously been considering marching into his office herself, but her busy schedule recently had handicapped her.

She was on a quick break in between filming for a reality show episode today when she saw Un Jae once again approaching the unsuspecting Kim Minjeong. The way that man would softly place his hands on Minjeong's shoulder and the way the blonde would smile at him in response as they talked about something Jimin couldn't quite hear properly.... let's just say it was causing her tight knuckles to go white.

Curiosity finally propelled her legs to walk forwards to them.

She no longer was able to force herself to support the union anymore than she already had.

Whatever was going on with her, there was just one thing she knew for certain.

She hated the idea of seeing Minjeong with Jae.

She hated it so much, the very thought had been keeping her every single night recently.

And she didn't want to find out at all of what would happen if she continued to leave the two to their own accord any longer.

"I'm telling you, it's an excellent restaurant, Minjeong," Jae asserts, facing the shorter blonde directly. "I genuinely want to take you there" His expression halts for a second trying to find the right words "to experience the food of course... just the two of us. It'll be fun!"

"Oh" Minjeong pondered the invite for a second. "No I think I'll be alright"

"Oh come now, don't leave a guy hanging like that, I'll pay! It's just a friendly dinner"

"I know, but I have some plans that night" Minjeong lied... not really sure why she did so. She didn't typically have anything major going on during the weekends at all unless Jimin messages her about something. And Jae seems like he's a nice guy.. but for some reason, both her brain and her body rejected the idea of going out with man one on one.

She has no reason to feel this way.. but it just felt wrong.

Like she would be committing a crime of betrayal if she did...

Like something was telling her she just isn't allowed to.

"Can we reschedule?" Jae persisted, attempting to test his luck, but his words continued to go unnoticed.

"I'm sorry Jae, I really don't think I can" Minjeong re-iterated once more, her decision was as final as her tone of voice.

"Minjeong" He moved to grab the blonde by the arm "pleas-"

"Minjeong." A cold yet stern voice pierces in between them, cutting the two apart from each other.

Jimin who had been powerwalking towards the two unsuspecting individuals, stops right in front of her manager with an indistinguishable flame behind her eyes as she stared at exactly where Jae's hand was located. "I had messaged you about my coffee over 10 minutes ago. Where in the hell is it?"

Eyes widening, Minjeong immediately grabs her smartphone before looking back up to Jimin confused "you didn't message me anything..?"

"Well you should've known, I expect more from my manager, now move it."

Slightly taken aback by the woman's attitude, Minjeong chose to stay quiet and walked off to do as she was told.

"Now as for you" Jimin continued as soon as Minjeong was no longer within her line of vision "I know you're the driver, but do you really have to goof around like an idiot?"


Giving Jae a sneer, she walks off without saying another word... leaving the man standing there and quite dumbfounded.




"What the fuck is her problem?"


Minjeong really doesn't get it.

She doesn't get Jimin at all.

She thought she had figured the woman out at one point... to a certain degree anyway.. at least before their hiking trip together. She thought she had found the perfect strategy to managing the diva.

But now... she doesn't know at all, how to even approach Jimin.

And the worst part? Minjeong had repeatedly analysed her actions in her mind over the past few days.

And at the very least, nothing in her behaviour has changed, except for her adapting to Jimin's actions of ignoring her whenever Minjeong attempted to bring up their trip not even that long ago.

But this was different

Completely different.

This wasn't an action stemming from pure awkwardness or avoidance of a topic.

Jimin had resorted back to her aggressive ways...

But it was worse.

Because at least in the beginning Minjeong hadn't known the woman the way she does now...

Making the actress' actions towards her evermore hurtful.

She hardly even talked to the blonde anymore, waving her off half the time... even during instances where Minjeong had to communicate the actress' schedule to her.

Now Minjeong had worked this management position for quite some time now to know that this behaviour didn't just stem from nowhere.

The girl doesn't just have mood swings like that.


Something must've happened

Something Minjeong hadn't been made aware of, and it must've irritated Jimin, prompting a change in her demeanour.

And right now, as she stared at the actress from a distance within her resting trailer while waiting for their new driver, the blonde was becoming increasingly irritated, unable to pinpoint the exact cause.

"Jimin" She walks up to the actress, completely over overthinking, and completely over the way Jimin had been treating her lately. "We need to talk"

The latter didn't even bother looking up from her phone when responding.

"What's there to talk about"

From here, Minjeong could barely make out that the abundance of messages Jimin had been sending to to Jun-woo. However, it seemed one-sided, as those big blocks of text had all come from the sender's end.

"You." She went straight to the point "You've been acting strange lately. To me at least. What is it?"

Fingers coming to a halt from typing, Jimin freezes for a couple of seconds before continuing to type.

"I haven't been acting strange, if you're referring to earlier, it was clear to me you have been slacking off lately, so I'm merely reminding you who you work for"

Slacking off?

Jimin couldn't be for real right now. Minjeong had been on track of everything for the older, basically bending over backwards to make sure the diva would be at her best when taking on any work that came her way.

"No, that's not true, you have an issue with me, I can feel it. I might not be a mind reader but my friend's a psychologist, and she mentions if someone acts differently all of a sudden, it's usually due to an internal conflict they have with the individual"

"Well, tell your little friend to stop handing out free psychology lessons. Maybe she should try to make a few bucks out of it, so she'll have fewer disciples annoying their clients, just like you did." The woman closes her phone and stands up, seemingly ready to leave somewhere—anywhere, if it means she doesn't have to face Minjeong.


"I'm leaving"

"No wait-" The blonde tried grab Jimin by the wrist, but the older dodged it and continued to walk off. "Jimin, seriously, don't do this. I know you're upset with me about something... but I can't help you if you don't communicate with me!"

"I don't want your help, Minjeong and I sure don't want you trying to play therapy with me. Now leave me alone"


"No tell me what's wrong" She runs in front of the actress to stop her on her tracks. "If not as a manager than as a friend-"

"I don't need friends and I don't need you!"

Those words came out like venom. She didn't mean it. Minjeong knew that much.

It came from frustration

It was an outburst.

Words that just comes out from a deeper rooted cause that the blonde had yet to come to understand...

But lord did that hurt.

"That hurts coming from you, you know?" Minjeong's words softened but carried a sharp edge. She couldn't help but notice the realization dawning on Jimin. The way her eyes widened, mouth agape after yelling, and how her pupils shrunk in size—all gone in a mere instance the second Jimin caught herself.

"I'm leaving" Jimin's words as cold as stone. The person she was trying to be right now... really were a reminiscence to the taller's old self.

Is this what she does, she just runs away when things get tough?

Minjeong didn't like that.

She didn't like that at all

And she refused to be left in the dark any longer.


"Rule one!" Jimin eyes were full of anger... but also hurt... as she turned away on her heels and power walks away..

Rule one..?

It had honestly been so long since the taller had mentioned her stupid 5 set of rules that the blonde had completely forgotten about it's existence...

She really thought they were past that stage already...

She's already obstructed the rules so many times by now...

"No." Minjeong followed... a face full of determination.

She's not going back there. Jimin wasn't going to render her back to whatever they used to be.

Grabbing a hold of the taller's wrist to halt her from continuing to move, Minjeong tightens her grip. "Stop it with your rules, I can tell from here.. that's not what you actually want is it? Having whatever issue you're having with me left in the air."

Even from Jimin's back, the blonde saw the way the A-lister had tensed her shoulders, giving her a splash of confidence that she was heading in the right direction. "Please, Jimin, don't do this. Don't walk away like that. If there's a problem, talk to me. Talk to me so I can solve it for you."

"You wouldn't understand." Jimin abruptly pulls her wrist away, attempting to avoid the confrontation. However, the blonde is determined to unravel whatever is causing Jimin's current state, even if it means physically restraining the older woman.

So running right in front, she pushed the actress back by the shoulders so couldn't budge an inch further. "Try me. Tell me what's wrong"

"What's wrong!?" Jimin's tone was full of fire at first.. but eventually faded off as Jimin looked taken aback by Minjeong's serious tone and how the shorter wasn't wavering for a second at the woman's assertiveness.

She realised then.. how serious Minjeong was.

Diverting her own eyes for a moment and looking away towards the side... it's as if the actress needed a second to think as well.. as if she, too, couldn't quite pinpoint what was bothering her exactly.

The blonde, feeling like she had waited for the woman long enough, opened her mouth wanting to say something.. before a notification ping fills the air around them.

She had wanted to ignore the message, but hearing another ping, Minjeong quickly lets out a sigh and grabs her phone to check who was trying so hard to grab her attention.

"It's Jae, he's waiting for us at the parking..." the blonde said out loud and looked back up at Jimin with furrowed eyebrows...

Seeing how the woman is still silent... the blonde closes her eyes briefly in defeat. "Alright.. if you don't want to tell me you don't have to.. let's not keep him waiting that long... it would be rude... let's take you home"

Jimin felt a vein bulging out from her neck, hearing that new stupid driver's name mentioned from Minjeong's mouth.

It was annoying the first time hearing the blonde say his name.. and it's only gotten more annoying now.

Why did she have to say his name so often anyway?

What was so special about him that he gets to have his name dropped so often?

And hold on a minute...

Didn't Minjeong just claim she wanted Jimin to discuss with her what exactly was bothering her not even a minute ago? Even making a great scene out of it, physically restraining her until she would talk...

So why is the blonde giving up on it now?

Right after that man had messaged her.

Did her annoyance and irritation not matter to Minjeong anymore?

Jimin hated that idea...

She was so provoked by that predicament she swears she could feel she was going to a chip a tooth from how hard she was biting down.

"come on Jimin" Minjeong pulled lightly on the actress' sleeve "Lets go-"

"I'm not going!" Her words had come out so infuriatingly.. it set the blonde back a few centermetres.


"I refuse to be driven by some new employee who cannot act accordingly to his status!"

"Jimin!" Minjeong is someone who is typically very patient.. but she had put up with the older's odd behaviour all day... and let's just say... her usual calm self was running on a thin line as she had pretty much had it up to here with Jimin" "We need to get you home, and he's our only driver, can you quit having an attitude already!"

"No! he's not driving me!"

"Then who's going to drive you!?"


"Jimin I don't have my car here! you're being absolutely ridiculous!"

"No! YOU'RE being ridiculous" The taller scoffs out, not even able to believe Minjeong right now. "This is what? His third? Fourth day working as a driver, why the hell are you talking about him so much!? Why are you defending him? Is he seriously that interesting that you have to bring up his name every 3 seconds, my God!" Jimin's tank of anger that she had tried to contain so hard had completely exploded from the cap, smoke was practically escaping her head as she had her knuckles rolled into a fist down her straightened arms. "I don't want to hear you say his name! I don't want you to tell me he's driving me! I don't want another driver, I don't want you to sit next to him when you're supposed to sit next to me. When you're suppose to drive me! WHEN YOU'RE MEANT TO MANAGE ME!"




Minjeong was utterly stunned, struggling to piece together a coherent response to Jimin's outburst...

Whilst for the actress... she had her eyes wide, shocked at the emotions she had just unleashed with her own face morphing from anger to realisation.

"For.. forget it." Dropping her tone, Jimin quickly turned her gaze, no longer wishing to face the blonde any longer.. However, her heart fluttered as Minjeong's warm hands gently cupped her cheeks, preventing her from moving and forcing her to meet the blonde's eyes—a place she currently felt too vulnerable to approach.

"Jimin.." The shorter's words were now quiet and tender... "Tell me what you want" She said with absolute sincerity "Whatever you want, I'll make it happen, what you think... it's important to me" Her eyes had a glimpse of sparkle in them... a glimmer of honesty, determination and also.... hope... making her words all the more meaningful.

"I..." And perhaps Jimin felt herself lost in those honest eyes... "I want him to go away" Rendering her to her honest self as well. "I don't want another driver..."

"Would that make you happy?" Minjeong's words were like a whisper.. but it didn't feel like she was asking solely about the driver any longer.. her words carried a tint of something else..

"Yes" Jimin responded genuinely.. unable to break their eye-contact as the original fluttering feeling now felt like a million butterflies. "

"Ok.. because that's all I want. I want you to be happy" Dropping her hands, Minjeong grabbed a hold of Jimin's and gave it a tight squeeze. "I want to make you happy Jimin" The blonde's crescent shaped eyes were warm... and her small smile carried a silent form of understanding.. an understanding beyond their verbal exchanges..

"Do you promise...?" Jimin pulls her hand away and takes a step back, finally breaking their never-ending eye contact. It's very unusual for the actress to stutter. She's usually very good with her words.. never speaking unless she had seen the words in her mind before opening her mouth.. yet today... Jimin felt seriously unlike herself...

"I promise... I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy" Under Minjeong's gaze... she just felt different... like the blonde was able to draw something out of her...

Her vulnerable side...

Where she was able to completely penetrate through her walls to capture it...

It made Jimin feel exposed...

Like she was missing her set of clothes used to cover herself...

Yet somehow..

It gave her hope

Hope to be able to trust someone again...

Hope for her to look forward to someone's presence

"You better keep that promise Minjeong" She softly leaned her forehead on Minjeong's despite having pulled away initially... a small boulder felt like it was just lifted off her shoulders as the blonde welcomed the gesture allowing Jimin to do whatever she wanted. "I'll never... ever forgive you, if you break it".

"I wouldn't dream of it" The hope behind those sparkly eyes only glowed brighter as she continued to stare into Jimin's

And maybe...

Just maybe...

Jimin felt it too...

"And promise me that you'll be my only driver now too! No one else!"

"Yes Jimin" Minjeong lightly chuckled at the older's remarks "I promise I'll be your only designated driver in the company from now on too"

She wasn't sure what Minjeong did after their exchange,

but all Jimin knew was that the blonde had excused herself to make a quick phone call. When Minjeong returned, instead of heading to Un Jae's car, they took an Uber home together.

The two women sat in silence during the ride, and Minjeong made sure Jimin entered her home safely before taking the same Uber back to her own place.

After that day, Jimin never saw the new driver again, with the following day, Minjeong pulled up to her place just like before...

Just like how she had always preferred...

And Jimin, quite honestly, selfishly within herself... would have not wanted it any other way.
