A Relatable Show

"I'm telling you Ning, she just broke down, I'm not sure what happened, but it sounds like it's because they saw her without her usual representation."

Minjeong, after chasing down a taxi to get back to where she had originally left her car, finally made her way down to the grocery store to check off Jimin's shopping list.

And NingNing, due to the abrupt end to their friend date, had called the blonde for a quick checkup. So now, while picking out a box of cinnamon toast crunch, she had her phone close to her ear with her shoulder, and her other arm carried around a basket.

"She's a celebrity, a really big one at that. She'll be recognized everywhere; it's probably impossible for her to go anywhere without someone screaming at her. Think about it from her perspective. The moment you step out of your house, you just get asked for photos and autographs. She probably feels more like a product than a person."

"I thought that at first too, thinking she was panicking because she was rushed by her fans, but no, it was about her clothes and makeup. I just don't get it, you know?" She chucked some twisties in the basket too.

"Actually I think I understand where she's coming from with that one as well" The woman on the other end, responds.

"Really?" the blonde quickly walked back to the previous aisle to grab another box of cinnamon toast crunch.

This one's for me

"Well, think about it this way, right? Jimin literally came to fame because of her beauty. It was the way she looked in the beginning that propelled her to where she is now. So I think it's worth taking that into consideration. It's likely something happened throughout her career to now that made her the way she is. Also, like I said, since she can't go anywhere in peace, she's more than likely always isolated at home. That can take a toll on her mental health as well."

Minjeong stops in her tracks, her hand coming to a halt just as she was about to grab a box of Sour Patch Kids.

She's never thought about it like that before... but her friend has a point.

As an outsider, she thought everything would have been one easy streamline for Jimin. Being an extra and then slowly making her way to the big screen. To her, that just sounded like a natural trajectory for the makings of a star.

Naively, she had always thought it must've been easy for celebrities like her.

Sign on a few movies every so often,

Make millions,

Rinse and repeat.

Bonus if you're pretty so even more people are captivated by your presence.

But NingNing is right; now that Minjeong thinks about it, Jimin had always been one of those cases where whenever the name is brought up, the first thing that comes to mind is "The woman with Ai Beauty," but never much else.

It's as if people had forgotten about the person behind the physical beauty.

Now don't get her wrong, plenty of celebrities these days blow up due to their looks.. but Jimin by far, had been one of the most successful ones...

But it just never really occurred to Minjeong to be such a big deal... afterall.. she's watched Jimin on TV. To her the woman seemed to deserve her place on the spotlight.

Not only was she gorgeous on screen, but she makes her characters come to life.

She's like the whole package as an actress. Beautiful and talented.

But being someone who is heavily associated with outside beauty must've really taken its toll on the A-lister.

And in that moment, Minjeong couldn't help but wonder perhaps something did in fact happen, something memorable enough to serve as a core memory to the point now where everytime Jimin is out, if she doesn't look her very best, she breaks down.

Staring at the Sour Patch Kids that she was still holding, the only thing swirling in Minjeong's mind was the way Jimin had looked at her today with misty eyes.

Sighing, she throws gummies in the basket too.

"I think you're right NingNing... look I better checkout now and make my way back to her, so I'll talk to you later"



Minjeong knocks cautiously on her front door. She had the keys to her door, of course, but the events that happened earlier were still very fresh in her mind. She really would rather not walk in suddenly and have another cushion hit her right on the nose.

The door opened, revealing Jimin standing behind it.

"I bought snacks I BOUGHT SNACKS!" the blonde shields her head with the bag of goodie she just bought from the store hoping to not have to face the actress' wrath a second time today.

"Thanks..." The bag was taken from her hands, and the taller woman retreated back to Minjeong's couch.

Her voice was a lot calmer... she must've read Minjeong's message earlier and had time to ponder on everything...


The blonde was glad things have calmed down...

Especially Jimin in particular.

She seems to be taking things in a lot better now.. no more crying or shaking.. just normal Jimin... at least it seem so at the moment anyway.

The TV had been turned on, so she must've been watching a drama, whilst Minjeong was gone...

That's a good sign... it looks like she's recovered to her old self.

"Minjeong! This is the wrong flavour of twisties" Her words were serious again with a beyond unapproving expression written all over her face as she was flipping through the contents inside. "I'll forgive you this time, but never again after. You only get one chance"

Yeah... definitely back to her old self.

"What are you watching?" The manager walks up towards where the actress was sitting, brushing off the comment earlier and eyeing the TV curiously...

"Not sure"  Jimin opens a bag of cinnamon toast crunch "It's a new series; Secretary Secrets"

"Ah I heard of that one, apparently it's springing with controversy. Is that the one with forbidden love?"

"I'm not exactly up to date with what's going on out there..." Her words seemed to carry double meaning there "But it has Kim Sojung in it so I doubt any controversy that exist even matters."

"She's a big deal huh... you a fan?"

"You ask a lot of questions you know" Giving the blond a short icy glance, she puts the snack bag down. "Why are there two boxes of Cinnanom toast crunch?" She follows up, completely ignoring Minjeong's previous question.

"Oh that's for me, I like that brand of cereal, it's my favourite"

"Hmm" She didn't say much else, before taking out the extra box and placing it on the side to leave for Minjeong.

But considering how she was munching away on the cereal, the shorter woman could only assume it was one of Jimin's favourite too.

They fell into silence as both became rather emerged into the drama.

Now shows like these usually wouldn't be Minjeong's usual cup of tea, she's more of an action fan herself, but there was just something very relatable about the characters on screen.

A CEO, cold, tall and demanding with her shorter secretary struggling to keep up with her boss' attitude and demand.

Isn't that just too familiar?

"I expect you to be here before me every morning with an iced, Ristretto with 10 shot venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda that's poured, not shaken."

"PFFFT" Jimin looked immersed with the drama, so Minjeong really didn't want to ruin her show with her laughter.. but come on.. "Hahahahaha"

"What.. why are you being annoying? What's so funny?" The actress looks up at Minjeong with a displeased look.

"Sorry Sorry.. it's just, she's just like you!"


"You're like a demanding boss who loves overcomplicated coffees too" the blonde continued to chuckle, the resemblance is quite uncanny

"What?" A pink blush colours Jimin's cheeks as she registered what the blonde had just said. "No she's not, 10 shots venti is just absurd and overkill! I'm nothing like that!"

"Yes you are"

"No. I am not."

"Yes you are though"

"No I'm not! Maybe you're projecting because you relate to awkward inexperienced secretary who can't even remember a simple coffee order correctly" The girl huffs out before crossing her arm and facing back towards the television, eyes stern.. yet embarrassed


Were Jimin's childish tantrums always this endearing?

Perhaps Minjeong's initial intimidation of the woman had blinded her.. from just how much of a baby Jimin can be sometimes...

In fact, now that she's on the topic.. she had always wondered if the coldness and seriousness was forced...

"You're right, you're right," Minjeong puts both hands up in defeat. "You're nothing like the CEO in the show. Besides, you may be blunt or snippy at times, but honestly, you're nowhere near as challenging as her; you can actually be quite nice at times." She begins rambling her thoughts into words once again without thinking.

It caused the other woman to drop her cross expression and look over at Minjeong again, her eyes ever so slightly widened before catching herself and diverting her gaze.

"Can you take me home already? Your television is way too small to enjoy anything"

Oh yeah.. that's the Diva I know

"Of course"


"You're not sitting at the front again because of your fears of the backseat right? I already told you I've vacuumed it like 10 times already."

"Minjeong, let's be honest, I'm never going to sit there no matter how many times you tell me you've cleaned it."

Jimin opens the passenger door and sits right next to Minjeong.

"That's what your SUV is for I suppose."

"Actually about that..." The Actress looked away, no longer able to make eye contact "I think from now I might sit in the front, even in my G wagon"

"Oh..." Minjeong was a tad surprised by this revelation "Don't tell me you spilled rubbish on your backseat too"

"What? No!" Jimin snaps her head back at the blonde with an annoyed expression "I like staring out the window, if you must know. The view is better from here."

"I guess that makes sense" The blonde couldn't help but feel there was something more to that statement... but she chose to brush it off.

Weird... but ok.

Turning on the engine, Minjeong begins backing out of her driveway

"Were you going to continue that drama once you get back?" The shows character resemblence were still fresh in her mind... making her ever more curious about how the rest of the story would unfold.

"Maybe, I don't have any plans tonight and besides, it will be 5 times more enjoyable watching it at my place"

"And why's that?"

"Because my television is 5 times bigger than yours"


"You're annoying.. you know that Yu?"

"and you talk too much, I'm going to sleep now. Please zip it."


Watching the older turn around and rest head on the side... Minjeong puffs her cheeks before biting back her tongue.

She had no choice but to reluctantly oblige to Miss Princess over here once again...


She can't help but admit there was a light fluttering feeling in her chest this time around.

A new type of feeling... if you will..

The day was intense and panic inducing for the both of them today... but it was the first time Minjeong was able to see Jimin.. as herself.. even if it's just a small glimpse of it..

And dare she says... she actually might've enjoyed that person... even if it was short lived.

Who knows.. maybe they can even become friends...

That thought itself drew a small curve on Minjeong's face.

Welp.. I don't have plans tonight either, I might as well go home and watch that drama too... on my 5 times smaller TV

The blonde catches a glimpse at the now sleeping A-lister.

"heh" That curve of the lip may have just grew a bit bigger.

She doesn't want to admit it.. but come on she must know the characters are at least kind of relatable to us. Minjeong quietly cackled to herself, finding the coincidence a bit too funny before continuing to drive in silence.






Secretary Secrets: The tale unfolds between a CEO and her newly hired secretary, embarking on an initial rollercoaster of a relationship that eventually evolves from professional to romantic.

And boy...

For both Minjeong and Jimin... were they about to find out... that the two woman were going to relate to those two characters in more ways than one.

