You're Enough For Me

Jimin wakes up feeling a crack of sunlight peaking onto her eyes. She must've fallen asleep leaning on her kitchen counter.... is what she thought at first... but as her eyes focused on familiar ceiling of her room above.... the soft comfort that embraced her body and back registered immediately.

Leaning up slightly... there was no doubt about it... She was on her bed... under her blanket as well...

But how...?

She couldn't sworn last night-

"Urgh," Jimin groaned, allowing herself to fall backwards onto her mattress. She gently held onto her temple, the throbbing pain in her head feeling like a drum solo gone rogue. With a groan, she rolled over, expecting the familiar emptiness beside her....

But instead, her hand landed on something pleasantly warm, yet very unexpectedly present....

Snapping her eyes completely open, Jimin immediately sits up right with a rush of panic spreading across her chest so fast, it completely replaced the searing pain she had felt in her temple earlier...

Taking a shaky breath... her body comes to a halt as the familiar sight of bleached blonde hair graces her right on the edge of her bed.

There sat her manager on a chair right beside her, head leaned forward, using her own arms as cushioning, while her back rose and fell with calm breaths, obviously deep in slumber.

Did Minjeong carry her here and tuck her in...?

Without thinking... the girl slowly raised her hand and reached out to touch those light yellow locks... allowing the soft hair to feel her sense of touch...

Yeah this wasn't a dream... Minjeong really was here with her...

Then that means...

last night when she had imagined the shorter with her in her kitchen...

Did that mean...

It wasn't her imagination after all...

She quickly retracted her hand... memories of yesterday filling up her brain to the brim...

Oh that's right...

It's all coming back to her now.. why she was here in the first place that is...suffering from a poor life choice of borderline alcohol poisoning....

but even so...

How did the blonde get in... slowly pushing the blanket off herself, she noticed she had changed into a new set of clothes... and her leg had a tiny hello kitty bandaid on it....

Now she knows she definitely didn't get here herself... so... blinking at her manager once more... the only thought that rushed to mind then was...

Had she been here all night...?

In that moment, a rather confusing concoction of emotions began spreading in the pits of her stomach. On one hand, she couldn't deny the warmth of waking up to see the shorter woman had been by her side this entire time...

but on the other hand...

As her memories rush back to her... Minjeong being here only served as another prick directed at her heart.

What was she even meant to do now... like... what exactly is even the appropriate thing to do in Jimin's situation?

Should she wake the blonde up?

Should she go hide in her bathroom somewhere until the shorter leaves..?

Jimin just really didn't want to deal with this right now...

and also...


Her thoughts, however, were quickly interrupted as she watched the woman beginning to stir in her sleep...

"Minjeong ah.."

that name came out of her mouth naturally... without even thinking... so quickly.. the moment it did, Jimin had to press her hand against her lips...


The blonde finally lifts up her head, rubbing her eyes as she did so whilst sleepy bubbles around her began slowly to pop one by one.... until they all just burst all at once the moment she locked eyes with the actress.

"Jimin!" Her back was straight now.. and she was fully awake having seen the older woman conscious again "How are you feeling? Are you alright? Is your head hurting at all? Hold on!"

Jimin sat there silently, observing as the shorter scrambled to her feet, darting outside momentarily before returning in a flash, holding a water bottle in one hand and a small packet of medicine in the other.

"Here!" Minjeong popped open two pills, placed them in Jimin's hand, and handed her the water bottle. "Take two. You lectured me last time about not being prepared, right? I told you I'll do better."

Her smile was warm...

Warm as the sunlight that shone around them...

But Jimin couldn't feel it's warmth... not at all

Her heart is just too caged in ice...

"Minjeong..." She said instead, putting the pills away to the side on her night stand... all the while the blonde just stared at her action... with a small confused expression.. before locking eyes with the older again.. waiting for her to continue. "How did you get inside?"

"Me?" She pointed at herself animatedly. "Honestly... I thought your message was sudden, so I looked all over the place for you... until I got here last night and saw that you left your front door unlocked."

"unlocked...?" Right Jimin had been so deep within her own sorrows... she didn't even remember how she was able to open her door.. let alone closing.

"Actually, Jimin..." Minjeong's smile from before was long gone now, replaced by furrowed eyebrows and a small downturn on the corner of her lip. "What happened last night? Why did you leave so suddenly... yet..." The blonde began fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, not sure if she was crossing a line by asking her next question. "Why were you so drunk... and on the ground... did something happen? If it did.. Jimin.. you can tell me... don't just keep it to yourself.. if it's too much.."

"It's... nothing, really," Jimin mumbled, avoiding Minjeong's gaze as she shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "Just... too much to drink, I guess."

Minjeong's expression of worry grew, and she hesitated for a moment before speaking again. She wasn't sure what it was about Jimin just then... but it felt unfamiliarly distant.

"Jimin, I'm here for you," Minjeong said softly, reaching out to gently touch Jimin's hand. "If something's bothering you, you don't have to face it alone. You can tell me, I won't judge."

Jimin withdrew her hand subtly, her eyes flickering with a hint of uncertainty... but soon.. remembering her reality one more time... those uncertain eyes turned ice cold.

"I said it's nothing Minjeong, now stop asking."


No, it's not me overthinking, she's definitely upset...


"I said stop asking," Jimin's words were final. Lying back down, the actress pulled her blanket over her eyes. She really just couldn't bring herself to look at the younger woman any longer. "I'm tired... and my head still hurts, so kindly, can you leave my building.."

"Jimin seriously, you're acting weird, I just want to help-"

"I don't need your help Minjeong"


Okay... yeah... Minjeong won't lie.. this interaction was starting to hurt her in more ways than one... she understood she shouldn't overstep if the issue was something sensitive to her... but it really did just hurt to see someone she cared about so much pushing her away... especially since everything that's unravelled between them...

And especially since the promise she made to herself last night.

"Then... could you at least take the medicine I brought for your headache? It would give me some peace of mind."


"I'm sorry?" Minjeong wasn't certain of what Jimin had said as the blanket muffled her soft voice.

"Don't keep pretending you care that deeply about me Minjeong, I'll eat it when I feel like it now seriously.. Leave."

The blonde was taken aback by what she had just heard. Was it something she did? Had she unknowingly hurt Jimin in some way? What could she have possibly done to warrant such treatment from Jimin?

"Jimin- did- did I do something wrong..?" Minjeong finally squeezed out... trying really hard to swallow down her own erupting feelings.



"No... you didn't, I'm the one who was wrong"


Shoulders slumped, Minjeong slowly closed the door to Jimin's bedroom and paced her way towards the exit of the building...

She didn't want it to be this way... in fact. she couldn't even begin to comprehend what's going on with Jimin.

Just what in the world had gotten into the girl to act in such a mannerism....

Certainly, one might argue that the older woman wasn't actually behaving much differently than she had been in the beginning. Considering everything, this demeanor was far more pleasant than the Jimin from the outset—no abnormal yelling or tantrums, just straightforwardness.

However, there's a significant flaw within that argument that hasn't been taken into account at all.

And it's the fact that Minjeong has come to know Jimin much better now—far more intimately.

She wasn't sure if it was just one-sided before, but recently, she could've sworn an unspoken understanding had been established between them.

She believed she was making significant progress, thought she was gradually breaking through Jimin's walls, one brick at a time.

How is it now, when she hadn't seen the woman for a couple of hours, suddenly all those bricks were constructed back up again...

Tougher than ever.

Before, Jimin had been closed off, but that was when Minjeong was a stranger. Now, things were different—too different.The cage Jimin had placed herself within wasn't the usual one she reserved for just anyone.

This time, it felt specific,

It was targeted.

As if It was as if now that Minjeong was in the picture, Jimin had upgraded her defenses from brick walls to impenetrable steel cages—nearly impossible to breach.

And the entire idea of that bothered Minjeong...

It bothered her so much it's all she can think about, and she knows it will be the only thing she will be thinking about until Jimin provided a clear explanation to her.

So stopping right at the exit... with a hand on the handle... Minjeong's legs come to a halt.

The spirally thought process had already began... she couldn't even find the means to move her body further as all she can think about is what in the world she had done to make Jimin so apprehensive about her.

Everything was fine... more than fine... we were good...

Just why... why is she being like this now...

I've done something... I- I must've done something to set her off... but what...

It was killing her...

The unknown that was.

Minjeong is a simple person. Typically when faced with a challenging question that seemed impossible to answer, the blonde is smart enough to know when to cut her losses. Saving herself time and her braincells by moving away from the challenge, wishing to live a more peaceful and straightforward life... instead of a difficult one.

But now with Jimin added to the equation, Minjeong realized she could no longer pursue that avenue. Jimin had become the enigma she was determined to unravel.

And sure... whilst she doesn't know everything yet, she had thought she educatingly deduced enough to garner a rough idea... and with Jimin slowly warming up to her... she thought she would finally be able to fully support the woman with all her heart... as the woman continues to come around...

Heck that's all she wants to do.. girl's never had a valentine? She'll celebrate with her no matter her standing with her? She wants a shoulder to lean on? Minjeong would be there all ears... she just wanted to be there for her...

But now something like this happens...

Causing a noticeable shift between their otherwise smooth stream direction of a relationship.... and she just can't seem to figure out why.

Her mind begins tracing back to everything that had unfolded between New York and their time back here....

Tracing her footsteps and every single event, just trying to figure out what in the world could've happened....

Maybe it didn't involve her? Perhaps the CEO had said something to her that had caused an impactful affect...?

But that couldn't possibly be... sure Jimin had acted harshly in the past... but it's really never ever come close to spark a reaction like this today...

So it had to be something Minjeong had done...

But what!?

I just drove her in to the company building and waited for her on that rooftop and made a phone call... nothing out of the ordinary had happened with her then... so why...

Minjeong's head jolts upwards quickly as a new thought entered her head...

"Wait.... do you hear something..?"

That's right... Jae had found her then and had invited her to dinner too during that time....


She didn't think much about his question then... passing it off as the man having heard a bird or something...


what if....

The person he heard was actually.....

"no.. no way, right.. why in the world would she have stepped all the way up to the rooftop?"

What are the chances of that anyway...

But the more the blonde continued to ponder onto that memory in particular... the more she began to recall a patter... like footsteps...

"no... It couldn't possibly have been-"



The unsuspecting woman, who was now sitting up on the edge of her bed, instantly recoiled as she saw the bedroom door swing open with such intensity, shocking her to the core....

Jimin had been waiting to hear her front door close to indicate the blonde woman had left...

But after some time of silence... she began to think Minjeong might have gotten lost in her mansion or something.... but to christ, she had not expected the girl to barge back into her room like that.

"Minjeong!?" Jimin's eyes were wide... "What in the devil's are you doing-"

"I'm sorry Jimin"



"I'm sorry" She ran and kneeled right beside the bed... whilst the actress could do nothing but stare at the younger's woman... her body frozen in shock and her mind swimming with confusion. "I'm sorry, I wanted to be a better person. I really did." The blonde began talking her thoughts out loud all at once, her words tumbling out in a torrent of emotions. "I really wanted to back out and respect your boundaries, all I told myself then was I needed to give you your space... but I can't... I'm sorry I must just be one of the most selfish people in the world... but Jimin- I- I know the second I walk out of that door, I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about this... the way you suddenly acted so distant when things were going so well for us since New York- I- I'm not gonna be able to sleep, eat or drink properly... I just know all I'm going to be thinking about is what in the world I have done to upset you... all I'm going to be thinking about is you... and I just- I just don't think I can leave without at least trying to fix it.. so please- please could you please just tell me what I did wrong? Or at least why you're suddenly so cold to me.. because I know if something hadn't have happened you wouldn't be like this-"

"Minjeong I-" Jimin's mind was working overtime, trying to peace together every single word the blonde had just rapped to her "I-" But as soon as she did... apprehensiveness was all she felt "It's nothing Minjeong" She finally sighs... looking away "Please just go and let me rest... you can't do anything about nothing, so just drop this-"

"Is this about Jae"?

Jimin's eyes widens as her neck snaps towards the blonde's direction....

Seeing the older's reaction, Minjeong had a feeling her suspicions had been correct.

"Jimin," she continued, her voice softer now, "You heard us, didn't you? On the rooftop? Jae mentioned he thought he might've heard something. I brushed it off as a bird, but it was really you, wasn't it? You heard me agreeing to go with him to a restaurant."


Jimin did not answer.. or perhaps she couldn't... It wasn't just a matter of unwillingness to respond; it was as if the mere mention of those memories sent a chill down her spine, triggering a flood of emotions she would rather keep buried.

"I agreed, yes, but Jimin, I promise you, I didn't agree because I wanted to. I was only going to go to get him off my back, to finally shut him up and tell him to stop bothering me."

"What?" But to that sentence, Jimin just had to respond for a moment... a shake of her pupils could be seen as wave of realisation washed over her...

"It wasn't anything else, I swear I- I don't like him like that either, I really did think I was doing the right thing I- I didn't even end up going in the end, I just wanted to look for you and make sure you were okay I-"

"Minjeong" the blonde shut her mouth, the moment the older intercepted her mindless rambles again. Her explanation did make a few things clear to her.. yes... but to Jimin... with her revelation yesterday.. it didn't change much of what she believe at all... in fact... to her, this was just another delay to the inevitable ticking time bomb.

The time bomb that is her curse.

"You don't owe me an explanation." The initial glimmer of emotion had completely vanished, replaced by a mask of ice. "What you do in your free time is none of my business. But I do need to remind you, as you were on shift, please keep your personal endeavours in your own time."


"What..?" Minjeong's confusion deepened. Why was Jimin suddenly speaking to her in such an unnatural, professional manner? It wasn't rude or scary, but it felt like it was creating an even bigger distance between them....

"What you do Minjeong" The older kept up her robotic voice "Does not matter to me"

"It... doesn't...?" Minjeong heart began to sink...

"Why would it?"

"I don't know..." Had she been wrong this entire time? To assume that her relationship with Jimin was more than just business... . that it was evolving into something deeper and more meaningful... had it all been a figment of her imagination? Was she the only person in the room that had thought... maybe.. just maybe...She and Jimin's relationship had turned into something more intimate... or had this just been another one sided delusion transpired to her by her constant need to overthink?

Was it really just her who was developing these feelings alone...?

"Besides" ... MInjeong gloomily lifted her head to meet Jimin's gaze, only to find the actress looking away once more. "Why should it matter... what I think?"


"What happened between you and Jae doesn't change anything Minjeong.. it doesn't- not one bit. No matter what ,the results would always be the same" the taller continued to ramble on.. as if something had triggered her inside that's making her pour more and more words out without her even realising...


Just what is she saying...


"Because it's not going to change that you'll leave one day correct?" Her cold facade was beginning to shatter... now that Jimin began to speak her own thoughts mindlessly...

She had initially wanted to keep everything bottled inside... but having Minjeong literally barge in... revealing everything to her... and now, with everything laid bare before her memories she had tried to bury flooded back with renewed intensity.

It was too much...

It had all just been too much

and now it was just exploding out of her with no resolve.

"Leave you..?" Minjeong couldn't comprehend what the actress was saying any longer... how could she even think that... what in the world is making her think that... had Minjeong actions not been enough to show the older her unconditional support "Jimin.. never.. I would never just leave I-"

"Liar! I'm so sick and tired of people lying to me.. selling me some dream... making promises after promises that none of you can keep!" Her masks were finally crumbling.. showing speck after speck the broken pieces that hid within "They all do! Everyone did, so why wouldn't you!?" Jimin head finally snapped back to stare at Minjeong... right in her eyes... revealing the very reason why she had turned away to avoid the blonde's gaze in the first place.... it was to hide her never-ending silent tears, streaming down her cheeks like a faucet...


Right in this instance...

Was completely vulnerable.. with all her dark memories and realities finally crashing down and trying to swallow her whole.

And in that exact moment.. the only thing Minjeong could do was stare back at the older... utterly dumbfounded...

"My father... he left. Said Mum wasn't pretty enough, ran off with some mistress. Mum followed soon after, because she never wanted to even have me in the first place... they all left... and that one stupid boyfriend I had right after? heh" she looks up and begins bitterly chuckling at her own misfortune in between her sobs "The funniest part is he cheated on me just like my old man did to mum... but you want to know the biggest kicker out of all of that? It wasn't even because I wasn't pretty enough, it was because he found me boring"

"I'm... I'm sorry..." Minjeong's voice quivered with compassion. She struggled to find the right words, overwhelmed by the weight of Jimin's confession. The blonde had suspected Jimin's past to be quite rough ... but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine anything like this... The depth of Jimin's pain was far beyond anything Minjeong had anticipated. In that moment, she felt utterly powerless, unsure of how to comfort her...

"You want to know what else is just so absolutely hilarious about this whole thing? Huh Minjeong?" The girl continued, unable to hear Minjeong any longer.


"They all made promises to me, all of them, very pretty promises, promises to take care of me, to be there for me, to always be in my life... they all did, can you believe it? And yet here I am, alone by myself, in a mansion that's enough to fit 20 people, with no one else that lives here but me. All those promises of useless devotion just to end up all alone. Minjeong, don't you think that's just so freaking hilarious" Jimin chuckles never stopped... causing an even unsettling feeling to bubble in Minjeong's stomach... but the woman's eyes... those eyes alone were just so filled with such unexplainable misery... and on top of the girl's quickening uneven breaths... the whole ordeal... was frankly killing Minjeong to watch any further...


"I was never enough Minjeong... not for anyone of them" " Jimin's laughter had faded, replaced by raw anguish... her gaze was completely down as tears that looked like crown jewels continued to colour the blanket below her.... and her voice... her voice wasn't even able to make it through one whole coherent sentence without breakage... "None of them thought I was enough to stay... so why- why in the world does it matter what I do, why does it matter how I act, why does it matter what I say? When no one thinks I matter?" Her sobs had turned into complete cries as she buried her face in her hands, allowing herself to be completely consumed into her never-ending darkness "When no one thinks I'm enough!?"


Minjeong couldn't bare it any longer, she just couldn't bare to listen to those searing words any longer... so lunging forward, the blonde grabbed a hold of Jimin's hand and pulled it down from her face.. revealing misty eyes and fresh tear stains...

Hoping... just hoping

She was able to break through to the older... and stop this unbearable downward spiral she was currently forcing herself to be submerged under.

"You matter to me!"

Minjeong hated it..

She hated all of it...

Hearing the way Jimin was putting herself down...

Listening to how the older didn't believe one person genuinely cared about her... cherished her... wanted her...

She hated it.. She despised it

Because Jimin just didn't deserve to think this way... not one bit...

especially when... what she said was completely untrue

Blatantly untrue!

Meeting the older woman's gaze, Minjeong's grip tightened, her own eyes welling up with tears... Struggling to forgive herself in this moment, Minjeong felt the weight of her promise to always be there for Jimin. She couldn't bear the thought that she had inadvertently pushed the woman to this point while under her watch.

"and.... Jimin" The blonde made sure to never break eye contact. She wanted—no, she needed Jimin to hear the full sincerity behind her next words.

"You're enough for me"
