Meeting a Pirate

Jack Sparrow was approaching port royal, in hopes to get a ship for himself. As his current ship was sinking, pretty fast. He was situated on the top of the boat, since he didn't want to drown. While sailing to the dock he passes a group of pirates that were hanging. He looked at it for a moment, and took off his hat placing it on his chest as a sign of respect. Passing a sign that was written, 'pirates be warn'. He got to port and everyone was looking at him and his sinking boat. Right as his boat was completely under water he put his foot on the firm bridge ready to look for a ship. He passed a worker that was with his son and kept walking, the worker was confused, but then saw the almost underwater boat. "Hold up there you!" He commanded, as ordered Jack returned in front of the worker with a puzzled face. "Yes?" He asks. "It's a shilling to tie up your boat to the dock!" Jack turned his gaze from the ship to the worker with a look of disbelief. 'The ship is sinking and isn't even tied up!' Thought Jack. "And I shall need to know your name." At these words Jack turned to look at the man once more. He reached in his pocket. "What do we say to three shillings, and we forget the name?" Asks Jack with a grin. The kid raised an eyebrow, but the worker seemed to consider it, then he smiles. "Welcome to port royal mister Smith." The worker says. Jack claps his hands with a grin and turns around, only to take the pouch of money that someone, probably that same worker, had left on a table.


The ceremony was going quite well and Kassandra was sitting next to Elizabeth right at the front row, Kassandra couldn't help but smile widely and clap once James had appeared. Feeling proud for her friend. James blushed and looked away happy that Kassandra was proud of him. But as she was clapping once more Elizabeth shushed her. Kassandra turned red in embarrassment, which everyone found cute, and looked away. James couldn't help but feel anger towards Elizabeth. While Elizabeth just smirked at him. Although Elizabeth was fanning herself, out of breath, So was her sister. But Kassandra was very delighted when she saw the look of accomplishment pass through James face when he pulled out his sword, she clapped once again not caring who heard this time.


Jack Sparrow had arrived at the docks with a wide smile. He had found the ship he was looking for. When he approached it though two guards stopped him. "This dock is off limits to civilians." One of them said and stepped forward to prevent Jack from getting through. "I'm terribly sorry I didn't know, if I see one, I shall inform you immediately." He says with squinted eyes trying to get passed the guards, but they blocked him once again. "Apparently there's some high up fancy to do up at the fort aye? How could it be that two upstanding gentleman such as yourselves did not receive an invitation?" Inquires Jack. The two guards didn't know how to respond because they themselves didn't know the answer. "B-because someone has to make sure this dock stays off limits to civilians!" Said the other guard. "It's a fine ship to be sure, but it seems to me that a ship like that," he points to another ship that wasn't guarded. "makes this one seem a bit small really." He gestures to the ship that the two guards were guarding. "The Dauntless is the king of these waters true enough, but there's no ship that can match the interceptor's speed." Said the other guard. Jack Sparrow pretended to to think. "I've heard of one. Supposed to be very fast, nye uncatchable.. the black pearl." He whispers the last part. The guard begins to laugh. "There's no real ship that can match the interceptors speed." He laughs. "The black pearl is a real ship." Argues the other. The chubby one disagrees and the conversation turns into an argument, which is enough distraction for Jack to slip away and board the Interceptor. When the two men were finally done arguing they were going to send Sparrow away but found him on the ship. "Ay! You! Get away from there!" The chubby guard orders shoving a gun on Jack's face. "You don't have permission to be aboard there!" Said the other one. "I'm sorry it's just such a pretty boat- ship." Corrects Jack Sparrow. "What's your name?" Interrogates the other guard. "Smith! Or smithy if you'd like." Said Jack, mock bowing. "What's your business in port royal, mister Smith?" Asked the same guard. "And no lies!" Completed the other. "Alright then, I confess.." started Jack, letting go of the wheel and approaching the two men. "It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga raid, village and plunder and otherwise weasley blackout sail." He completes. "I said no lies!" Said the skinny guard. "I think he's telling the truth." Said the other guard. These guys were starting to annoy Jack. "If he were telling the truth he wouldn't have told us." Argued the other guard once again. "Unless, of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told it to you." Defies Jack. The men were going to agree but then found themselves completely confused. Jack grins in satisfaction.


The party for Norrington's promotion was going on in full swing, Kassandra and Elizabeth were just chatting like always when James came up to Kassandra. "May I have a moment?" He asks and she agrees. They both start walking towards the edge, Elizabeth follows. She's quite eager to hear what he has to say. Elizabeth stands on a pillar next to the sea, fanning herself, while James and Kassandra stand next to the pillar. "You look lovely Kassandra." Complements James. Kassandra grins. "And You look handsome, Commodore." Complements Kassandra while giggling. Everyone that heard started blushing at the heaven like laugh. James looked the other way. "I apologize if I seem forward but I must speak my mind." He gives a pause. "This promotion, frozen to sharp relief which I have not yet achieved, a marriage to a fine woman." Kassandra giggles for she herself didn't really understand the concept of marriage, she though it was just two friends that liked cuddling each other, and maybe sailing under the stars. Doing fun things, she didn't know it was gaining a life partner. "You Kassandra have turned into a fine woman." Elizabeth stops fanning herself, for a moment she forgets how to breathe. "I- I can't breathe." Says Elizabeth. Kassandra, forgetting all about the engagement turns to look at her sister with wide eyes just in time to see her fall. "LIZZY!" Screamed Kassandra. All the music stoped and everyone looked at the beautiful girl who was crying. "Elizabeth fell! James!" She shouts once more running towards the ledge ready to jump. "The rocks! Kassandra it's a miracle she missed them!" James holds Kassandra close to him and breaks down clinging to him. Unknown to the jealous eyes of many.


Jack looked at the drowning body of Elizabeth. "Will you be saving her then?" He asks the guards. "I can't swim!" He exclaims embarrassed. Jack looks at the two guards that shakes his head. "Proud jewel of the kings navy you are!" Jack says sarcastically, he takes off his hat and belt giving them to the guards. "Do not lose this." He orders and dives in the water swimming towards the drowning girl. Suddenly something emits some sort of wave, but Jack shrugs it off and continues to dive towards the girl. He picks her up but quickly goes back underwater because of the extra weight the dress carries. He rips off the dress and swims to shore. The guards help him bring her there. One of the guards check her pulse. "She's not breathing!" He says in slight panic. "Move!" Jack shoves the guard out of his way and grabs a knife he always keeps in his boot. He slices open the corset and Elizabeth opens her eyes, coughing water and gasping for air. "Never would of though of that." Said one of the guards surprised. Jack huffs. "Clearly you've never been to Singapore." He says, water still dripping from his hair. He notices the medallion around her neck and grabs it. "Where did you get that?" He questions. Before Elizabeth could answer, the Navy rushes in pointing weapons towards Jack.


Kassandra broke down crying when she saw the state of her sister. She pushed the men out of her way and hugged her sister tight, she then noticed a Navy man, that she had previously pushed, on the ground. "Oh my! I'm so sorry." Kassandra says picking him up. "It's quite alright." He mutters, cheeks slightly tinted red. She turns to Elizabeth again. "Lizzy! Are you alright? Were you hurt?" Kassandra questions cupping her sisters face in her hands. Elizabeth gives her sister a reassuring smile and Kassandra hugs her again dropping a towel over her frame. "Actually, it's thanks to that man that I am okay." Elizabeth gestures to Jack. Kassandra lets go of her sister and runs towards the man hugging him and repeatedly saying 'thank you' over and over again. This makes certain people jealous. Jack Sparrow had never in his life seen a woman so gorgeous and perfect as the one he was holding right now. In his eyes Kassandra had the sexiest body ever and her height makes her look adorable, her eyes look like diamonds and her thick lashes compliment them. He even blushed, The Jack Sparrow never blushes. "Alright that's enough." Said James pulling Kassandra out of his grasp, James was jealous and there was no denying it, Jack made a face that expressed how he did not like her being pulled away. James holds out his hand. "I believe thanks are in order." He says. Jack looks at the hand suspiciously, but grins and shakes it nonetheless. But Norrington had other plans, he pulled Jack's sleeve up to reveal a pink burnt mark in the shape of a 'P'. Kassandra thought it looked very painful. "Had a bust with the east India trading company, did we? Pirate." Said James. Kassandra's and Elizabeth's interest perked up at this. 'Pirate? I mean he did seem kind of cool!' Thought Kassandra. James pulled up the pirate's sleeves even higher to reveal a tattoo of a Sparrow flying over the sea. "Well, well, Jack Sparrow isn't it?" Elizabeth had heard about Jack Sparrow so she gasped quietly. "Hang out him!" Orders her father. "Go fetch some chains, men." Demands Norrington. "Captain Jack Sparrow if you please." Corrected Jack. "I don't see your ship, captain." Said James in a mocking tone. Kassandra frowned at that, she didn't like bullying. "I'm in the market, as it were." Explained Jack sparrow. "He did say that he'd come to commander one." Said the guard. "I told you he was telling the truth, these are his sir." Said the other guard. "No additional shot nor powder, a compass that doesn't point north and a sword I half expected to be of wood." He taunts. The men of the Navy laughed but Kassandra's frown only deepened. It physically hurt Elizabeth to see her sister like that. "You are without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of." Said James. Jack only grinned. "but you have heard of me." This made Kassandra smile a bit and Elizabeth, upon seeing her sister smiling once again, smiled as well. "Commodore! I really must protest." Yelled Elizabeth. She got in front of the pirate facing James, Kassandra next to her. "Pirate or not, this man saved my life!" Protested Elizabeth. Kassandra could only shyly nod, to which some men silently cooed, including Jack, because she was adorable. "One good deed isn't enough to redeem a lifetime of wickedness!" One of the guards started to put chains on Jack's hands. "Although it seems enough to condemn him." Jack muttered from behind Kassandra. Kassandra tilted her head to look at Jack, in response she looked like a gentle kitten which made Jack even more guilty for what he was about to do. "Indeed." Said Norrington sternly. "Finally." Said Jack once his chains were on. He quickly pulled them on Kassandra's neck to which she gasped in reply. James fumed and so did Elizabeth. "Sorry." Said Jack in her ear to which she only hardheartedly smiled. Many were surprised that she didn't start crying, including Jack. Apparently this woman is more brave than she appeared to be, this only made people more attracted to her. Kassandra understood though, from his point of view, she didn't know what happened to pirates because no one ever told her, but kasssandra knew whatever they did to them wasn't good Since they were frowned upon in society. The men were ready to shoot him, "N-No, no! Don't shoot!" Yelled the Governor who was worried for his daughter's safety. "I knew you'd warm up to me." Sickly Smiled Jack. "Commodore Norrington my effects please!" Commanded Jack. "And my hat." He added quickly. He reluctantly gave the effects to Kassandra. She only gave James a small smile of reassurance that almost made him smile back. "Kassandra, it is Kassandra right?" Asked Jack. "Yes." She muttered. He flips her around and she landed on his chest with an 'oompf' which was adorable in so many levels that Jack Sparrow almost pet her head. "If you please?" He asks gesturing to the effects. Kassandra figured that was the signal to put it on him so she just nodded. Kassandra got his hat and gently laid it on his head her fingers accidentally brushing the strands of his hair as she adjusted it, everyone though It was crazy how she was doing it so delicately but deep down they knew she could never hurt anyone. She softly got his belt and hugged his frame, tying it from behind. "Sorry if it's too tight." She muttered in his ear and Jack involuntary shuddered. "N-No.. it's alright." He grunted and she smiled. Kassandra then held up his gun. "What's this?" She asked. Jack's eyes widen. 'She doesn't know what a gun is?!' He shook it off and softly took it from her fingers. "Don't worry about it." She just shrugged in response, she got his sword and tied it diagonally on his chest. She approach his ear again and muttered. "I hope you escape, as much as I'm terrified right now, you did help my sister." Kassandra gave him a closed eyed smile and he smiled back, there's no way you couldn't smile to an angel, although it turned into a smirk once he noticed the jealous look James, Elizabeth and the rest of the men were giving him. "Your disgusting." Said Elizabeth. Jack ignored her and shoved Kassandra into James chest, which she complied with burring her face in his chest. Jack was jealous, more than he would ever like to admit. "Ladies and gentlemen always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.."
