Ghost stories

Tortuga is more of an oversized bar, at least in William's and Elizabeth's opinion. The opinion Jack has is that it is literal heaven. Woman throwing themselves at men, people drinking everywhere you looked, bar fights.. and the smell. "Port Royal has never smelled the deep and wonderful flowers that is Tortuga. What do you think?" Jack gestures at the scenery. "I think it's absolutely horrible." Elizabeth says truthfully. Jack places a hand on his heart like that physically hurt him. Will hesitates a bit, looking around. "It'll- It'll linger." He finally says. "I'll tell ya mate, if every town in the world were like this one no man would ever feel unwanted." That's when a woman approached Jack Sparrow, one that looks like she was holding a grudge. "Scarlett!" Exclaims jack walking towards the woman. The woman just slaps him and walks away with a strut on her step. "Not sure I deserved that." Jack says looking at Will. Then another woman approaches Jack. "Giselle!" Exclaims Jack once again. "Who was she?" The woman asks simply with a tight smile. Jack looks confused. "What?" He asks. She doesn't answer and just slaps him walking away. "I may have deserved that." He tells Elizabeth honestly. They walked to a stable where pigs usually were, and laying on a pig was a man, this man William had seen when he was saved on that ship, Elizabeth as well. Mister Gibbs, Elizabeth thinks that's the man's name. Jack, Will and Elizabeth get three barrels full of water, Jack throws the whole thing on Gibbs to wake him up. "Curse you for breathing you slug drawn idiot!" Gibbs yells roughly, but then notices it was Jack Sparrow that woke him up. He breathes heavily. "Mothers love, Jack!" Gibbs exclaims. "You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping, 's bad luck." He says. "Ah, fortunately I know how to counter it, the man that did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink, the man who's as sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition to the man that did the waking." Jack says in a riddle-like tone. Gibbs looks confused for a moment, until his face come's across realization. "Aye, that'll 'bout do it!" He agrees. Jack helps him up while Will throws his bottle of water on him. "Blast I'm already awake!" Gibbs yells. "That was for the smell." Will says. Gibbs nodded. Elizabeth throws another bowl of water at him. "What now?!" Gibbs shouts once again. Elizabeth shrugs. "You terrorized me 8 years ago on that ship, I have the right to pour water on you." Gibs nodded. '' 's fair.'' Jack was about to ask but Elizabeth shushes him and they all walk into a bar. Gibbs and Jack take a seat, while Elizabeth and William just stands next to a wall observing the bar. "So what's the adventure this time?" Gibbs asked Jack. Jack ponders for a moment. "I'm going after the back pearl." Gibbs chokes on his drink and looks at Jack with a look of disbelief. "Besides it has an extra treasure too." Jack winks and smiles. "I know where it's going to be, and I'm going to take it." Jake continues. Gibbs shakes his head. "Jack, it's a fools errand, have you never heard of the tails of the black pearl?" He questions. "That's how I know what Barbossa is up to, all I need is a crew." Jack admits. "What I heard about Barbossa is he's not a man to suffer fools, nor to bargain with them." Gibbs informed taking another swing of his drink. "Then I say it's a very good thing I'm not a fool then, aye." Says Jack. "Prove me wrong, what makes you think Barbossa will give up his ship to you?!" Challenges Gibbs. "Let's just say it's a matter of leverage, aye." Grins Jack mysteriously. William overheard this and looked at the pair suspiciously. "Hmm?" Asks Gibbs. Jack nods his head towards Will, indicating that he's the leverage. "The kid?" Questions Gibbs. Jack hums. "That is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner, his only child, savvy?" Jack whispers. "Is he now? Leverage says you, I think I feel a change in the winds aye? I'll find ya a crew, there's bound to have some sailors on this rock Tracy as you!" Gibbs agrees. "One can only hope." Says Jack taking a sip from his drink. "Take what you can-" Jack starts "-give nothing back." Ends Gibbs. They both shake hands.


At the black pearl things were oddly quiet. It was peaceful, almost. The crew hadn't had a night like this in forever really. But somehow Kassandra's presence just made everything that much better. She was sitting in the edge of the ship with her legs dangling down, talking to one of the crew's men. They were talking about why he became a pirate. It was interesting until a pirate, named Pivatti touched her shoulder. "Hmm?" Asked Kassandra. "Um the captain told me that you'll be dinning with him tonight and he requests you wear this." He gestures to the dress in his hands, the dress wasn't really modest and surely would show a lot of skin but Kassandra didn't mind. The mean onboard were asking themselves what you looked like in that dress, but of course not out loud. She smiles. "Alright." Kassandra said softly. They lead her to where she could change. She put on the red maroon dress that went just above her ankles, and tied her hair in a braid to look a bit more presentable. Kassandra walked out to the deck where she was greeted by many pirates, eyeing her up and down. The dress she was wearing showed every curve she had, and they thought she looked amazing. Her blue eyes glimmered in the night sky, and her golden hair seemed to light up from the moon. Every step she took was delicate and scarf up, as if she was afraid to step on an ant, she was perfect. Her soft white skin had a little pings of pink in them. Kassandra walked to the captains cabin and knocked on the door, she heard a faint 'come in' so she did. On the table she saw every food imaginable. Kassandra's mouth dropped at the amount of food on the table. "Wow.." she said, she had never seen so much food in her life. Meanwhile Barbossa said wow too, but not for the same reason as her, no, it was because she was looking like a goddess herself. "Come sit, you must be hungry." Barbossa gestured to a seat next to him. Kassandra have him a grateful smile and sat down. Truth was she hadn't realized how hungry she was, only when Barbossa mentioned it. She grabbed some chicken, mashed potatoes and put them on her plate. Kassandra started eating softly, it wasn't fancy just gently. "If you don't mind me asking why am I here? You got your medallion, no?" Asked Kassandra while she adorably nibbles on a pice of bread. Barbossa's cheeks had gained a little pink tint to them. He coughed. "You don't know what this is, do ya?" Barbossa questioned showing her the medallion. "It's a .. pirate medallion?" Kassandra said hesitantly. "This is Aztec Gold, one of 882 identical pieces, they delivered in a stone chest by Cortez himself. Blood money payed to stam the slaughter that he react upon his army, but the greed of Cortez was insaxable, so he headend gods placed upon the gold a terrible curse, any mortal that removes but a single piece from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity." He tells her. "I'm sorry but I hardly believe in ghost stories, I mean of course I believe you it's just a little far fetched." Kassandra says not wanting to sadden Barbossa. "That's exactly what I thought when we were first told the tale, buried in an island of the dead that can't be found except for those who already know where it is. Find it we did, there be a chest, inside but gold and we took 'em all. Spend them and traded 'em for drink and food, and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize that the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths and all the pleasure company in the world could not sage our lust, immortal, that we were. We are cursed men, miss Swann. Compelled by greed we were, but now we are consumed by it." Barbossa walked through the room. "There is one way we can end our curse, all the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold must be returned, and blood of the crew repaid. Thanks to 'ye we have The final piece. "So, Will's father was part of the crew?" Kassandra finally asked after considering his words. "Aye. No one from my crew can shed blood Miss Swann, so we need someone with the blood from our crew, who better them a crew members son! He was the only one who had a son anyways." Kassandra nodded. "Okay, but will you kill him?" She asks tearing up. Barbossa panicked. "N-No! Just cut his hand." He reassured her. She smiled and calmed her breathing. "But I have to show you something before anything else." Barbossa says and Kassandra nods. He takes her outside to the crew. The moment Kassandra steps out of the double doors she is greeted by skeletons. She felt like crying. Kassandra turned around to Barbossa and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, this must be horrible." Barbossa sights. "You better start believing in ghost stories miss Swann, cause your in one.."
