
"Begun by blood, and by blood undone!" Said Barbosa holding a yellow rusty knife in his hand, the crowd cheered while secretly cringing.


Jack Sparrow was intensively listening to the whole ordeal behind a rock. Tuning out everything else, that is why he didn't notice Will sneaking up behind him with a rowing bow. Will struck the stick onto Jack's head, successfully knocking him out. "Sorry Jack, I'm not going to be your leverage." He said before walking away from the unconscious body.


Barbosa gripped Kassandra's hand tightly and placed the medallion in her hand before taking the dagger and slicing it through her hand. The cold air penetrated the warm cut causing Kassandra to wince and grit her teeth at the horrible feeling. The crew silently apologized to her, especially Barbosa who was deeply regretting his decisions. "It's okay.." whispered Kassandra reassuringly, only it did absolutely nothing to reassure the pirate who had just hurt her. Nonetheless, Barbosa gripped her hand in his and spread her blood onto the treasure. Kassandra has to bite her lip from crying out in pain. When he threw the medallion, all the pirates acted as if they were waiting for something.


William and Elizabeth heard and saw the whole thing, they was now deeply concerned for Kassandra's well being. They both got out from their hiding space behind the wall and circled the treasure where they found themselves directly behind Kassandra. "Did it work?" Asked one of the pirates. "I don't feel no different, how do we tell?" Questioned another. Barbosa rolled his eyes, took out his pistol to shoot the closest pirate causing Kassandra to let out a mouse-like squeak. Which, was adorable by the way. Kassandra did not know what a pistol was, she did not know what it does nor how to use one properly therefore she wasn't frightened by the hole in the pirates chest. The pirate touched his chest before growling. "It didn't work!" Be said. "The curse is still upon us!" Another shouted. Barbosa looked at the knife in disdain. "You! Maid, what is you name? What was your fathers name? Was his name William Turner?!?" Barbosa shook Kassandra lightly by the shoulders while his tone was angry, which of course made all the other pirates upset with him. "No." She breathed out between the shaking, with a smile. "Where's his child?! The child whose ins veins carries the blood of William Turner, the Child who's blood will brake the curse, WHERE?!" Barbosa's acting was on point, making Kassandra want to clap, but she refrained from doing so, and only held pride in her eyes. Which Barbosa noticed and took pride upon. Barbosa was about to struck her face, but hesitated, seeing his hesitation Kassandra nodded. Barbosa took a deep breath and struck the side of Kassandra's face down the mountain of gold, making her head collide with a rock, successfully knocking her out. At this rate, all the men were ready to bury Barbosa six hundred feet under, and so was he. He was deeply regretting what he did, but there was no backing out now. The pirates curled their fists with anger in their eyes, but they refrained from showing it. The pirates started fake arguing, waiting until someone showed up. Elizabeth went swimming by the lake until she was fully in front of Kassandra, she gripped Kassandra's face and almost instantly Kassandra woke up. William put a finger in front of his lips as if to say, 'be quiet'. He gently got Kassandra by the waist, as Elizabeth got the medallion that had fallen next to her. The trio left quietly, Kassandra was still unconscious so Will carried her out.


Meanwhile, the pirates were still arguing, now the crew were taking out their anger on Barbosa for hurting their precious Kassandra. "You brought us here for nothing!" Said one of the pirates who glared at Barbosa hatefully. "I don't take question on your second guesses Mr. Twigg." Barbosa spat back. "Who's to blame?! Every decision you've made has let us us from bad to worse." Said a black skinned pirate who's teeth were almost falling out from so much anger. "And you sent Bootstrap to the depths!" Accused another pirate. The monkey was trying to point out that Will and Elizabeth had taken Kassandra but no pirate would listen. "I say, we cut her throat. And spill all her blood, just in case." Said the same pirate from before, except he was actually saying with his eyes,: "let us cut your throat for hurting my treasure." The crew quickly got on and all agreed saying 'yeah.' Over and over again. Barbosa glanced at his monkey, who was pointing right where Will was and he started to panic seeing Kassandra in William's arms, he quickly looked over at the bottom of the gold hill where she should have been, only to see no Kassandra and no Medallion. He choked on his own spit. "THE MEDALLION AND KASSANDRA!" He shouted. "THEY'VE TAKEN HER AND IT." He screamed louder. "AFTER THEM!" He screamed in desperation, all the pirates quickly scurried off. I mean who wouldn't? Kassandra was the only woman who ever truly understood them and their pain, they wouldn't let her go so easily.


While all the caos rolled around, Jack Sparrow had finally woken up from his unconscious state. He paddles his way to the middle of the cavern, where he hadn't noticed the whole group of pirates looking for Kassandra. The pirates, unfortunately, noticed Jack almost immediately. "You.." breathed out one of the pirates. "Your supposed to be dead!" He shouted. "Am I not?" Asked Jack in a sort of drunken state. He turned to leave when his face met the end of a sword. Jack Sparrow was surrounded by guns and swords all around. He looked around before snapping his fingers and saying. "Parrrlele." He looked confused before trying to remember something. "Parleleleelelou." He started muttering rubbish with the start of the word, "Pa..." the other pirates glanced around until one of them spoke up. "Parley?" He inquired. "That's the one!" Jack clapped his hands. "Parley!" He shouted. "Parley?" Questioned another pirate. "Damn to the depths of whoever thought of parley." The pirate spat. "That would be the French" said Jack in a 'matter of fact' tone.


Kassandra, William and Elizabeth had just arrived at the big ship containing Jack's crew. Kassandra, still in Will's grasp, woke up with start. Once they were inside the boat, Kassandra looked around. It looked to be the cool old ship that James was supposed to be captain of, but the people on it didn't seem like the Navy at all. "Ugh, pirates." Groaned Elizabeth. William glared at Elizabeth before rolling his eyes at her, could she be more rude? Kassandra looked around excitedly before the main pirate spoke up. "Welcome aboard Miss Kassandra." He said. Kassandra looked at him in disbelief. "Mister Gibbs?!" She said excitingly. All the pirates were expecting Kassandra, but they weren't informed of of much of a beauty she was. All most everyone blushed and looked away. Said Gibbs blushed and looked at William. "Hey boy, where'd be Jack?" He asked. Kassandra was curious. Jack? Who was he? "Fell behind." William sighed. Kassandra couldn't help but feel bad, for whoever this Jack person was. Gibbs and the crew looked sorrowful before Gibbs looked at a woman and said. "Keep to the code!" He yelled looking at the sea.

The woman nodded before shouting, "Hoist the sails! Wave the ankor!"
