Nayeon Pov
The three of them came back and it's only 10:00 am when someone knock on the door.. I opened it and i was met by a nurse.

Good morning ma'am, She said.

Good morning too.. Are you gonna check up on her again? I asked confused while pointing out avi.

Ahh no ma'am i just need to talk to one of her guardians please, She said which made me confused so i stepped out of the room as we talked outside.

Uhm... Does it have anything to do with the surgery? I asked as she shook her head.

Someone wants to know some information about the patient and we need to have an approval from the guardian before giving it to them, She said.

Eh? Information about her? May we know their reason? I asked.

They submitted here that she's the patient sister, She said making me shocked.

S-sister? I asked as she look confused.

Is there something wrong ma'am? She asked as i quickly shook my head.

May i know her name? I asked.

Han Jeongyeon, She said which made me uneasy.

Can w-we see her before approving? I asked.

I'll be asking her ma'am, May i please get your number so i could give it to her? She asked as i gave her my number.

Thank you for your time, She said before leaving as i thanked her too.

I'm too speechless cause we've finally got something from her biological family.

When i walk back in jihyo was looking at me and i could already read the look in her eyes as she's asking about what happened.

I signaled her to come closer to me as she did and i whispered something to her which made her gasp.

Is everything ok, unnie? Avi asked when she heard it as we both just nodded and talked as far as possible from her.

Are you sure that she's really related to her? She ask me as i shrug my shoulders.

That's why we'll get in-touch with her and how does she even know that avi's here when she's not related to her? I asked which made her speechless.

So it means that they've been finding her, I added.

Well that's a relief.. Cause i've been worrying about what happened on her in the past i thought she experienced being abused but maybe something else happened that we'll find out sooner or later, She said as i nodded in agreement.

I'm kinda nervous meeting someone who's related to her, She added.

I am too but let's just hope for the best, I said as she nodded.

It'll be better if maybe avi can see them before her surgery later but we're lack of time and it might make avi's situation worse like triggering her past memories that she temporarily forgotten, She said which made me agreed.

I just hope we can get in-touch with her later so we can tell her about avi's condition cause i know that she's worried for her sister, I said.

But for now let's focus on avi cause we only have a few hours left, She said and she pointed out the clock as i look at it and she's right.

We didn't waste anytime so we came back to her to keep her occupied for a little while until lunch.

I notice that she was spacing out the whole time while we're talking to her which concerned me, I'm worried that she might be thinking some bad stuff for her to handle.

I don't just wanna sit here and do nothing about it so instead i held her hand as she confusingly look at me.

'Don't think to much baby' I whispered.

'How did you know? She asked.

'I just know' I said and let out a small giggle.

'Unnie... What if i just gave up? She suddenly said which made me utterly shock.

'Please don't avi' I said pleadingly.

'I won't unnie, It's just a thought that's been going around my mind lately' She said.

'Please atleast try to fight it, Don't give up easily like that' I said.

'Maybe... We'll see' She shortly said which made me uneasy.

'If you won't fight it then what do you think will happen to us? I asked.

'Y-you'll grief for someone like me...' She said as she lowered her head.

'We love you avi and we hate the thought of you leaving us' I straightly said.

'I know.. I just kept thinking about my biological family cause maybe they didn't care for me at all or used to abused me and one day they just had enough and got rid of me' She said and i could see her eyes started watering.

'Don't think like that... They love you so much and i'm very sure of it' I said and i could see a small smile tugging in her lips.

'I wish they do' She said before fixing herself and clearing her throat.

Lunch came as we all ate silently.. I'm still bothered about our conversation as well as avi were quiet the whole time we're eating.

I could tell that the others were worried about her acting like that but they can't seem to ask her about it.

When we finished, I notice avi kept looking at us like she wanted to say something.. So i came up to her and ask her about it.

Do you need anything? I ask.

Can i have some water please, She replied in a low voice.

Of course.. Here you go, I said as i opened it up for her before giving.

She sent me a small smile after receiving it.. After she drank i notice that her hands were slightly shaking as she handed me the bottle back.

Avi, are you ok? I asked worriedly as i brushed my fingers along her cheeks.

Unnie, can i please have my inhaler? She asked out of nowhere and suddenly started catching her breathe as the others heard it they quickly came up to us.

What happened? They were asking avi as i quickly find her inhaler in one of our bags.

As i found it i quickly gave it to her a she took a puff and took out a heavy sigh as she finished.

Are you feeling great now? I asked as she nodded.

Thank you unnie, She said and finally showed her teeth when she smiled which made us sigh in relief.

Don't think too much avi... You know it's bad for you, Jihyo said as she nodded.

I didn't think my asthma will attack for overthinking, She said following it with a sad chuckles as i soothed her shoulders for comfort.

It's considered as stress so don't overwhelm yourself too much if you have questions in your mind then say it to us and we'll be here to answer it for you, Jihyo said as she shook her head.

I'll clear my thoughts for now.. I just can't seem to distract myself, She said.

Then we'll help you be occupied for awhile, I said as she nodded.

After that she calmed down and started being herself again... She played with jisoo for an hour before she took a nap.

All of us were just minding our own business as i was on my phone passing time, I suddenly got a text from an unknown number.

I opened it and this might be avi's sister cause she wrote me a paragraph about how she's related to avi which includes a few pictures with them together and how she wanted to get
in-touch with us to also explain about what happened.

I quickly messaged her back and planned to meet up right now cause they're also in the hospital, I wanted them to know about her current situation since i can't just say it over the phone.

After 5 minutes she replied back agreeing and i told jihyo about it as she went with me and we left avi with the other two.

She said that they want us to meet right away so we decided to meet at the hospital cafeteria.

She texted me what she was wearing so it could be easier for us to find them and as soon as we walk in i quickly saw her sitting with someone.

We approach them as we both greeted each other and i could see the exciting look in their eyes.

Hello.. I'm nayeon, I started.

I'm jeongyeon by the way and this is my sister mina, She said and introduce the lady beside her.

And also this is jihyo my sister, I said as we all bowed our heads and sat down.

So we are y/n's biological family.. We're supposed to be three but one of our sister is also admitted here and she can't be with us at the moment, Jeongyeon said as she gave us a smile.

Oh that's fine and also her name is y/n? What a cute name, Jihyo said as they both nodded.

Hope your sister gets better soon, I said.

Yeah.. She actually wanted to come but we told her that it'll be best to just have a rest cause she's been stressing out lately, Mina said as she sadly chuckles.

Everything will soon be fine.. Trust me, Jihyo said as she nodded and gave her a small smile.

We've been calling her avi since she didn't remember her real name when we found her, I changed the topic which made then both look confused.

Is she ok? What happened to her? Mina ask as worriedness became visible in her eyes.

When we found her she's in a corner of a nightmarket as her head was bleeding along with bruises and wounds on her body.. We then suddenly have to take her to the hospital since her pulse were very weak and she almost didn't make it, I said as they look pretty anxious.

But luckily we took her in-time before that happened and we also know that she has an asthma, Jihyo continued as they both sigh.

We're pretty worried about that but it looks like you guys have been taking good care of her, Jeongyeon said as mina nodded.

Well it's not that hard to love her and we quickly got attached to her ever since, I said as they smiled.

Let's go straight to the point... Can we know why she's here? Mina said who looks desperate for an answer.

Uhm... I don't know what to say cause they might not take the news well.

We're ready on what you'll say next, Jeongyeon said and gave me a reassuring smile.

When we took her at the hospital when we found her they said that she have an amnesia causing her to forgot everything... but we still don't know if it's a permanent one or temporary cause it's just been a week or so but she still haven't remembered anything from her past, I said and they look pretty shock but signaled me to continue.

The other day we left her with one of our trusted friend to take care of her since we're both busy with work... But the next thing we knew is that she's been rushed here, I said and motioned jihyo to say the rest cause i don't think i have the courage to say it.

The doctor said that her condition just got worst these past few days that triggered her brain causing her to almost not make it.. But she's so strong and brave and survived again, Jihyo said.

That's great to hear, Mina said as both of their eyes look teary.

Can we see her? Jeongyeon blurted out as jihyo and i both look at each other.

You can't for now, I said as they both look confused.

May we know why? Mina ask calmly.

She has ahh... an upcoming surgery later on today and the doctor advise us to prevent her from having strong emotions cause it'll be bad for her, I said and they're expressions quickly turned into a concerned one.

S-surgery? Jeongyeon ask as we both nodded.

They made us choose if they'll do a surgery on her or not cause her head is still not doing well after the other day... We just agreed cause if we didn't then she might not celebrate new year's eve tonight, Jihyo said as mina broke down in tears and jeongyeon who's stopping herself from crying while comforting mina.

Will she survive if they did it? Jeongyeon asked hoping for a great answer.

There's a 50% chance she will and a 50% chance she'll not, I lowered my head as tears were stinging in my eyes.

Can we please see her before they do the surgery... Please, Mina pleaded us and we felt pity for them.

I have a way for you to see her but you may not be able to interact with her and just look at her from afar, Jihyo said as their eyes turned to her with hope.

How is that? Jeongyeon asked.

We can walked her out on a wheelchair and bring her up to the rooftop garden and we could reason out that we'll just have some fresh air, Jihyo said as their eyes were full of hope upon hearing it.

Can you please do that? For us? Jeongyeon slowly asked us and we both just nodded.

Of course, Your her real sisters and we have no rights to take her away from you, I said as they both wiped their tears and thank us multiple times.

I'm glad that you were the ones that found her... We was worried sick that she might be suffering which is our worst nightmares as her sisters since we're supposed to protect her, Mina said as we both nodded understanding how overwhelming that must've felt.

Mind if we ask how everything happened? I said skeptically cause they might not agree but to my suprise jeongyeon nodded and started explaining.

After she explained everything both of us were very shocked cause we didn't know that avi or y/n went through that hardship by herself.. She really do deserves the world but it looks like fate turned against her.

Since she went through many things in her life i hope she could also get through the surgery.. We're also rooting for her.

We might have to get moving cause there's only 3 and a half hours left before her surgery, Jihyo added as we all made a plan before parting ways.

Mina Pov
I've always been waiting to see her again and we finally got a chance to atleast catch a glimpse of her... Even thought we can't talk to her atleast we'll admire her from afar.

After 20 minutes unnie received a message from nayeon unnie and it's our sign to go up since they're already there.

We both went up and found a good spot where we can see them and i almost teared up upon seeing her.. She don't look like before when she went missing but her smiling has still the same effect on me.

My heart warmed and i'm glad i saw the smile i've been longing for, She looks so happy talking to the two who kept secretly glancing at us.

Jeongyeon unnie held my hands tightly and i could tell that she's really happy just by how she reacted as she's smiling widely.

After a few minutes both of us got worried when nayeon and jihyo unnie looked panicked about something.. We sensed that something was wrong and we want to approach them but we're having second thoughts if we should.

But it didn't take long when we both decided to rush to their side as jihyo unnie rush downstairs downstairs.

Nayeon unnie was on the verge of crying as we came up to them and my heart felt numb when i saw y/n... She's unconsciously sitting on the wheelchair as bloods started streaming down her nose.

Jeongyeon unnie didn't waste anytime and carefully carried y/n as nayeon unnie and i followed her down.. We met jihyo unnie at the stairs who's with a nurse and that's when they put her on a hospital bed and rushed her somewhere.

I can't even seem to focus on what's happening as her face keeps replaying on my mind, It feels like my heart is gonna burst out any minute as it was hammering against my chest.

How i wish we could just have a normal life like a normal family would have but i just remembered that reality doesn't work that way.

Belated Happy Birthday Nayeonnieeee~ <3 

I've been so busy lately that's why i didn't get to update yesterday hehe.
