Mina Pov
I was about to go down when my phone vibrated indicating a message from someone which is my friends so i stayed here for awhile since i got distracted but after 10 mins i heard someone calling our names and we all got out of our room at the same time and rushed downstairs, But as i was going down i felt apprehensive about something.

When we all got down we saw Y/n sitting on the ground holding her chest and her face have some rashes while her neck is turning red.

We panickly approached her and didn't know what to do but i've got an hunch about what might be happening to her but that's impossible.

Y/N WHAT HAPPEND?? Jeongyeon unnie asked freaking out.

I don't know unnie, Y/n said in a husky voice.

Unnie let's take her to the hospital, i said and jeongyeon unnie just nod as we supported Y/n going in the car since she's couldn't even stand up.

While were in the car me and tzuyu are beside Y/n at the back seat trying to calm her down while jeongyeon unnie is driving.

Y/n what really happend? Tzuyu asked.

I don't know unnie i was just at garden but the next thing i know is that my whole face is itching,
Y/n said and theres tears forming in her eyes but then after a minute she bursted in tears.

Un~ Y/n didn't got to finish her sentence when she started catching her breath and all of us got alarmed since she didn't even move an inch but now she's trying to breathe.

Y/N ARE YOU OK? I worriedly asked.

Un-nie i can..t breath properly, She said which made our eyes widened since were all so anxious about her.

Don't worry Y/n were nearly there just hang on a little, I said trying to calm her even though my heart is beating so fast and it feels like it's gonna burst out of my chest soon.

After that the car started going faster and i can feel that unnie is really trying her best to get there as soon as possible and keeping us safe at the same time. 
Tzuyu is still in shockness while her hands are trembling while holding onto Y/n.

We finally arrived at the hospital after 8 mins and we rushed her to the E.R. the doctors said that we should just wait in the waiting area.

The hallway is filled with silence since no one dared to talk cause of what happend to Y/n not until i heard someone sobbing, unnie and i both look around and saw tzuyu covering her face while crying.

Hey don't worry about her she'll be fine, Jeongyeon unnie said to her and i just nod too.

I'm so frightened unnies... i've never seen her so scared like that before, Tzuyu said.

She's fine now tzuyu-ah she's just shock about it, I said and patted her back and unnie did the same to comfort her.

Unnie don't you think her allergy is back again? I asked jeongyeon unnie which made them widened their eyes.

I don't know but it looks like it, let's just wait for the doctor. Unnie said and i just nod.

After a few minutes a doctor came up to us.

Hey are you related to Y/n? The doctor asked.

Yes we're her sisters, Unnie answered.

Y/n is fine now and thankfully you brought her in time before things get even worse, The doctor said which made us sigh in relief.

What happend to her doc? I asked.

Oh she had an allergic reaction which triggered her asthma, The doctor said which shocked us again.

Asthma? She doesn't have any asthma before, Unnie said.

Did you guys even know she has an allergy? The doctor asked.

Yes but the doctor that is assigned for her condition before said that her allergy is gone 5 yrs ago, I said.

Ahh now i know what's happening, Her allergy came back again that trigger her lungs and had an asthma, He said which made us speechless.

Don't worry she'll be fine she can be discharged later on, this is the medicines and things she'll need, He said then handed a paper on unnie.

Thank you doc, Jeongyeon unnie said.

No problem, also remember that she can have asthma attack anytime and to avoid that don't overworked her or make her tired, He said and we just nod as he continued to explain the things that's not good for her asthma.

When can we see her? Tzuyu suddenly ask.

Oh you can see her now she's in the 5th bed on the right side, He said and we nod again as he left.

We all went there and saw her peacefully sleeping with an oxygen, i gently held her hands and it's pretty cold.

I knew it's her allergy again and the worse part is that it came back with an asthma, I said.

We just need to keep an eye on her everytime, Jeongyeon unnie said and i just nod.

By the way unnie who's gonna buy the medicines, Tzuyu ask.

I'll buy it later before we leave since they have a pharmacy besides the hospital, Unnie said.

Were just waiting for y/n to wake up and we also notice that the rash on her face is slowly going away.

After 10 mins she finally woke up.

Hey, I softly said.

Are you feeling better now? Tzuyu softly ask as she nod.

What did the doctor said unnies? She asked.

Your allergy is back.... with asthma, Jeongyeon unnie said.

Am i gonna die? She asked which widened our ask and quickly shook our head.

Of course not you can still be treated just fight it ok? I asked and we can see the tears forming in her eyes yet she still showed us her smile.

I'll try unnie, She said but her answer didn't satisfy us.

No Y/n you'll do it, I said and she just nod her head not looking at us.

After that we explained to her everything that she'll have to avoid cause of her asthm, while jeongyeon unnie also bought everything she'll need.

We then left and it's already 7:00 pm, We just bought some take outs since it's pretty tiring to cook.

Y/n also didn't talk to much while going home.. Maybe she's just very tired and shock at the same time.

After 15 mins we arrived back home and we rest for 20 mins before eating.
Y/n is trying to act happy but there's still sadness in her eyes.

After eating we let her rest cause it's been a long day for her and i wish she'll get better tomorrow so we could see her precious smile again.

When she got up all three of us gathered in the living room and talk about some things about our company and about Y/n too.

I close my eyes trying to relax myself since i'm pretty tired when suddenly my phone vibrated.

I look who it was and it's my best friends momo and sana they're planning on hanging out tomorrow night, I just agreed since it's been awhile since we've been together.

I asked jeongyeon unnie about it and she just agreed at the same time she'll also go out with her friends tomorrow night so that means tzuyu wil be the one left with Y/n and she also agreed cause she wants to make her feel better, I wonder what she's up to but who knows i just hope they'll have fun.

Jeongyeon Pov
I woke up and it's just 6:30 am but i got up and went down to cook some breakfast for us.

While cooking i was wondering if Y/n is now ok and i hope she is, since i notice yesterday that she's just trying to smile.

After i cook the three of them came down at the same time and y/n showered us with hugs and kisses which suprised us.

What's up with the kisses? Tzuyu ask.

A small thank you to all of you for making me feel better last night, Sorry if i didn't talk that much. She said.

It's fine we know that your just suprised about yesterday but don't worry we'll just be by your side ok? I said and she just nod then smiled showing her gummy smiles which made us smile too.

Let's eat, I said as we all sat in the table and ate our breakfast.

After eating all of us change our clothes and drop Y/n off in her school, This is mostly our daily routine but sometimes Y/n walk with her friends.

Bye have a great day and take care, I said.

Y/n always be careful and be aware of your asthma, ok? Mina said as she nods.

Byee i'm just gonna pick you up later ok? Were gonna go out too, Tzuyu said with a smirk on her face which made y/n smirk too.

She then bid her goodbye and left, The three of us drove off as we head to our office.

Y/n Pov
Our science class just finish and this is also our last one for today and i'm so excited to where will tzuyu unnie take me.

I texted her and after that luna and i went to the shed at the front of our gate to wait there, We also ate some ice cream even though it's cold.

After 15 mins a white car stop infront of us and it's tzuyu unnie, She rolled down her window and i just bid my goodbye on luna and went inside the car.

How's your day? She ask.

It's great unnie, How about yours? I asked.

It's great too, She answered.

By the way unnie where are we going? I ask.

You'll see when we get there, She said and gave me a small smile.

While we were driving somewhere it got really quiet so i blast some music in the radio and unnie didn't even complain about it instead she also jam with me which is really fun.

After 10 mins of driving somewhere the car finally stop and i'm suprised when i realized where we are right now.

We're in an arcade, I love games since i also hang out with mina unnie and she's a gaming person which i thank her for introducing me into the gaming world.

Yah unnie are you reading minds now? I said but she shook her head.

I knew school is tiring and pretty boring so i brought you here, She said.

Well you can read my mind, I said then sighed.

We just play some games for almost an hour so after that we went into a coffee shop near there and sat for awhile.

The coffee shop also has books and it looks like an library on the outside, We ordered our drinks and sat on the balcony.

Unnie and i talked for awhile until our orders came and were suprised when we can clearly see the sunset for here and it's so beautiful.

The sunset is beautiful isn't it unnie? I asked.

Yah what are to trying say? Your making me nervous, She said while her face frowned and i just giggled.

I'm not saying that i'm leaving unnie, it just reminds me of something. I said.

Like what? She asked.

Nothing unnie, i said and she didn't ask again.

We stayed in the cafe until 6:30 and went home.

Tzuyu unnie and i got the whole house for ourselves and planned what we'll do since the two unnies might not be back until midnight.

The two of us gathered all the pillows and blankets in the living room to make a fort for us even though we know jeongyeon unnie might get mad but were stubborn and brave enough to do it.

After 20 mins we finally finished building it and i might say that it's pretty tiring.

Our fort is so big that could fit for 7 people, we just put some decorations around it and some stuff inside.

We decided to watch a movie inside the fort to kill some time, While watching my eyes becames heavy and i didn't notice that i was already falling asleep.

Happy Birthday to our lovely leader god jihyo thank you for being with twice, hope you have a great birthday and stay safe love you❤️

(Sorry i just have to)😩

