Someone's Pov
My sister and i were walking around this night market and i'm very happy to go out again cause our schedule is packed this past few days.

When we found some delicious foods my sister ordered as i went to find a seat for us.

But as i was looking for one i found something else, There's a girl at the corner but i couldn't see her face that much cause it's dark where she was, I then ask her if she's ok but she didn't answer instead she passed out which freak me out so i started calling for some help.

Some people help me and when we carried her through a light her head is bleeding and someone also checked her pulse but it made us panic more when he said that her pulse is very weak and she might die if we didn't get her to the hospital any sooner.

We then tried to call an ambulance but they said they'll arrived after 10 mins and the time is running so i went to my car and volunteered to take her to the hospital.

When we arrived they quickly ran her to the E.R. and i'm pretty nervous of what will happen to her, I also texted my sister and she'll just follow me here.

Yaah what happend? Why did you left me in there and why are you at the hospital? Did something happend to you? She asked while checking if i'm hurt.

I'm fine unnie, i'm sorry if i left you there long story short, I saw a girl about 11-14 yrs old on a corner while i was finding us a table but then she passed out so i called the other people around me and one of them said that she have a weak pulse and also had a hard time breathing so she needs to be at the hospital as soon as possible so I volunteered to get her here, I said.

So how was she? She asked.

I don't know unnie the doctor hasn't came yet, I said and she nod.

By the way here's your food, She said which made me laugh.

What are you laughing at? She asked.

Nothing unnie, I said and ate.

Unnie and i just waited for a doctor since we don't want to leave the girl behind and she looks like she's alone too, After 15 mins a doctor finally came out of the E.R. and ask us.

Are you the one's who brought that girl in here? The doctor ask and we nodded.

What's her name? He asked.

Oh we don't know since we just help her get here, I said.

Your not related to her? He asked and we both shook our heads.

But how is she? I asked.

She's ok now she just need some rest and she have a 45% chance of having a permanent amnesia caused of someone hitted her too hard on the head while having a trauma but if she remembers something for about a few weeks or a month it means that she only has a temporary amnesia, He said and we both just nod.

Thank you doc and by the way don't she have anything on her to know her identity like an I.D. I asked.

Our nurse didn't found anything and it looks like she's been abused by someone cause she has
multiple bruise on her body and wounds that cause her to have a trauma.. Even though she had an memory loss the trauma is still there, The doctor said and i suddenly felt pity for her.

Can we go see her even though we're not the guardians? My unnie suddenly asked.

Yeah you can see her but she's still asleep so if your willing to wait she's at the bed No.9 on the right side, He said.

Thank you doc, I said and we left to find her.

When we found her there's some bandages on her arms and you can see the fresh bruise on the side of her face but you can still see her beauty, She's so cute cause of her puffy cheeks and i wanna pinch it so bad but i remembered that she don't know me so i tried to control myself.

After 20 mins her hands started moving so we both walk up to her and waiting to open her eyes, When she woke up her eyes were roaming around and she look shocked to see both of us.

Who are you and where am i? She asked panicking.

Hi my name is nayeon and this is jihyo but you can call me pretty unnie, Nayeon unnie said which made me look at her disgusted

Oh and by the way your at a hospital, I said.

What is your name? I asked but she didn't answer.

Do you have any relatives? Or your parents? Nayeon unnie asked but she didn't answer again instead she held her head and closed her eyes.

W-wait are you ok? Does something hurt? I worriedly asked but she shook her head.

I-i don't remember anything, She said and started crying so unnie and i went up to her and hugged her.

It's ok don't worry, Unnie said.

What happend? Why am i at the hospital? She asked so i started explaining everything to her which made her cry more but unnie and i just comforted her.

I-i'm alone now? She asked.

No no no your not.. we're still here, I said.

But you don't even know me, She said.

We'll take care of you until we find your family, ok? I said.

I'm just a stranger yet your like adopting me, She said.

Don't worry we'll love you as our family and treat you as ours ok? Nayeon unnie said that made her nod.

But do you want to come with us? I asked.

S-sure unnie i just don't wanna be alone, She said and we gave her a big smile.

Unnies, Don't you think that i'm  gonna be burden to you both? She said which made us surprised by the sudden question.

Of course not we're happy that there's a new member of our family, I said as nayeon unnie nod.

But what about your parents unnies they might get mad for adopting some strangers, She said.

We don't have any parents.. they abandoned us when were still kids, Nayeon unnie said.

Ooh i'm so sorry for asking unnies, She said.

No it's ok past is past soo~ would you like to live with us for now? Nayeon unnie said.

Sure unnie i would love to, She said and gave us a gummy smile which made us smile too.

What should we call you if you don't remember your name? I asked and tried thinking of a name.

What about avi unnie it's sounds pretty, She said as pointing into the name on the tv.

Avi it is, I said.

Pretty like me, Nayeon unnie said and did an aegyo which made us laugh but she just rolled her eyes.

After that i decided to buy some food for her and the doctor also said that she can be discharge later after the examination result came out, Unnie and i were both excited cause it's just always the two of us in the house but now we have a new family member which is younger than us.

Jeongyeon Pov
It's now 8:00 pm and the three of us are in the living room, I'm watching the tv while the two were on their phones.

While i'm watching i switched the channel into the news, All of us were shock when we heard what they're reporting.

'A teenage girl were found dead at the side of a river, The police suspected that she was abducted, and murdered. The girl suffered through suffocation and has multiple cuts on her body, The police are still trying to know her identity and tried finding any evidence.' The news said which made me froze on the spot.

D-don't tell me.... Tzuyu said and her voice is shaking.

N-no no no, i'm gonna call the police and ask about it, I said and got on my phone.

When i finished the phone call my hands were so cold and i'm so nervous thinking who could that be.

S-so unnie what did they say? Mina asked.

They still haven't identify her yet and let's just hope that it's not who we think it is, I said as they both nodded.

U-um i'm just gonna rest unnies, Tzuyu said and stood up.

Hey don't sleep late, Ok? I said and she nodded.

If i caught you i'm not gonna buy you some breads tomorrow, Mina said and tzuyu gave her a small smile.

The two of us were left in the living room and i notice that mina don't have any plans to sleep yet.

How are you these days? I suddenly ask.

I'm fine unnie still alive, She joked and i just giggled.

I mean, Do you sleep enough these days? I asked.

Yes unnie i always sleep early cause i don't wanna get scold by y/n when she got back, She said and chuckled.

You just did the right thing, I said and we both laugh.

What about you unnie? She asked.

I am too don't worry, I said and wink at her as she giggled.

What do you think about tzuyu unnie? She asked.

About what? I said.

Do you think that she's sleeping enough too? She asked.

Maybe? I don't know i'm also worried about her cause you can see her face is not the same anymore, I said and mina nodded.

I also notice that too unnie cause ever since y/n got missing she's barely talking and always in her room, Mina said.

Maybe she's needs time to process everything so let her be, I said and mina nodded.

Christmas is on saturday and we still couldn't find her, Mina said in a low tone.

It's gonna be lonely without her since she always showers us with kisses and hugs whenever she opens a gift, I said and remembered our christmas with her every single year.

Yeah i'm missing her hugs and i remembered that she always wants either of us to sleep with her every weekends when she knows that we're not busy and would get clingy to us every movie nights, Mina said and a tear escaped her eyes.

Hey don't be sad it's still gonna happend when we found her, I said.

I'm not sad unnie i'm just missing her cause i'm used to her being around us and always takes my stress away just seeing her smile, She said.

Let's not lose hope, ok? She's the one who thought us to be strong and never give up what happens ever since we were just starting our business remember? I said.

Yes i remembered that were just starting our company and she's only 8 yet she tried to support us by always saying 'fighting' whenever she saw us exhausted and she's also the reason why we have a happy family, Mina said and i nodded as a tear escaped my eyes too.

I miss her so much i couldn't imagine one more day without her, I said and mina nodded.

Let's sleep unnie and prayed to have some good news tomorrow, Mina said and i nodded.

Tzuyu Pov
I cried myself to sleep again as usual, this is my third night crying and ever since she left i can't stop crying over what happend.

When i woke up it's still dark outside and i can't get back to sleep again so i got up and washed my face, It's only 5:30 am and i decided to jog for awhile so i could breathe some fresh air.

After jogging i pass by a bakery so i bought some breads for us especially for me, It's now 7:30 and i think that the unnies are awake.

When i walked in i was right they're talking on the counter while having a coffee, They also look startled when i walked in.

Yah you scared me, Jeongyeon unnie said and dramatically putting her hands on her chest like she's really shock.

Where did you went? Mina unnie asked.

First i'm sorry if i scared you unnies and second i just went to jog and bought some breads since you said that you won't buy me, I said and jokingly pout.

You know that i'm kidding right? Me? Won't buy you a bread? You know that i can't resist anyone especially my sisters and you also know that i can buy you a whole bakery right? Mina unnie said and smirked.

Yeah unnie i'm just joking hehe i just went for a jog to breathe some fresh air, I said and they both just nod.

I'll be right back i'm just gonna showered, I said and they both nodded as i went upstairs.
