Chapter Thirty Four

I couldn't believe it. Not even for a second. I couldn't fathom the thought of me liking Blade. All because of a stupid compliment. How stupid could I be to fall for something uttered from the lips of Blade Collins? The moron who doesn't love anything but himself. Self centered and arrogant to the farthest part of space and even then you'd have to go farther to match his arrogance. It's a modern day miracle his head hadn't exploded yet from his oversized ego. The minute those words left his lying lips and my emotions betrayed me like a little bitch, the jerk seized the opportunity and stole my last Brownie.

A damn Brownie.

Who lies to steal food?

As if it couldn't get any worst I was stuck picturing his green eyes over and over in my head for hours.

"Ugh! "

How hard could it be to scrub the image from my mind? It was like someone had used permanent glue and glued the image there. No matter how much I screamed into the pillows and buried my head under it and thumped my forehead with my fist, his face refused to go away. I was already having a hard enough time dealing with him being in my house I didn't want to have to deal with him stuck in my mind also. I hissed and threw the throw pillows from the bed. It went sailing across the room and bumped on the door. I hated him. I hated him beyond measure. I hated him so bad, the hatred consumed most of my mind. I hated everything about him, every part of him down to the tiniest piece. I hate Blade Collins. Repeating it in my head didn't drive the image of his face away, all it did was push it to the forefront and remained there. Those damn deep green eyes. I wanted it out of my head, and I wanted it out now. Blade is the enemy and that is how it will remain.

A knock on my bedroom door drew me out of my reverie. The door opened slowly and Helen appeared a few seconds after.

"How's my least favourite child?" Helen asks with a fake smile and I frowned.

"I'm your only child," I mutter.

"Horrible isn't it?"

I groaned and flopped down on the bed, and blew a lock of hair from my face and she chuckled.

"Just so you know," Helen adds, "I'm heading out."

"Don't let me stop you from enjoying your day," I grumble still mentally trying to drive Blade's stupid face from my mind.

"It has never stopped me before," she tuts and I frowned.

I didn't respond only laid there looking up at the ceiling miserably.

"Oh by the way," Helen says, "you're fired."

I tore my eyes from the ceiling and caught her smiling face by the door.

"I thought you wanted to make my life miserable by forcing me to work at the floral shop," I mumble with a raised brow, "wasn't this some sort of lesson?"

"It was."

"Okay... but you do know firing me doesn't affect me right."

Helen smiled as if she was hoping I'd say that.

"Oh it does," she utters mockingly, "now you'll have to get your lazy ass up and go apply for a real job somewhere else. Hows that for a lesson?"

She left looking pleased with herself and I groaned bitterly. Helen had obviously wanted to teach me a lesson and this one was definitely a lesson received. I'd end up way more miserable especially if I had to actually talk to people instead of scowling and ignoring them.

I hadn't heard Victor's voice since a couple hours ago, I should assume he was out too. That left me alone with Adam the idiot, and his cronies. Could this day get any worst? Of course it will if I have to see Blade. I was feeling even more miserable than usual which is a new blow. The time on the alarm clock flashed a giant number one, and I frowned and got out of bed and walked to the shower.

Adam's rumbling voice that could usually be heard coming from the living room was no where to be found today. The house was in complete silence and I have to admit it did lift my spirits a bit. I descended the stairs and made may way to the kitchen and got one of Helen's nutri bars and left for the living room.

I came to a halt half way to the sofa and swallowed the nutri bar that scraped on it's way down my throat.

"Hey Tink," Blade says sitting alone on the living room couch smiling.

"How did you get in here?" I utter glaring at him just sitting there while the bar was being crushed to pieces in my grasp.

"Your brother-"

"Step - brother," I interject hotly.

He smiled sitting with his leg crossed and staring at me.

"Your stepbrother invited me in," he responds and my jaw tightened.

"I don't see him."

"He left with his friend, Brent or something," he says dismissively, "so here I am."

My teeth gritted a bit harder. Me... in a house... alone... with Blade... defenseless... weaponless... and a slower runner than he is for sure... and here I was thinking this day couldn't get any worst.

I tried to keep my eyes steady. I didn't want to give away too much by looking around. I was trying really hard to picture the entire living room in my mind, so I could know where the closest thing to a weapon was located, without Blade knowing what I was thinking.

"Fine..." I say trying desperately to summon a perfect image of the living room.

I tried to take a small step backwards without him noticing but I wobbled and of course he noticed and grinned.

"Not here to fight with you," he says and for some stupid reason I believed.

"If that's true," I utter staring at him, you don't mind if I leave now do you?"

"Not at all," he says and stood.

"Right," I mumble, and turned my back to him which was a dumb move but I couldn't help it.

I walked to the foot of the staircase and noticed footsteps behind me. I turned and came face to face with a smiling Blade less than a feet away and a frown wafted across my facial features.

"Are you following me?"

"Maybe," he replies.

I tore my eyes from him and took a step further and Blade took a step as well. I turned around to face him as he was still smiling at me and I tried hard not to get distracted by it.

"Go away." I groan and took a few steps up the stairs and he trailed me.

"Stop following me," I hiss standing a few steps above him on the stairs.

"Why?" He asks and my nose flared in anger.

"Look bud, just because you're now friends with Adam the idiot, doesn't mean I hate you any less."

"And I thought you were beginning to like me," he mocks.

"Not in a billion years," I hiss and he chuckles.

I groaned loudly and stormed off up the remaining steps and stomped to my bedroom and walked through the door.

"Nice room," Blade says from over my shoulder and my heart jumped because I didn't expect him to be there.

He walked pass me into my room and I gaped at his back and he came to a halt and stood there taking in my room.


Blade turned to me grinning, "and I thought you weren't a girl," he says making fun of my bedroom.


He ignored me walked deeper into my room, with his hands stuck in the pocket of his black jeans. He was wearing a black hoodie and leather jacket and combat boot and he looked really good but now was not the time for me to compliment him on his dressing. Not when he had barges into my room unwelcomed and was blatantly refusing to leave. Blade crossed the space and sat on the edge of my bed and stared at me gaping at him from the door holding it open for the asshole to leave.

"Really nice room," he compliments and I growl in defeat and slammed the door.

He grinned at me and I narrowed my eyes and stomped pass him and went into the bathroom. My reflection stared at me from my mirror. My hair was all over the place, my face was red from anger, I looked like I hadn't slept in a month and my eyes were baggy and puffy.

"I like what you did with the place," Blade's husky voice came from the door and I groaned loudly with my eyes shut tightly.

"What do you want from me Blade!" I hiss still leaning against the sink with my eyes closed.

"Do I have to want something?" He says and I could hear the laughter in his voice.

"Then what are you doing -"

"Hey, do you wear these?" He asks and my eyes shot open and I looked around at him.

A pair of my bra was dangling from his outstretched finger and my head almost exploded.


"It was lying around on your bed," he says with a smirk.

I lounged at him and grabbed the floral print bra from his finger.

"Don't touch my stuff!" I snap.

"You broke into my house, and went through my stuff remember...?" He says leaning against the door frame and I shove my way past him into the room and he followed.

"Put another one of your bony fingers on anything that belongs to me and I'll break every last one of them got that!"

He shrugs totally unbothered by my threat.

"It's not like you needed them any way."

A hot surge of anger burst in my chest coupled with embarrassment and my face flushed a deadly shade of red to the point where steam must have been billowing from my ears.

"Are you making fun of my boob size?!" I snap shaking from anger.

Blade retook his earlier spot at the edge of my bed and smiled at me.

"Nothing wrong with a little mid day humour sweetling," he mocks.

My head turned into a steaming whistling kettle just like you would have seen in those cartoons on tv when the characters got mad. I tossed the bra back to the bed and stormed up to Blade glaring at him angrily.

"You are nothing but an asshole!" I spat poking him harshly in his chest which was surprisingly damn solid and almost broke my finger.

"The biggest asshole I've ever met, and I've met a lot," I continue fuming and ranting still jabbing him in his solid chest.

"If ever there happens to be a bigger asshole than you, the world would be ****ed."

I was fuming and I was making him have it all, angrily unburdening everything I've always thought.

"You're nothing more than an arrogant, self centered, prick, who deserves to die a thousand deaths because you are toxic to this world!"

"You know pretty boy, your ego is so shitting colossal, I could travel the world and I still wouldn't have even traveled half the size of it."

Blade was silently chuckling as I continued to jab him in the chest and rant. My chest was heaving and I glared at him, just wanting to slap that grin from his face and also break a few facial bones in the process.

"Are you done, Tink?" He chuckles and I racked my brain for more insults I could throw at him.

"For now," I hiss and jabbed him in the chest again.

He held onto my finger and my nose was flaring still in anger. His hand was warm and the feeling calmed me a bit. I made no attempt to pull my hand away, as my anger was subsiding very slowly.

"I didn't mean to offend you Tink. I was being an insincere asshole, now will you let bygones be bygones?" he says smiling and it took all my strength not to scream at him again.

His apology seemed sincere even though I wanted it not to be. I was still trying to find more terrible things I could bark at him. He pulled me by the finger and I moved closer to him fitting comfortably between his legs. He stared at me and I looked back into those evil green eyes of his, before pulling my hand away from him and turning away.

"I feel sorry for the stupid girl you'll end up marrying someday."

He snickered and I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the bed crossing my arms on my chest angrily.

"To what do I owe this visit?"

"Just wanted to drop by," he replies.

"Any possible reasons?"

"I only wanted to see you sweetling."

"Why?" I grumble with an eye roll.

"To talk."

I rolled my eyes again irritated by his presence, "I'm all ears moron, let's talk."

He gave a boyish smile and his eyes fell to the ground before they slowly looked up at me.

"Yesterday, you almost kissed me," he says and my chest panged.

"I wasn't going to," I deny quickly which made my reply even harder to believe.

"You're just going to deny it?" He asks.

"I wasn't going to," I reply stubbornly

"Are you sure? Because it did look like you were about to."

I gave a slight scoff, "well you aren't the brightest tool in the shed are you?"

Blade smiled to himself and my lip twitched in annoyance. I didn't want to drone on the topic of that almost fatal kiss no more than I wanted him in my room.

"Perhaps not," He rolls the words off him tongue sexily.

"What do you want Blade?" I ask firmly and his gaze held mine and for a few long seconds we just stared at each other in silence.

He still had that stupid smirk on his face for a second then it disappeared and I narrowed my eyes at him. Blade shrugged his shoulders and stared at me again, peering into my eyes. My lip twitched and he finally said what he had really wanted to say from the beginning and his lip quirked up at the end.

"Go for a ride with me, Tink."

