Chapter Forty Three

"So you're Brad and he's Chad?" I ask for the second time making conversation and sipping on a cup of strong liquor, all while staring up at the twin who had his hand over my shoulder.

"Yes," he replies smiling at me, "and you're Secret and your friend over there is Phoebe?" He questions.

"Yeah," I reply with a chuckle.

Phoebe was busy conversing with Chad. She was cheery and flirting as only Phoebe would be.

Brad spoke but I didn't hear a word of it. My mind was in a different universe and even when it wasn't I was too engrossed by everything happening around us. The music played loudly, and there were endless whoops and cheers.

"Do you want to dance?" He repeats louder for me to hear.

"Ah sure," I respond a bit awkwardly.

We joined the thick crowd dancing and danced along to the music and the crowd only grew thicker. Phoebe was dancing with Chad and the flirting between the two didn't stop. Mid dance I glanced across the room and saw Emmett watching. I couldn't really tell if he was watching me or just watching. Brad and I partied for near over an hour drinking and talking and dancing then repeating the process.

I felt a little hot yet a little cold and my legs were slowly starting to ache from all the dancing. The music played loudly while everyone partied away and gyrating with cups in hand and the smell of liquor and fumes strong in their noses.

For a minute I forgot what I was supposed to be doing, hunting down that jackass Blade and stealing back my cellphone. He hadn't materialized all night and I doubt whether he'd show. But why wouldn't he? This was a great opportunity to ruin my night, even I had to admit. With the mention of ruining my night, Adam and Brett appeared in the crowd. Adam's eyes lingered when he saw me and I continued dancing and pretended as if I didn't know him. I grinned when I saw him scoff and turned away and headed somewhere where I could no longer see him. Phoebe slipped over to me and grinned still partying.

"Behind you to the left," she calls, "have a look."

I looked over my shoulder and spotted three boys through the crowd against the wall. I stopped dancing and almost tripped and Blade chuckled.

"Been watching you for a while now," Phoebe adds.

The asshole had been here all along and I didn't even notice. Luka and Jude were busy chatting to each other and entertaining two girls they probably had just met. Someone moved into the way blocking Blade from view and I moved forward for no reason. I caught sight of him his head a few inches over the nearest people. For a second I thought I saw him gesture before he walked along the side of the wall.

"Are you okay?" Brad calls and I jumped.

"Yeah," I call back to him, "I'll be back in a bit," I add frowning and making my way through the crowd.

Emmett's house was beyond packed and from the looks of it I bet the front yard was too. I weaved through the crowd avoiding knocking into anyone and spilling any liquor. I reached the end near the door and I saw Blade leaned against the door jam waiting. He smiled when he saw me approaching and my jaw twitched.

"You came," his husky voice says.

"Did I have a choice?"

"You always have a choice sweetling," he replies with a smirk.

I scowled as he tilted his head to the side and we walked to a section that was vacant.

"Enjoying the party?" He asks.

I gave him an annoyed look accompanied by an eyeroll.

"I was before you ruined it."

He gave a boyish grin.

"Is that your new boyfriend?" Blade asks and my lips curled into a smile.

"Awe somebody's jealous," I quip.

"Just answer the question Tink," Blade says staring me down.

I smirked.

"So what if he's my boyfriend?"

"He's not," Blade responds almost cockily.

"How are you so certain?" I prod feeling my cheeks turning red.

The jerk was obviously jealous and I was going to rub it in his face. For a second I almost forgot about my plan which was to get close enough to steal back my cellphone.

"Brad right?" Blade asks and the smile disappeared from my face.

He smiled when he saw that he was right. I should have expected them to know each other why didn't I suspect that they did.

"If you're going to hit on him I'd say you're wasting your time sweetling," he says cockily.

"How so?" I question with an edge of unease in my voice.

"I happen to know his girlfriend," he grins mockingly, "or is it ex?" Blade asks amused, "it's hard to tell they break up and get back together a lot."

I narrowed my eyes at him and clenched my teeth.

"Is that why you called me out here?" I finally scoff.

"I just thought it was my turn sweetling."

"Your turn?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He stared at me mutely. The most unnerving part about the entire conversation was that he hadn't hit on me not once or roamed his eyes over my body.

"Something's up with you tonight," I comment staring him directly in the eye.

"I thought my only competition would've been Emmett, seems like I'm wrong," he says with a sad soft voice and a pout mockingly.

"Competition?" I repeat softly as if the word was poisonous and if I said it too hard I'd choke.

A smile twitched on my lip but I pushed it away as quickly as it came and stared up at the six feet tall boy with the mesmerizing green eyes. All I have to do is get close enough my brain screamed and I took a step closer to him. Now that I knew that Brad was probably just on a break with his girlfriend I felt like he wouldn't be enough to get Blade jealous to the point of letting his guard down.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks locking gaze with me.

"You're such an asshole I thought the first thing you'd do once this conversation started was blackmail me," I say stepping closer to him.

"It must have slipped my mind," he chuckles and dug his hands into his pockets, "I wonder where Emmette is hiding, any ideas Tink?"

My expression hardened.

"Your threats don't have any effect on me Blade."

"Certainly they must Sweetling, you know what I better go fill Emmett in on our little secret," he teases.

My cheeks grew hot.

"You'd never," I almost spat.

"Oh I will Tink," he threathens chillingly.

"Play however you want Blade," I sneer and walked away abondoning my plan without stopping to think about it.

"C'mon Tink," he calls loudly, "I won't let it slip if you-"

I didn't hear the rest of what he said because I had disappeared back into the house. The crowd seemed thinner but people still danced just as gleefully. I made my way through the crowd and found Brad and his twin Chad and also Phoebe.

"You look upset," Brad says.

"Just met my public enemy number one..." I trail off

"An ex?" Brad asks and I scowled.

"No. He's... I don't know," I reply taking a can of beer from his hand and opening it and taking a swig.

"Could he be someone you like then?" He questions some more.

"I don't know, it's sort of a dilemma," I say taking another swig.

"Must be some guy to have you this confused."

"Is it possible to hate and crush on someone at the same time?" I question.

"It's possible. You just have a crush on someone you once hated or think you hate," he responds.

"Sometimes I hate him, other times I'm not so sure."

"What about now?"

"I don't know," I respond honestly.

"You don't hate him. I can see it in your eyes,"he says and I frowned.

"What about you?" I ask turning the conversation over to him, "seeing anyone."

"Not at the moment. My girlfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago," He responds but I didn't react just moved on to the next question.

"Is Chad dating anyone?" I ask thinking of Phoebe and Brad's twin.

"Hasn't dated in half a year," he replies.

Good. At least Phoebe won't be disappointed. If Chad had been dating then I'd definitely understand how Phoebe still managed to remain single. Chad approached us and gave me a smile and I returned it. I gulped down the can of beer and walked over to Phoebe who was dancing by herself. She was getting the attention of everyone who could see her. I frowned and pouted as she tried to make me dance with her. Thanks to Blade having my cellphone I had no way of finding Ossey or Hailey in a crowd like this. I danced a bit before I bumped into someone and Phoebe grinned and found another partner.

"Sorry about earlier," Emmett calls when I realized it had been him I had bumped into.

"Oh no, you seemed a bit busy so I didn't want to interfere," I lie.

In truth I was beyond thankful for that girl budding in.

"She's... " he begins to say and frowned.

"An ex," I respond a bit brusquely.

His eyebrow furrowed for a bit.

"Yeah, but that was a long time ago. I thought you knew I don't necessarily date Secret."

"I figured that out some time ago," I say bitterly.

Emmett led the way to somewhere more quiet where we could speak without shouting. The girl that had budded in may have been an ex but I was certain I've seen her leaving his house not too long ago. She's an ex but that doesn't stop them from hooking up now and then, not that it was any of my business anyways. The part we found was a lot less crowded and less noisy. Emmett seemed to not be picking up on my sudden less than friendly mood. The crush I had on him some time ago was gone to be honest.

"I hope you haven't been avoiding me," he says.

"Not really, I was just busy," I reply.

He wasn't buying it.

"Is it something I said or did?" He questions and I frowned.

"No, I just um..."

"Seeing someone else?" He asks.

"Can everyone just stop saying that," I mutter bitterly.

"Perhaps, if everyone's saying it then there must be a reason Secret."

I frowned.

"I'm not seeing anyone. But yes I've been busy with a boy, not in the way you're thinking."

"Someone I know?" he questions still.

"Yeah. We're not dating, it's actually really complicated one minute he's hitting on me the next he's being an asshole," I say with a snort.

"Can I take a guess?" Emmett asks.

"Go ahead."

"Is it Blade?"

"Why would you think it's him?"

"That night at the park you both seemed, I don't know, into each other maybe. I guess."

I scowled, "we weren't, back then I didn't even like him."

"You do now?"

I chewed on my lip, hesitating.

"I should've taken the chance while I had it," he admits and I had to keep from smiling.

"Guess there's a lot of things we should have done in the past," I reply then sighed, "Emmett you're a nice guy but-"

"You like Blade," he finishes and I flush pink.

I didn't think I'd ever hear myself saying those words. Not after crushing on him for so long. Damn Blade and his stupid mind games. Emmett was looking over my shoulder sadly and a voice caused me to jump.

"Sorry to interrupt," Blade says loudly and I whip my head around.

He was wearing the faintest hint of a smirk etched on his lips.

"What do you want?" The words stumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Sup Emmett, can I borrow her  for a minute, thanks," he says holding me by the elbow and pulling me along with him before either Emmett and I could reply.

I protested yet stumbled along behind him trying desperately not to trip. Blade led me to the outside of the house where a half moon shun in the dark sky.

"What do you want Blade?" I snap pulling away from his grasp, "are you really that jealous?"  I hiss.

"Does it show?" He mocks with a satisfied grin.

"You are completely insufferable," I spat and his grin only widen.

"I think we are beyond this point in our relationship don't you think sweetling?"

"What relationship?" I scoff, "Just when I thought you had retired from being an ass."

"You look amazing by the way," he compliments and I blushed a bit and played it off immediately .

"If that's what you wanted to tell me then maybe you should have said it in front of Emmett."

"Maybe I should have," he agrees and I rolled my eyes.

"If you're only here to waste my time, I think I'd like to go back to enjoying the party... and Emmett's company," I respond rubbing it in his face.

Blade grabbed me by the elbow again before I could leave and wheeled me towards him. I bumped into his chest and pushed him off as a natural reflex.

"That's not why I brought you out here Tink," he says, "Emmett can wait, this is important."

I stared up at him with a straight face. I was enjoying seeing the pain on his face everytime Emmett's name came up.

"Well hurry up and get it over with before I run out of patience and Emmett comes searching for me."

His expression hardened.

I smirked and he scratched his head and intoned.

"I think I lost your cellphone Tink."

"That's what you called me out- YOU DID WHAT?!!!"

"I can explain," Blade responds quickly.


"Okay Ms. Fiery pants," Blade cautions backing away as I rounded on him, "that's a nice offer but I think I would rather you not."

"Keep talking pretty boy, while I think of where to dispose of your body," I hiss through gritted teeth.

"In my defence if you kill me now you might never get it back," he says calculating my every step.

"You know where it is?" I hiss feeling my blood boil.

"I have an idea," he responds with his hands keeping me at bay.

"Then what are you waiting for asshole. Where is it?!" I snap menacingly.

"The last place I had it was at school," he points out and my face turned brick red, "I may have hidden it in someone's bag and forgot to go back and get it... so what's the big deal Tink?"

"What's the big deal?!" I hiss loudly, "the big deal is what I'll do to you if I don't get my cellphone back! Now moron where is it?!"

He stared at me for a second before responding, weighing his words.

"You're not gonna like this anymore than I do Tink."

I scoffed.

"Hit me with your best shot."

"Tink, we're going to break into the principal's house."

I bristled, "You have got to be kidding me."

