chapter 48: "I'm going to break them. like eggs."


*✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

Mr Brown reaches for the bell next to him, and rings it. We all sit there silently as we wait for whatever's coming. Bender and Asda are still on the floor. Badam isn't moving; his blood is dripping onto the white tablecloth, not that Mr Brown seems to care.

I avoid everyone's gaze. I'm trying to stay as calm as possible, which I can't do with everyone's terrified orbs on mine. I try to think rationally: my dad is an actual maniac. He's the gangleader of the feared Silver Wolves, for crying out loud. If anyone could find me, find us, it would be him.

He'll find me, I tell myself silently. He will.

Carl paces the room, swinging his gun around eraticaly. For the first time, I find myself wondering just who the hell this guy is and what he has to do with anything. I get my answer much sooner than I anticipated.

"You better kill those bitches for what they did to Dad," he hisses at Mr Brown.

My orbs widen. Are Carl... and Mr Brown...Β brothers? BOY do they not look it. Mr Brown usually looks all suave, calm and collected. Sure, he's looking a little wilder than usual right now, but it's nothing compared to the big muscular bald starfish-tattooed man walking around with a gun in his hand. And he has way better teeth.

Mr Brown gives him a cool look. "All in due time, Carl."

"All in due time, Carl," repeats Carl in a mocking tone. His elbow twitches. "There's such a thing as being too patient, Eric."

Just then I hear the door open. We all look over to see one of Mr brown's random men walk in. My breath catches as I see who's behind him.Β She looks tired, hair limp and clothes creased...


Following her is Lily, looking just as exhausted, skin pale. They both freeze as they take in the room: the teenagers tied to chairs, the blood, Carl with a gun. My mom stares at me, something between horror and relief on her face. I give her a smile, beyond happy that she's alive.Β 

Lily's orbs dart over the room, and I realize that she's looking for Satan. But he's not here. When she looks at me, anxious, I give her a tiny nod, then a quick glance over at the door. However Lily interprets my "message" seems to give her some kind of hope, because she straightens her posture and looks at Mr Brown head on.Β 

"What is this, Eric?" she asks, voice impressively clear and unwavering. "Terrorising and murdering children now, are you?"

"Alice and Lily," says Mr Brown slowly, standing up. His lips are twisted into an angry smile. "You know what they say, an orb for an orb."

They both regard him warily.Β 

"You took someone away from me," continues Mr Brown. "The person I cared about the most. So now I'll do that to you."

My mom takes a step forward. "Don't you dare hurt a single hair on Grammarly's head," she hisses. "Or any of these kids, Eric. You'll live to regret it."

"I won't be killing your children," says Mr Brown with a dismisive flick of his hand. He smiles, and a glint of madness appears in his clear blue orbs. "No, instead I'm going to break them. like eggs!"

Before I can decipher what that's supposed to mean, Carl lets out an angry screech like a bald pterodactyl. "The boy, Satan!! He's gone!"

Mr Brown's orbs flash with anger, and he looks down at me. "Where's your little boyfriend, Grammarly?"

I swallow and inch my chair backwards. "I don't know."

I glance away from him at my mom. She raises her chin, and uses her left hand to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, then blinks twice. I quickly turn my attention back to my chemistry teacher, trying to take steady breaths, and keep focused.

"but don't you see, sir?" I tell him desparately. "He's right over there."

I point behind him. It's the dumbest trick ever, and if he was thinking clearly, Mr Brown would never fall for it. But he's angry, on edge. So he swings his head around sharply, to see where I'm pointing. And i take that second to lunge from my chair and throw myself at him, sending him crashing to the ground with a yell.

Carl lets out a curse, but he can't get a clear shot at me, because we're blocked by the table. I wrap my arms around Mr Brown's throat, and squeeze as hard as I can. He struggles to throw me off, but I'm like a limpet on a rock, chewing gum on the sidewalk, like ink on paper.

I do not come free.

I don't see what happens, but I suddenly hear shouts as the door opens. Shit, just how many people does Mr Brown have? But then I hear a familiar voice:


I almost freeze. Dad?

But I can't let this throw me off, because Mr Brown's growling as he tries to move and hit me against the table. As he shifts to one side, I let go of him and roll off his back, landing on my feet. And before he can react, I take my foot and I kick him right in the head.

He lets out a grunt of suprise, and his head is thrown back against one of the table legs. He collapses, and I look at his unconscios body with a distant feeling of shock and revulsion. Is he... dead?Β 

"Eric!" screams Carl, and suddenly he's running in my direction, gun pointed right at me.

But before he can shoot, a figure barrages into him, knocking him right over. I stare, wide-orbed, as Brok gets up, brown hair wild, orbs even wilder. Just two seconds later, a man and a woman dressed in black, who I vaguely recognize as being Silver Wolves, tackle Carl and take away his gun.

"Get them free!" shouts Satan, and I watch, wide-orbed as Madoc and Noah run over to the table, and start untying my friends.Β 

Brok runs over to me. "Grammarly," he says brethlessly. "Are you ok?"

All I can do is blink at him. "Um, yeah," I say unsteadily. I look around the room; the Wolves are fighting Mr Brown's men. Madoc is gingerly poking Badam, looking a little disgusted. And Jasmine and Berk are now on the ground, checking on Asda and helping untie Bender. Noah is freeing Jorge, who looks extremely angry. Meanwhile, Lily is running to Satan, tears rolling down her cheeks like a skateboard down a ramp. And I see my dad holding my mom's hands, saying something to her with a serious... loving expression on his face? "What- how did you all-"

As the giraffe swung it's short neck to the highest tree, the elongated pug handed me a bottle of sawdust and, at last, I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

Brok brushes hair back from my face. "Your dad's had people watching you. Tina got knocked out at Satan's house, but she was not out for as long as they probably anticipated. She'd already sent your dad the plates on Carl's car before she got attacked. I called Satan's Angels for reinforcements"

"Look at you, working together," i say with a wry smile. Then I suddenly grimace in pain. Mr Brown managed to bash me around alittle, more than I had realized while I was so high on adrenaline.

Brok reaches out to steady me with his hands. He looks at me concerned, "are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," I say. Then shock hits me like a big rock. "But Asda-"

I rush over to where she is. Her arm has been wrapped with Bender's shirt, and it's quickly getting more and more red as her blood leaks into it. Her orbs are shut, and her skin looks clammy. Bender's holding her hand tightly, just as pale as her. "Why did she do that?" he whispers, still in shock. "It should've been me."

"How long ago was she shot?" asks Brok, kneeling down next to me. He checks her pulse, and frowns.

"I don't know, maybe fifteen minutes ago?" says Jasmine, looking like she's about to cry. "I couldn't help her." She gives Asda a heartwrenchingly despearate look. "Come on Asda, you always said you're too stubborn to die!"

Suddenly there's a shout of laughter. I look up in alarm to see Mr Brown getting to his feet a few meters away from us, swaying. He grins as he stares down at me, and I notice that he's sudenly holding a gun. Where the hells did that come from??? He holds the gun unsteadily as he walks backwards towards a door on the side of the room. "I'll shoot," he slurs. "dont think i wont!"

Then he's out the door, and gone. Brok curses. "I'm going after him," he growls.Β 

I try to grab at him. "Brok- no-"

But it's too late. Brok runs over to the door, swings it open, and steps through. It shuts behind him, and i can't help the sudden fear that takes over me, as if I've just let him make a terrible mistake. But before I can do anything, Jasmine lets out a panicked shout.

"Grammarly! Asda isn't breathing!"

⋆ β˜… ✧ ˚ Β· .

SO!!! sorry about the cliffhanger guys!! what do you think is goin to hapen?? 😱😱 and ASDA πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
