chapter 36: "but YOUR NAKED"

Noah hangs out with me for hours. we eat soup and snacks, he lets me cal my mom to tell her im with a friend, and we watch two movies. its as the credits to charlies angels full throtle roll that noah turns to me, a question in his orbs

"you gonna go home?"

i side eye the boy "why, you kickin me out?

Noah laugh "no, i was just going to ask wether you want shower befor you go"

"i narow eyes "why you telling me i stink?"

noah rolls his eye"i hate to tel you this, gramarly, but your looking a little ragged"

i hold out a peice of my hair. its knots and smells like jackie's basement. "ok your probabl right" i say grudging

Noah gets up and i follow.

"you probably shouldnot get your arm wet" he say as we go up his stairs "washing youre hair might get a litel hard"

i nod "it will be fine"

"you can use the bathtub then yo dont have to stand up" he say. then he clear his throat like theres insects inside "um call me if you need any help i gess"

i grin "and see me in my vuknerable state in the bathrtub?

he frowns "i am not tryin to be crep i only want you to be ok!"

i laugh "relax dude im jokin, i apreciate it <3

He roll his eyes like they toilet role and leaves, closing door behind him.

i take of clothing and run bath. i hum while bath fils withwater then i get in.its warm, lovely, like a big hug. and i aigh in content and reach for shampo and squirt some onto ma head then i put my hands into hair to

i let out a scrEECH as the shampo make contact with my poor cut up hands!!!! its like geting 45 papercuts at same time ouch huH

"gramarly?" noahs voice sound panic "ar you ok??"

i squint eyes shut and wince at the pain. "i dont think i can do this'i i say with great weaknes in my voice i am one hundred procent not exagerating

"what? what do yo mean?

i groan "wash my hair"

"wel you dont need to wash your hair right?"

"but how wil i steal al the boys hearts without my luscios brown locks cascading down my back like goergos glosy waterfall" i wail dramatical

"gramarly i think you wil live" noah says dryly like stale bread

i crack an eye open "can you helP me" i put on best whiny voice

"gramarly" spluters noah like an old engine from outside the door "but YOUR NAKED"

i snickers to myself, rollin my eyes like barel "then turn of the lights and shut the blind. do it under the cover of the darkness!! i need ur help im an invalid!!"

a moment of silence. "ok find im coming in BUT im keping my eyes closed"

i sigh and relax my body "ok"

the door opens slowly and i listen as noah innch his way in, then theres a crash as botles and things and also noah fall to ground.

"shit" he cry out like wolf "oW"

i turn my head to se him sprawl on floor, roling in pain with eyes clenched shut. "um ar you ok son?"

he heaves and stands, eyes stil closed. "im fine" he gropes acros wal and finds light switch and flicks it, makin rom dark. then he finds the blind and yanks it like an unwanted hair. the room plunges into darknes like plunger into toilet

theres some bangs then i fel him grab my face

"noah thatis my face" i complain and i try to bite him in revenge but he move too fast

"sorry"he muters

eventually he finds my scalp and masages it slowly and hesitatnyl

he says quiet "can you move forward for me?"

i do, and he uses the shower head to wash my hair. he is suprisingly gentle for someone who i just remembered is in a gang

its relaxing and i let out a sigh

"thanks noah" i say softly "it means a lot"

he chuckles "if satan saw us right now he'd blow a gasket"

i smile slgithly, but then i feel s twist in my stomach. satan! oh how i mis that hot boy!!

the dorbell rings. he lets out a frustrated sigh "of course. of course the dorbel ring right now"

"your hairs done" he says geting up quick "ill go see who it is"

he goes out. i get to my feet and get out the bath, my hair driping everywher. i find the lightswitch and qucikly dry of and get dresed

i hear a faint voice "noah im just going to use youre toilet"

i widen my eyes and pul on my shirt. i then pul open the door,hair stil driping onto noah's sisters long sleeve shirt. i find myself staring straight at a slighly familiar lookin boy with brown hair with a white streak.

he stares at me. at my wet hair, at the clothes that arnt mine. he gives me a question look.

i blink. "oh um arent you one of...?"

"madoc" he says.

ah, he was on the train when me and satan had that date and got atacked. then i hear some voices downstairs, abd my heart freezes in my chest like ive ben thrown in a ice chest!

i swalow "um madoc, is satan-"

but my answer is answered by a voice.


i gulp and turn to see Satan give me a quizical look, taking in my atire. we stare at each other. no words. no nothing. just tension, oozing from our pores like pus Oh YEAH-

"um gramarly" says madoc quietyly

"what!" I look at him with crazy sparkling blue orb

madoc gestures to the bathrom dor "i need to pee"

i blink "oh um sory"i i mutter and move out the way.

satan looksat me and his eyes dip lslightly like i shoulkd put chips in them. i look down myself and...i notice that the shirt i am wearing... well it is kind of se through ish. and IM NOT WEARING BRA


i scream

satan lets out a shout "whAtS WRONG"


he looks confused but turns around. i let out a breath of releaf.

"ok i anounce" give me your shirt"

he freezes "waht??"

"i want it . give it now"

"uh.. ok.." he take of shirt and throw it back at me . yumy it smell like him! i put it on. but then i realize my mistake as satan turn round

because now he is shirtless. oh, its too much for a girl like me. its just miles of skin of abs!-

theres a slight smirk peking on satans face "you okay there? your lookin a litel flustered, Kitten"

the old nickname send something through me, like an envelope of lust. i flush bright red.

but then his smile fades. "wait gramarly," he says slow and dangeros, like a snake stalkin its prey.

i look back at him. is he gonna ask for me to like, kiss him? or- well i dont know, madoc is stil peeing in there so its not really a god time-

he comes closer and he gently takes his hand and puts it to my face. he trace the botom of my jaw sending spark of electircity throguhout my body. "gramarly" he whispers, tuckin my hair behind my ear.

i stare at him, last time we were this close, it was because we were kissing desperately in his room. our lips were mashed togethr like mushy peas. and oh i want it to just do it again, damn the consequence! my lips part slightly like bangs that are too long.

"gramarly," satan pauses, "why is there a band aid on your face?"

