Chapter 25: "i thought he was dead"

I dont talk to my dad again that night. I go straight to a small room with camping bed in it. i lie there alone, listen to sound of voices. cars crunch on gravel as they leave. i wonder where their going

in the end i fal asleep


i wake up early because my phoen ringing. tired i reach for it


"grammarly its jasmine" she sound paniked

"whats going on? are you ok"

"I'm fine" jasmine lets out shacky breth "but gramarly-"


"its berk" she says with a sob. i sit up straight, fear spearing throu me like spearmint "he just turned up bleeding and he wont wake up. im at the hospital and i dont know rick or brok's number. and grammalry, i thought he was dead-"

"jasmine" i tell her "is he ok?

"yeah" she says with a sniff "but its bad grammarly"

i think of how my dad wanted me here last night . grammarly your in danger. i swallow, fear siting in me

"what happened?"

"i dont know" she whisper " but he had a gunshot wound"

i close my eyes breifly like a briefcse. did my father have something to do with it?


i realise ive gone silent. "I'll call Brok and get him and rick to the hospital.

"thank you"

"ill come too jasmine" i tell her, i have love in my heart for her poor girl "hang in ther we'll be there soon"

As quickly as i can i dial brok's number


"hey" i say, not liking what im about to tell him

"i heard you were with your dad. is everything-"

"Brok" i intererupt "jas called me. Berk's in the hospital"

theres silence. "brok?"

"ill tell Dad" he says tersely like parsley

"ill see you at the hospital" i tell him

"see you grammarly"

"bye" i say, heart hurting for him. poor brok


I hop out the car the second Tina pulls up to the hopital.

"wait grammarly"

i turn quickly, looking at Tina. she gives me a sad smile . "i hope he's okay"

i nod and rush to the reception. There i see Jasmine. she looks up when she sees me, releived. her eyes are tired and blodshot

"brok and rick got here okay?" i ask after giving her a big hug.

Jasmine nods. "theyre family, so they were alowed in"

she looks so miserabl that i pul her back in for another hugg. "hell be okay

"he better be" she scowls slightly like scholteacher "after he puls a stunt like that. coming to me in that state"

I give her a warm smile.

"I just dont understand" she says, siting down tired "i dont understand how this could happen"

"well" i say gentle "he is in the razor snakes right? coulv'e been caght in a fight?

"yeah, but he's not that involved" says jasmine with a frown "he's more of a numbers guy. freakishly good at math"

I blink. i didnt know. it strkes me then how Berk is like a brother to me, but i know so litle about him. for a second jelosy shoots throug me, jelosy that Jasmine knows so much more about him then i do. i almost lost him before i evem knew him as a person, as a brother. i feel gilty now oh dear

"somethings going on in this town" mutters jasmine

i look at her curiously "but there must always be shootouts and thungs right?"

"ye but its diffrent now. i dont know how to explain it gramarly" says Jasmine "but people are on edge and it must be for a good raisin"

Again I think of my dad. Dad what have you done?

Jasmine must se somthing in my fac because she grab my arm "if you know something Grammarly, just tell me"

my brain is teling me why it's a bad idea. better to pretend i dont know anything. and i dont even kno if my dad has anything to do with it. i should just sta y quuiet

but in my heart, i see the sad but determind look on jasmin's face. And I can't lie to her. i just can't.

"ok" i say taking dep breth "what do yo want to now?

She stares at me "I dont kno what do you know?"

I decide to just be upfron about it. I take a deep breth "i was born into gang"

jasmine blinks clerly she wasn expecting this

"the silver wolves" i see jasmines dark orbs alight in recoognition "and theyre here. they want to take over, beet the other gangs like they eggs ye"

jasmine furows brow and move away from me slightl "is that why your here, then? to spy on us or somthing?"

my eyes widen "no, no jas. i just came here because my mom met Rick. my dad came her al on his own-"

"your dad?"

i gulp. this is not making me look good at al. "yeah, my dad. he's kind of like, the leader or whateve" i say the last par quickly like it doesnt mater.

But clearly it doe because jasmine looks at me strangly liek im a stranger "right" she say slowly

I can tel im losing her. "Jasmine, if my dad has anything to do with whats happene to Berk, I swear ill make him pay" i say this seriously

For a minute she look back at me. I hold my breth waitingfor her to answer. In the end she nods. "ok i beleive you"

I sigh in releafblower

"sorry gramarly" she say shepish "it's just been a hard night"

I smile "i unerstand"

"i broke up with him a few months ago" she whispers, closing her eyes "it was complicated. but oneof the reasons was i didnt like seeing him in that gang. i didnt want to wory about loosing him al the time"

i stay quiet and listen

"so i broke up with him. and ive tried to move on gramarly but i just cant. and now he's been shot -" shapr intake of breth "and it hurts grammarly. im not with him but it still hurts me like i am."

"you love him" i say "it not somthing you can just switch off like lightbulb, even if you broke it off like a piece of cjolcoate'

Jassmine smiles sad "I guess not"

"i cant tell you what to do' i say carful "but i think you should talk to him. when he's beter.

"yeah maybe"

i bite my lip "it's just that-" i sigh "if you relly love him that it hurts for yo when he gets hurt, then why be apart from him? it is pain for you either way. save yourself that extra pain, jasmime. do what makes you happy"

jasmein doesnt answer but i can tell she's thinking. final she say "can we talk about somthin else now"

"of corse i say and wwe kep talkin like normal girl in the waitin room until Brok comes out.

We both stand and hold our breth like we underwate at kiddie pool

He give us grim look like brothers grimm. "he's going into surgery"

I squeeze jasmine's hand. her eyes look woried like worm

"but" says Brok with a half smile "bullet went right through and didnt hit anythin to important. so theres some risk wi thhe surgery but it looks like hes going to be ok"

Jasmine lets out a long breth.

Brok nods at her "thanks to youre quick thinking jasmine. so thank you"

"i just" she hesitate "i dont understan why he cam to me. after i broke up with him and everything-"

"Jasmine" interepts brok gently like breeze "its because he never stop love you, and he trusts you. he wouldve been deliros in his state" his gaze softens liek warm cheese "and you were the one he went to"

she stare at him eyes glassy like glass eyes "relly?"

Brok nods "I wouldnt lie to you Jasmin"

she look deep in thot.

"youll let us kno how it goes with the surgery" i ask brok, watching him carful. Right now im lookin after Jasmine, but im woried about him to. thats his brother in there.

"i will" he say "you two going to go to school or stay?"

"i want to stay" says jasmine quietly. "i dont want to go to school yet"

"ill take you to find som food" i tell her.

She smiles "ok"

Then i turn around "come with us Brok" he hesitates and i press on "you should eat. berk's in surgery right now/ the best thing you can do is look after yorself."

something pases between us. then he nods.

Together the thre of us walk to the cafeteria. We are tired, sad, woried. but when times are dark we look after each other.



weneed our berky boy and jasmine to BE TOGETHER -together they are JERK πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


