chapter 39: "i knew with my dad sense that somthing was wrong"

Everyone looks at my dad and he shift uncomofrtable like he sitting on lumps. "Well what do you want to know?" he asks

I let out a sigh "i know that something is goin on that i do not know about. i know that satans mom knows my mom."

Β this grabs satans attention "what?"

"when i went to satans house that one time to, um-"

I see Noah try and fail to hide a smirk. satans face stays neutral and i feel myself blush slightly. oh deer this is not the time to blush and think abot makin out with Satan!!! i clear my throat to continue

"and satans mom asked a strange question, about moms maiden name"

My dad frowns "well her maiden name is 'vaughn'." he turns to Satan and says gruffl "young man whats youre moms name?"

"Lily Wayne" blink Saran "but before she married my mom she went by Lilybethanyboo Castle. why? do you kno her or somthing?

My dad blinks suddenly "how strange" he muters like cookie cuters

"dad" i say trying to be calm but i am tired and just want answers "can you stop bein a masive crypt and just say what you know"

My dad looks torubled "Marly, i think this is the type of story that your mom would rather tell you herself"

I frown "ok... lets cal her to com here then"

My dad gives me a grim look "well, thats another thing Grammarly. your mom... no one has seen her since thursday"

I freeze like raspbery suprise popsicle. what

My dad stands "why dont you take a seat, gramarly"

FOr a moment i just stare at him. he nods to the couch "marly, sit"

So I sit down next to Satan. he is still shirtless, but now is not the time to be distracted by his delicios abs because my moms missing!

"late friday night" says my dad "i got a call from Brok, Grammarly. he said that he was worried because Rick could not find Alice and hadnt seen her since thursday, and he thought she might have contacted me or you."

oh, i think to myself. of course. when brok called me i told him i was with my dad.

"i told him that i had not herd from her, and" he looks right at me "i also told him that you werent with me. and Brok was worried, because he said he had just contact you and you said you wer withme. but when he try to call you again to ask you about alice, you didnt pick up"

"my phone got smashed" i whisper, and i feel satans hand on mine for a second, squeeze gentle like lemon. i dont look at him but i squeze back. my hert fluters in my chest lsightly. its crazy what satans touch do to me huh

My dad nods "thats what i though. i did notthink you were with a boy or something, because i have alway drilled into you to always have your phone with you and always answer. i knew with my dad sense that somthing was wrong. so i got the silver wolves to start looking for you. but to no avail"

A lump forms in my throat like throat tumor. whenever i see my dad i fight withhim. but who cares if he keps things from me and is in a gang and does ilegal stuff and is bordeline obsesive about me staying away from boys!? the important thing is that he love me enough to tirelesly serch for me when i am kidnapped

"then tina get a call from you" continue my dad "she came here to keep an eye on you then eventualy she tell me where you are"

"wait" i ask "tina's here?"

my dad nods "yes outside. she wanted to make sure youwere ok but also giv you some space"

in my head i say a silent thank yo to Tina. for leting me have my time to bond with noah and also to make out with satan. because prioritiees, right?

"so where is mom" i ask in quiet voice

My dad shakes his head sadly like a milkshak of tears. "i dont know, Grammarly"

"weird coincidenc" says Noah quietly "that gramarly and her mom disapear around same time"

My dad frowns. "she could have been kidnap too, by same people..." he trail off "but its hard to kno with Alice. she keeps so many secrets"

I frown. i am worry about my mom but also i ned answers. so i compose myself like im a composer and look at my dad with strong eyes. "soo" i say "if mom cant be here to tell story you tel story dad"

he blink "uH"

"tel me " i growl like bear "im tired of confusion i have limited brain please just explain i am tired dad"

He sighs "okay i will tell you all now"

We all wait expectantly.

"youre mom born in town not so far from here, Grammarly" begins my dad "she grew up normal life yes. everything fine, normal, until one day..." he pause. "until one day she was on run and came across girl her own age. and this girl, she was sleeping, under a tree. she was cover in dust and bruise and dirt. so Alice woke her up and brough her to the house."

i frown what the hell this have to do with anything. so what if my mom help some dirty child???

"Alice helpe th egirl get clean and give her food and cloth" contune my dad "but the girl did not speak. alice's parents were away on holida so she let the girl stay, lookin after her. she asked the girl about her bruise, andif she should cal doctor or policebut this just mad the girl very scared. so Alice did not tell anyone."

weird dirt girl

"eventual after three days, alice got the girl to speak. she said she was runing away from her bad uncle and her name" my dad pause, and he looks at satan. "was lilybethanyboo castle"

Satan recoils like he water and my dad's words are oil. "what ar yo talking about?"

"alice and lilybethanyboo became very good friends" say 'my dad "very good friends"

"you mean, like best friends?" i whisper. my mom and satan's mom best frends?

my dad sudenly also looks very tired "no, gramarly, i mean as lovers"

satan looks surprise, and my eyes widen "oHH" i say then i scurnch nose "dad nobody says lovers anymore"

"anYWAY" my dad says lookin pointy at me "they were so close that they.." he clenche jaw "they decide to confront bad uncle toigether, once and for all"

Satan is frowning "i never evenknew she had an uncle' he says quietly to me and i squeeze his hand again.

"but this was dumb bad plan" says my dad in moody tone "he atack them in anger"

me and satan exhanche looks. our poor moms

"in self defense" stars my dad "they hit him with bromstick"

"and?" i ask. on edge of seat

My dad look at us grimly "..and he die"


hello i am back finaly!!Β 

by the way there wil probaly be like 15-20 more chapter idk so yeah :))

and then i will rewrite it and make a few changes so plot make more sense!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

BYEYEYE remmeber vote and stuf bye
