Chapter 26

Celestine's POV: (the art class scene from C's POV)

It's been awhile since I've last been here, I'm in the car in front of Ensley's studio. I was hesitant to go here with Micah, but I eventually agreed. I wanted to see Ensley again, but I was also dreading it. I knew that it would be difficult to face her after what she had confessed.

I had been thinking about her ever since then. I couldn't stop thinking about her words. She said that she would love me even if we couldn't be together. She said that she didn't need my permission to fall in love with me.

I love her too. I knew in my heart that I did. But I'm in a relationship with Micah. And I love him too.

I'm so confused. I don't know what to do.

Micah opened my door and held out his hand to help me out of the car. We walked inside the studio where Ensley is standing at the front.

"Hey guys," She greeted us. She looked beautiful, as always. Her smile was warm and inviting, but there was also a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Hey," I replied shortly. I couldn't help but feel nervous. I don't know how to act around her now.

"This place looks amazing, Ensley." Micah said.

Ensley smiled in response. "So, what brings you guys here?" She asked, arms crossed over her paint-stained apron.

"Micah wanted to see the studio and maybe try painting a little." I replied, finally catching Ensley's eyes. I tried to smile at her, but it felt forced.

"Oh really? That's great! Let me get one of my artists to guide you both," she said, trying to sound enthusiastic. I can't take my eyes off of her. I was so drawn to her, even though I know it's wrong.

"No. I want you to do it." Micah said firmly. My head snapped up to look at him, surprised by the tone of his voice. The tone he uses when talking to his employees.

"Me?" Ensley asked, brows raised in surprise.

"Yeah, you're the expert here. I want to learn from you." Micah said. I glanced at Ensley, trying to gauge her reaction.

Ensley hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Okay, sure. Let's get started then."

My eyes flickered to Micah, wondering if he knew what was going on between me and Ensley. Why did he insist for Ensley to teach us? I push the thoughts out of my head, it's probably because he's familiar with her, nothing more.

We got situated, each of us with our own canvas and easel. Micah sat on my left with Ensley on my right. For the first few minutes, I kept to myself. Lost in the brushstrokes, trying to sort out my thoughts and feelings.

I know that I need to figure out what I want. I can't keep stringing both Micah and Ensley along. But it's so hard to choose. I know it should be a no-brainer. I know the right answer is to stay with Micah and be loyal to him, but I can't deny my own feelings. I can't lie and pretend I don't also love Ensley.

How could I possibly make a decision that would inevitably hurt one of them? It felt like an impossible task.

"Hey, you okay?" Ensley's soft voice brought me back to reality. I realized I had been staring blankly at my painting without even attempting to add any color.

I turned to look at her, my eyes widening at our proximity. "Are we okay?" She asked softly, her gaze filled with worry.

"I don't think that's up to just me, is it?" I whispered.

"I like to think we're okay." Ensley whispered back, "I want everything go back to normal."

I sighed, looking down. "Except nothing about us was ever normal." I said, we were never just friends. I see that now.

"Celestine...I meant what I said. I love you. But I don't want to get in between you and Micah." Ensley said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I swallowed hard, unable to tear my eyes away from her. "But you did, Ensley. You came into my life and turned everything upside down. I don't know how to navigate these feelings anymore."

"I know," Ensley murmured. "I'm sorry for making things complicated. Believe me, I do. But we can't let our feelings ruin what we all have. I don't want to lose you as a friend, Celestine."

I nodded, understanding what she meant. We both wanted to preserve our relationship, but how could we do that when our feelings for each other ran so deep?

Before I could say anything else, Micah called out to us. "What's going on?"

Ensley quickly turned to him with a smile. "Oh, nothing, just discussing a technique," she said, her tone reassuring.

We went back to painting, the silence between us heavy with the weight of unspoken feelings. But I knew that before we could address what was happening between us, I needed to address what was happening with Micah.

My mind was still racing, trying to figure out what to do next. Should I stay with Micah and try to suppress my feelings for Ensley? Or should I take a chance and pursue a relationship with her, even if it meant risking everything with Micah?

It was hard to focus on my painting with all these thoughts in my head. But I tried my best, putting brush to canvas and letting the colors blend together. I stole a few glances at Ensley from time to time, wondering what she was thinking.

As the painting session drew to a close, I found myself feeling more confused than ever. I didn't know what to do, or who to choose. But one thing was clear - I couldn't keep pretending that everything was normal. Something had to give.

"Why don't we all have dinner together?" Micah suddenly suggested.

I looked at Ensley only to find her looking back at me already. Do you want me to go? Her eyes seemed to ask.

"Come on, we should celebrate my newfound painting skills." Micah joked, urging us to agree. We both turned to look at him and Ensley replied.

"Yeah sure. If it's okay with Celestine, then I'm fine with it."

Not seeing any reason to disagree, I nodded in response.

"Great, let's go." Micah replied, reaching out to take my hand. "Wanna ride with us Ensley?" He added.

Without missing a beat, Ensley replied. "Oh no, I'll just follow you guys in my car."

"Suit yourself." Micah said and with a shrug, we walked to his car.

I took a deep breath, hoping that tonight will be the night I finally figure out what I want.


Micah's POV:

As we sat around the table, the warm glow of the restaurant's ambient lighting enveloped us. The clinking of cutlery and soft chatter of other diners serves as background noise. I glanced at Ensley, trying to remain composed as we look over the menus.

I felt my suspicions grow stronger. Ensley is sitting next to Celestine, their arms touching. Celestine didn't seem to mind, but I felt a pang of jealousy.

"So, what are you going to order?" I asked Celestine.

"I'm not sure yet," she said. "I've always ordered steak, but now I'm torn between the steak and the salmon."

"The salmon is excellent," Ensley said. "It's cooked perfectly, and it's so fresh."

Celestine smiled at Ensley. "I think I'll go with the salmon then."

I watched them interact, and my heart sank. I could see the way Ensley looked at Celestine. It's clear now that she has feelings for her. And Celestine didn't seem to be immune to her charms either.

"What about you, Micah?" Celestine asked. "What are you going to have?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "I'll have the lamb chops," I said.

"Good choice," Ensley said.

I looked at her and nodded, "yeah, I know what I want." I replied.

Ensley stared back. "Actually I'll have the lamb chops as well." She said.

I held her gaze, my own eyes steely. "Are you sure about that?"

Ensley smiled, in what seemed to me was a provocative smile. "Of course I am. I love lamb chops."

I stared at her with narrowed eyes. "Okay. If that's what you want."

"It is." Ensley replied.

I leaned back, my arms crossed as I watched them for a moment. I feel like I'm losing my grip on Celestine. She's the lamb chops, the prize that both Ensley and I desired. And there's no denying that Ensley is a formidable opponent. She's beautiful, intelligent, and confident.

I knew then that I have to step up my game if I want to keep Celestine. I have to show her that I'm the better man, the one who deserves to be with her.

As the meal went on, my suspicions only grew stronger. Ensley and Celestine seemed to be on their own little world. They were laughing and talking together, and they barely included me in the conversation.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to know what was going on.

"Excuse me for a minute," I said, standing up. "I need to go to the restroom."

I walked away from the table, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't know what to do. I had to figure out what was going on between them.

I went to the restroom and splashed some water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the fear in my eyes. I'm afraid of losing Celestine.

I took a deep breath and walked back to the table. I know what needs to be done. I need to confront Ensley.


"Ensley, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?" I said, my voice firm and serious.

"Sure." Ensley looked taken aback but nodded, excusing herself from the table and following me outside.

"Listen, I don't know what's going on between you and Celestine, but you need to back off. She's mine," I said through gritted teeth.

Ensley seemed taken aback by my sudden hostility, but she quickly composed herself.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're going to accuse me of something, at least have the decency to tell me exactly what it is," she replied coolly.

"You think I haven't noticed the way you two act around each other?" I said, my anger starting to boil over. "I'm not stupid, okay? I know that you're trying to steal her from me."

"Steal her? She's not an object Micah." Ensley leaned in close, her eyes flashing with anger. "She's a person, and you should put more trust in her. "

I took a step back, surprised by her anger. "I do trust her. But I don't know you, I don't trust you." I replied, staring back at her.

Ensley took a deep breath and looked at me straight in the eye. "Look, Micah, I don't know what you're seeing, but there's nothing going on between Celestine and me. I'm just her friend."

"Don't lie to me," I growled. "I'm not some idiot who can't see the truth. I can see the way you've been looking at her, the way you've been talking to her. I know you two have been sleeping together," I spat out, unable to hold back my rage any longer.

"If you don't believe me, that's your problem," Ensley said. "But I'm not going to stand here and listen to you accuse me of something I didn't do."

Ensley turned to walk away, but I grabbed her arm.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me the truth," I said.

Ensley glared at me. "I'm not going to tell you anything. Let go of me."

I tightened my grip on her arm, making her wince. "You're good at hiding your feelings," I said. "But I can see through you."

Ensley looked at me for a long moment, her eyes unflinching. Then, she sighed and let out a breath.

"You're right," she said. "I do have feelings for Celestine. I love her."

I felt my heart sink. I had suspected it all along, but hearing her say it out loud made it all the more real.

My grip on her arm loosened, stunned. Ensley stepped back, putting distance between us. "But you don't have to worry. Celestine would never do anything to hurt you."

I looked at her, stepping closer, "and you?"

Ensley averted her gaze for a moment and looked back at me, a sad smile on her face. "I respect her decision. I respect your relationship."

I laughed bitterly, brushing my hair back in frustration. "Respect? You call this respect?

Ensley sighed. "I never slept with her, Micah. And I'm not trying to break you two up. But I can't help the way I feel."

"You're a liar." I scoffed

Ensley's eye narrowed, anger flashing in them. "Fine. Believe what you want. I don't care."

Ensley turns to walk away but I grabbed her elbow and pulled her back. "I don't want you to see Celestine anymore. I don't want you to contact her or try to be around her. She's not yours," I said, my voice growing more forceful.

Ensley's face hardened at Micah's words. "You can't tell me who I can and can't see, Micah." she said, her voice cold.

"I can if you're trying to steal my girlfriend," I replied, my voice steely.

"I'm not trying to steal your girlfriend," Ensley said. "I told you, I respect your relationship."

"You're lying," I said. "I can see it in your eyes."

Ensley shook her head. "You're so caught up in your own insecurities that you can't see the truth." She said.

"The truth is, you want Celestine for yourself," I replied. "And you're not willing to let anything stand in your way."

Ensley laughed bitterly. "You're delusional," she said. "But if that's what you think, then there's no point in arguing."

My grip on her elbow tightened to the point that I could feel her bones underneath.

"I'm warning you," I said. "Stay away from Celestine."

Ensley glared at me, yanking her elbow free, "Fine," she said. "I won't see her again. But you're making a big mistake, Micah. You're going to lose her."

She said with gritted teeth and walked away. I watched her go, my fists clenched at my sides. I felt like I'm losing control of the situation. I didn't know what to do.

I slammed my hand on the wall right where Ensley was earlier. My head suddenly throbbed in pain and I staggered back. I held my head in my hands and groaned in pain. "Fuck." I rasped out, I shut my eyes tight and took deep breaths, calming myself, willing the pain to go away.

After a few moments, the throbbing went away and though the pain persists, I paid it no mind. With an exhale, I went back to Celestine, who is sitting at the table, playing with her food.

"Where's Ensley?" she asks, looking around.

I sat beside her and kissed her temple. "She had to go," I said. "Something came up."

Celestine frowns. "What was it?"

I shrug, acting casual. "I don't know. She didn't say."

Celestine looks unconvinced, but she doesn't press further. "Okay," she says. "Well, I guess we better go too."


Celestine and I walk to the car in silence. My mind running through everything I learned. I opened the passenger door and let Celestine in before going over and starting the engine, driving back home.

At a red light, I stared at Celestine's side profile. My heart breaking at the thought of her with Ensley. Celestine has always been the perfect girlfriend, and I'm sure for a fact that she has never liked women. Ensley must have done something, forced her even to do the unthinkable. I shook my head, this can't happen. I have to protect Celestine.

"I remember now." I blurted out.

Celestine looked up from her phone. "Huh?"

I glanced at her before turning my attention back on the road. "Ensley had to go pick up her girlfriend." I lied.

Celestine frowns. "Girlfriend? I didn't know Ensley had a girlfriend."

"Yeah." I shrug. "Maybe she just didn't tell you."

I hold my breath, waiting for Celestine's reaction. She looks at me for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Then, she simply nods.

"Oh," she says. "Okay."

The light turns green, and I pull away from the intersection. I steal a glance at Celestine again. She's staring out the window, her expression thoughtful.

I've never liked lying to Celestine, but I know that I'm doing it for her own good. Now that I'm here, I can't let her near Ensley anymore. Ensley is dangerous. She's manipulative and deceitful. She'll do anything to get what she wants.

I have to protect Celestine.


(A/N:) Micah in his "objectify" my gf era. Also since you don't want to love him, I'm just gonna make you hate him like he's the devil incarnate. 😎

This story is also the first story where I give the male character his own pov, kinda fun actually.

Also if you must know, Celestine is the lamb chops, Ensley is the Salmon and Micah is the steak. 😂 kinda proud of this metaphor actually, even though it sound cheesy when I explain it like this lol.
