Chapter 16

Celestine's POV:

I couldn't avoid Ensley forever. It was inevitable that we would cross paths again, and there was no point in trying to resist the inevitable. I decided that I needed to change my attitude towards her, and I needed to do it fast.

I knew that I couldn't stop being friends with her. Despite everything that had happened between us, we had a bond that couldn't be broken. Our friendship had been a huge help for me, and I couldn't just throw it away now.

Sure, we had a past – a past that was completely wrong – but I can't let that define our entire relationship. There are some things we can't undo, but we can still move forward and be friends.

But I also knew that I couldn't just forget about Micah and all that we had built together. I couldn't cheat on him, not even emotionally. So I decided that I needed to set some boundaries when it came to my friendship with Ensley.

I took a deep breath and texted her, "I'm dropping by tomorrow. See you."

She responds almost immediately. "Yes! See you!"

I smile to myself and feel a sense of relief. It's time to move past the past and focus on the present. I can still maintain a friendship with Ensley – as long as I keep my boundaries in check. I knew that it wouldn't be easy, but I had to do it. Especially if I want to keep her in my life.


I decided to stop by Ensley's studio this morning before work. I've missed going there and though I don't have time to attend a class, stopping by is just as good for me, I found Ensley humming to herself while she arranges the paints and brushes.

"Hey there, Ensley," I greet her and she turns around and gives me a wide smile. "I just wanted to come by and say hi before heading to work."

"Hey Ce," she replies, her voice soft and gentle. "It's been a while since you've been here."

"Yeah, I missed it." I replied wistfully.

As we chat, I notice some new paintings on the walls. Some are finished, while others are still works in progress. There's something about them that feels familiar, like I've seen them before.

"These are beautiful," I say, admiring the paintings.

"Thank you," Ensley says, blushing.

As I look around, I realize that many of the paintings seem to be inspired by me. They're not exact replicas, but there's something about them that makes me think of myself. I don't want to assume, but I have a feeling that I might be the inspiration behind them. "Wait, are these... of me?"

Ensley looks down at her feet, clearly embarrassed. "Um... well, yeah? I mean they're inspired by you."

I smile, feeling a sense of happiness and validation. "I thought so. They're amazing."

"Is it cool? I can throw it out if you're uncomfortable about it," she says, still looking down.

"Ensley, you don't have to worry about it. It's flattering, really. Thank you for showing me," I say.

She nods, still blushing. "Of course. It's just something I've been working on lately. A series of paintings... you're definitely the inspiration behind them."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Well, they're beautiful. And I'm honored."

Among the paintings, one in particular captured my attention. The painting featured two woman figures, standing side by side with spray paint cans in their hands, grinning mischievously at each other.

The colors were bold and vibrant, with the background featuring a colorful array of graffiti markings. The two woman figures were clearly us, with our hairstyles and clothing styles captured perfectly. I could almost feel the sense of rebellion and freedom that we had felt that night, as we laughed and sprayed paint onto the walls. The painting was a beautiful tribute to that experience, capturing it in a way that was both artistic and deeply personal.

As I move closer towards the painting, my eyes widen in amazement. The painting captures the essence of that night so perfectly - the rush of of excitement, the thrill of doing something we weren't supposed to, and the beauty of our shared experience. I can't help but get lost in the memories of that time, and I feel a sense of longing for the girl I was then and the girl who shared that moment with me.

"You can have that one."

I turned towards Ensley's voice and asked, "sorry?"

She smiled and repeated herself. "I said you can have that one."

I feel my eyes widen in surprise. "Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she says with a shrug. "Think of it as my gift for you."

I smile, a warm feeling spreading through me. "Thank you, Ensley. That means a lot."

Ensley nods, her eyes bright with emotion. "Of course, it's the least I could do. You were there with me that night, and it's a memory I'll always cherish."

I didn't know what else to say except, "Me too."

"I mean let me do some finishing touches and seal it off first." Ensley joked.

I chuckle at her comment. "Take your time. I'll be happy to wait for it."

"I will," she said, emphasizing her words with a wink. "And then you can take it home and hang it up in your place."

I nodded, picturing the painting in my living room, a constant reminder of the special bond that Ensley and I share. "It's going to look amazing."

Ensley smiled. "I bet."

We chat a bit more and time seems to fly by, because before I know it, I have to head off to work. We said our goodbyes and I drove off with Ensley waving at me from the studio's doorstep.


Ensley's POV:

A couple of hours after Celestine dropped by, my students started pouring in. I honestly didn't expect that I'd still be conducting this classes long after Tina forced me to do it. But I grew to like it and even became friends with my usual students.

Of course, I miss Celestine and her work during this classes and I know that she's just using work as an excuse not to see me as much but I can't blame her and I understand why we have to put some distance between us. It still feels bittersweet.

As the class ends, one of my newest students approached me. "Hey Ms. Ensley, Can we talk for a bit?"

I wiped my hands on my apron and nodded, "yeah of course, what is it?"

"Me and my mom are huge fans of your work and we're just wondering when your next exhibit will be? We'd love to grab a painting of yours."

"I'm actually thinking about doing another exhibit soon," I admitted to the student. "But I haven't made any concrete plans yet."

The student's face lit up. "That's so cool! I'll make sure to keep an eye out for any updates."

"Actually, I'll give you and the other students invitations when I have everything finalized." I replied.

"Wow! Thanks Ms. Ensley, Can't wait for it!"

As the student left, I was left pondering on what to do. It has indeed been a long time since my last exhibit and I do have a couple of new paintings I can put up plus the series I'm working on. I mean, I had been working on them for months, pouring my heart and soul into each stroke of the brush. And as much as I loved creating them, I knew they were meant to be shared.

Of course I have to ask Celestine's permission since she's the main inspiration behind them. Actually...I might even ask for her help planning the event. With that though in mind, I quickly removed my apron and washed off any paint from my hands.

"Hey Nox! I'm going somewhere, take care of the studio!" I shouted behind me as I walked briskly down the stairs.

"Where are you going!" She shouted behind me.

"None of your business!" I shouted back with a smirk on my face.

Before I could get out the front door, I heard her last shout, "asshole!"

I laughed and shook my head while walking towards my car and speeding off towards Celestine's office. Let's hope I don't get lost.

As I drove to Celestine's office, my mind raced with ideas for the exhibit. What I could do and what else I need to finish.

When I arrived at the building, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. It's a modest building with high ceilings and big doors. White walls and black marble tiles adorn the inside and It feels so much like Celestine.

I walked towards the receptionist and asked where Celestine's office is.

"Do you have an appointments miss..?"

"Ensley Walsh andI don't have an appointment." I replied, "I'm a friend of hers and I just wanted to drop by?"

"I'm sorry ms. Walsh, Ms. Addison is quite a busy person and I can't just let anybody go in her office."

"Okay yeah, I understand." I replied, "thanks." I walked away from the receptionist and sat on one of the couches around the lounge. I sighed as I realized I couldn't just barge into Celestine's office unannounced. So, I took out my phone and called her instead.

After a few rings, she finally picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Celestine, are you busy"

"Ensley, hey. Just doing some paperwork. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, sorry to bother you. I just wanted to see if it's okay if I drop by your office? I'm actually at the lobby. The receptionist doesn't want to let me in." I replied with a chuckle.

Celestine laughed on the other end of the line. "Oh, that's silly. Of course you can come up. I'll come down and get you."

"Thanks, Ce."

A few moments later, Celestine came down and greeted me with a warm smile. "Hey, Ensley. Sorry about the mix-up. I'll make sure to let the receptionist know you're always welcome in my office."

"It's okay," I said, returning her smile. "Thank you for coming down to get me."

As we walk towards the elevator, Celestine asks, "so what brings you here?"

"I'll tell you later in your office."


Celestine's office was spacious and elegantly decorated. The walls were painted in a calming shade of light blue and adorned with pictures of her travels. A long wooden desk occupied the center of the room, cluttered with papers and a laptop. Behind the desk, a large window allowed natural light to flood in, providing a stunning view of the city skyline. To the left of the window, a small seating area with two comfortable armchairs and a coffee table provided a place for guests to sit and chat.

As we entered the room, Celestine motioned for me to take a seat in one of the armchairs.

"Alright, Ens. So, what brings you here?" Celestine asked, sitting across from me in the other armchair.

"I have a proposition for you." I replied.

Celestine looked at me, a curious expression on her face. "What's up?"

"I was thinking, since you're an events organizer and all, maybe you could help me set up my next art exhibit," I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

Celestine's face lit up. "Are you serious? I would love to!"

I breathed a sigh of relief. "That's great! I really need someone I can trust to make sure everything goes smoothly. Been awhile since the last one."

"When do you want it?" Celestine asked.

"In three weeks, hopefully" I replied. "I know it's kind of short notice, but I wanted to get it done before the end of the year."

"No problem," Celestine said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'll start working on it right away."

"I'm with you every step of the way." I replied, leaning back in my seat. "I like to be hands on."

"Yep of course." Celestine replied, standing up and going over to her desk. "We'll see each other a lot then." She added.

She began jotting down notes and making a list of things that needed to be done. I could see the wheels in her head turning as she planned out every detail.

"Yeah" I said, staring at her focused face, not knowing about the smile on my face. "We will."

"I can already tell this is going to be amazing," Celestine said with a smile as she looked up at me. "We're going to make sure everything is perfect."

"I have no doubts about it." I replied, returning her smile. "I heard you're the best in town." I couldn't help but tease her.

Celestine chuckled. "Oh, you heard right. I don't mean to brag, but I am pretty good at what I do."

"I can see that," I said, grinning. "I'm lucky to have you on my team."

As she worked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement about the exhibit. With Celestine by my side, I knew that everything would go smoothly and the exhibit would be a huge success.

Hours flew by as we talked and planned. By the time we finished, Celestine had put together a rough outline of the exhibit, including the theme, venue, marketing strategy, and a comprehensive budget.

"Thanks Ce. You're the best." I said, standing up to leave.

"No worries Ens. I'll see you in two days yeah? For the meeting." She reminded me, accompanying me towards the door.

"Yess boss." I replied with a mock-salute.

She slapped my arm too soft to sting and playfully pushed me out of the door. "Shut up."

I laughed as I stepped out of her office. "I'll be there, don't worry," I said, turning back to her with a smile.

"Good," Celestine said, still smiling. "I'm so excited for this exhibit, I can't wait!"

"Me too," I said, before heading towards the elevator. "I'll see you soon." I added, waving goodbye.

"See you."

The last thing I saw before the elevator doors close, was Celestine's smiling face. It was contagious, and I found myself grinning as the elevator descended to the ground floor.

I went home with one thought on my mind, I can't wait to spend more time with Celestine again. Just like old times.


(A/N:) Ensley is such a mastermind 😎 Cece doesn't want to attend art classes? Fine then Ens will find another way lol

Cheating is obviously a big N-O for me so it's kinda hard to write this story and semi-avoid actual cheating? But at the same time also want sweet moments between Ensley and Celestine, but still not make Celestine a cheater. You get me?

Easier if Micah is dead right? 😆 but no my sweet boy will stay alive although asleep. (He might wake up early by the way!)
