Chapter 1

Celestine's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my bedside table. I rubbed the drowsiness from my eyes and picked up the device. It was a notification from my calendar app, reminding me of my 9AM meeting with a new client.

As I scrolled through the day's itinerary, I felt a tug at the corner of my mouth. Despite the endless stream of tasks, I loved every minute of what I did. The thrill of making everything happen exactly the way it was planned was an addiction that I could never get enough of.

Micah stirred in his sleep beside me. I looked over at him, taking in his peaceful features, and smiled. He was the one thing in my life that didn't require any planning. Our relationship was effortless, a balance between my meticulousness and his spontaneity.

I leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. He stirred again, a sleepy smile tugging at his lips.

"Good morning, love," he murmured, his voice rough with sleep.

"Good morning," I replied, propping myself up on one elbow. "Sleep well?"

"Always do when I'm with you," he said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that spread across my own face. Micah had a way of making me feel lighter, like I could let go of the weight of the world on my shoulders, even if it was just for a few moments.

He sat up, pulling me close and wrapping his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest, taking comfort in the steady thump of his heartbeat.

"What have you got lined up for today?" he asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

I took a deep breath, mentally running through the list. "Meeting with a new client, then a site visit for next month's event at the convention center. After that, I need to catch up on emails and approve some designs for the charity gala on Sunday night."

Micah whistled admiringly. "You never cease to amaze me, babe. How do you manage to do it all?"

I shrugged, a faint blush creeping up my neck. "It's what's expected of me. And besides, I love it."

He looked at me with an expression of pure adoration. "I love you," he said simply.

I felt my heart swell with affection. "I love you too," I replied, my voice just as soft.

He leaned in to kiss me, but we were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned, reluctantly pulling away.

"I'll catch you later," I promised, tapping a quick kiss to his cheek.

He grinned again, his eyes sparkling. "I'll be waiting."

I got out of bed and made my way to the shower, feeling reinvigorated by our brief exchange. As I got ready for the day, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Micah's presence in my life. Despite the endless meetings and deadlines, I knew that with him, everything would always be okay.


As I stepped out of the shower and started to get dressed, my mind still lingered on Micah and our early morning exchange. I felt a sense of calm wash over me, a reassurance that no matter how busy my day was, everything would be alright with him by my side.

I emerged from our bedroom to see Micah dressed and ready for the day. He was sitting on the couch, lacing up his shoes.

"I'll see you tonight?" he said, glancing up at me.

I nodded, grabbing my purse from the kitchen counter. "Yeah, I'll sleep over again."

"Sounds good," he said, standing up and walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for one last hug.

"Good luck with your meeting," he whispered.

I smiled, feeling his warmth and support. "Thanks. Have a good day at work."

"I'll see you later," he said, planting another kiss on my cheek.

"Take care of yourself," I replied, returning the gesture.

He gave me a final smile before leaving through the door, leaving me alone in the apartment. Even though I knew I had a busy day ahead, I couldn't help but feel at peace, knowing that Micah would be there when I returned home.


The day had been a whirlwind, as expected. It was already past six when I finally left the office, feeling exhausted but satisfied with the progress I had made. Stepping out into the cool night air, I felt a moment of calm. Maybe it was the emptiness of the streets or the stars that shone brightly above, but whatever it was, it was enough to make the world feel a little less daunting.

My phone buzzed with a text message just as I was about to drive off. It was from Micah.

"I made a reservation for us tonight. Eight o'clock at The Skyroom. Be ready."

I smiled to myself, Micah had always been the spontaneous one in the relationship, always having surprises up his sleeve and impromptu dates, but a quiet evening with him was exactly what I needed to shake off the day's stress. So I made a left turn and headed for the restaurant, leaving home behind.


As I entered the restaurant, I scanned the room for Micah, and found him seated at our usual spot, a soft smile on his lips.

Micah is tall and lean, with sharp features and piercing dark eyes. His family was one of the wealthiest in the city, and everything about him exuded wealth and privilege. But despite his exterior, there was a softness about him that I found irresistible.

He stood up when he saw me, pulling me into a tight embrace that made all my stress melt away.

"Hey," I said as I slipped into the seat opposite him. "Sorry I'm late. I didn't know we were having dinner." I smirked, teasing his impromptu invitation.

Micah grinned, smoothly pushing a menu in my direction. "I thought you could use a break from all the planning," he said, his tone playfully teasing.

I chuckled, knowing he was right. "You're right, as always."

We perused the menu, sipping on champagne and chatting about our day. As we waited for our food, Micah reached across the table, taking my hand in his.

"I know how busy you've been," he said, his thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand. "I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate everything you do."

I felt a warmth spread through me, feeling grateful for his support and understanding. "Thank you," I said, squeezing his hand. "It means a lot."

We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company, perfectly content in the moment.

That was one of the many things I loved about Micah - he always makes sure I feel loved and appreciated. We had been together for so long that sometimes it felt like we were one person in two bodies.

As we ate and chatted, I couldn't help but marvel at how lucky I was to have him in my life. He balanced me out perfectly, with his laid-back nature and easy approach to life. I was the planner and organizer, while he was the one who could make me take a step back and just enjoy the moment.

"I got a call from my sister earlier," Micah said, breaking the comfortable silence. "She invited us to their cabin this weekend."

"Oh," I said, my mind racing through my calendar mentally. A quick getaway sounded nice, but there were so many things I needed to take care of. "I'm not sure if it's a good time. I have so much work to catch up on and we have that charity gala on Sunday night."

"We'll make it to the gala love, but when was the last time we took a break?" Micah asked, placing a hand on mine. "We could take the laptop and work from there if we need to. It'll be like a mini-vacation."

I considered his words for a moment. He had a point. We both had been so busy lately that it felt like we were just going through the motions of the same daily routine.

"Okay," I said finally, smiling at him. "Let's do it."

"Great!" Micah exclaimed, beaming at me. "I already told my sister yes. I already packed our things. We're leaving tomorrow morning."

I couldn't help but laugh at his impulsive nature. He always had a way of making even the most mundane things feel exciting. "Alright then, I'm looking forward to it," I said, a smile on my face.

As we finished up our dinner, I couldn't help but feel grateful to have Micah in my life. He was my constant reminder that life was meant to be enjoyed in the moment, not just lived by a strict schedule. And as long as we were together, everything felt possible.


The next day, we ate breakfast and set off on our little getaway. Micah's sister, Mackenzie, had a time-share at a cozy little cabin tucked away in the mountains, and it was the perfect place to unwind and recharge.

As soon as we arrived, Micah disappeared into the kitchen to whip up some coffee while I set up my laptop on the small desk in the living room. I was determined to get some work done, but the tranquil surroundings made it hard to focus. The sound of birds chirping outside, the rustling of leaves and the steady hum of the coffee maker all seemed to blend together in a perfect symphony. We have the cabin all to ourselves since Mackenzie and her family won' be here until later in the evening.

Micah came over and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, peeking over my shoulder to look at my screen. "Anything I can help with?" he asked, placing a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled, feeling grateful for his support and understanding. "Actually, if you could take a look at this presentation, It'll be great." I handed him my laptop and sat back as he read through it, offering suggestions and edits.

As we worked, I couldn't help but steal glances at Micah. He looked so focused, his brow furrowed slightly as he read through my presentation. He looked so handsome, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of love towards him. He had always been there since high school and I knew I could always count on him.

"Hey." Micah's voice brought me back to reality, and I realized I had been staring at him for too long. "I think this looks great. You've covered everything."

I smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "Thanks to you," I said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Micah chuckled, pulling me into a tight hug. "You don't give yourself enough credit," he said, his voice soft.

Once we finished going through the presentation, Micah suggested we take a break and go explore the surrounding area.

We took a walk through the woods, admiring the towering trees and the sound of a bubbling creek nearby. The sun was shining through the leaves, casting a warm glow over everything. It was so peaceful, and it felt good to take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

As the sun began to set, we settled down on the porch, a glass of wine in hand, watching as the sky turned shades of pink and orange. We talked for hours, about everything and anything, our dreams and aspirations, our hopes and fears.

It was then that I realized how lucky I was to have Micah by my side – my partner, my confidante, my best friend. In his arms, I felt safe and protected, like nothing could ever harm me.


Suddenly, we heard the sound of a car approaching, and Micah jumped up, grinning from ear to ear. "They're here!" he exclaimed, rushing over to the car.

Mackenzie and her family emerged from the car, and we hugged and exchanged greetings. Micah's niece and nephew, three and six respectively, were full of energy and excitement, and I couldn't help but smile at their innocence and enthusiasm.

"Hey guys!" Micah exclaimed, pulling them into a big hug. Mackenzie and her husband followed, giving us a warm greeting.

"Hey Mack, How was your drive?" I asked, pulling her into a quick hug.

"It was good, thanks," Mackenzie replied, smiling. "Glad you guys found the time to join us."

"Yep, managed to convince this girl here to take a break," Micah said, still smiling. "Come on, I'll set the table."

I followed them inside the cabin, chatting with Mack's husband, Paul. Their kids are, Matthew who's six years old, while Lilly is only three. They were both shy at first, but warmed up to me eventually. I've met them before but due to my busy schedule I haven't been around enough for them to immediately play with me.

After everyone had settled in, we all gathered around the dinner table, passing around plates of food and sharing stories of what we had been up to. It was a lively and fun atmosphere, punctuated by the sounds of the children giggling and playing.

Even with the added company, Micah and I still managed to find time alone together throughout the trip. We would take walks in the early morning, watch the sunrise together, or sneak away to sit by the creek whenever we could.

As our time at the cabin came to an end, Micah and I thanked Mackenzie and her family for having us and hugged them goodbye. Micah and I got into our car and set off back home, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed after our little getaway.

"I had an amazing time with you," Micah said, smiling at me as we drove.

"I did too," I replied, taking his hand in mine. "Thank you for convincing me to take a break."

"Anytime," he said, squeezing my hand. "Let's promise to take breaks like this once in a while."

"I promise," I said, smiling at him. "Let's make a contract." I added winking playfully at him.

He chuckled, staring at me. "Deal."

We drove in silence for a while, enjoying the peaceful countryside around us. But suddenly, our peaceful drive was interrupted by a loud screeching and crashing noise.

"What the -" Micah said before the car was jolted as if something had hit us. I turned to look at him, my heart pounding in my chest as I realized what had happened.

Our vehicle had crashed into another car and was now careening off the road into a ditch. Everything happened so fast, but I managed to grab Micah's hand just as the car hit something hard and we both went flying forward.

As the car veered off the road, the world spun around us, and every impact felt like a punch to my gut. The sound of metal grinding against metal was deafening, and the airbags exploding like bombs added to the chaos.

I braced myself as the car careened off the road, smashing through bushes and branches before finally slamming into a tree. The impact was so hard that I felt my seat belt slicing into my skin. I could feel the blood trickling down my side and pooling in my lap.

I heard Micah scream, and then everything went black. When I came to, I could barely hear anything. Glass shards and pieces of metal were everywhere, and I couldn't bring myself to move. My body was in pain, but I couldn't tell where or how severe my injuries were. All I knew is that we are in a terrible state.

When I looked over at Micah, my heart sank. He was unconscious, his head bleeding from a severe impact. I knew immediately that it was serious, and I tried my best to keep him stable until help arrived. I called for an ambulance, but I knew that time was of the essence.

Despite my attempts to stay awake and alert, The adrenaline was slowly wearing off, and the pain was becoming unbearable. I tried to stay conscious but the fatigue was consuming me, and the next thing I knew, everything went black again.


The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital, alone and confused. I felt like I had been hit by a train - every inch of my body screamed in agony. When I tried to move, a sharp pain shot up my spine, and I screamed out in agony.

A nurse came rushing over to my bedside, trying to calm me down, but I was so disoriented and confused. "What happened?" I asked her, my voice hoarse and barely audible.

"You were in a car accident," the nurse said, helping me lay back down. "The other driver was drunk."

The memories of the crash came rushing back to me, and I choked back a sob. "Where's Micah? Where's my boyfriend?" I asked, frantically looking around.

The nurse hesitated for a moment before replying, "He's in the ICU, I'm afraid. He's in a coma."

Coma? The word echoed in my mind like a death sentence. I couldn't believe it; this couldn't be happening to us. I felt like a knife had been plunged into my heart, and I struggled to keep my emotions in check.

"How bad is it?" I asked, my voice trembling.

The nurse hesitated again, then gently replied, "It's too early to tell. All we can do now is monitor him and hope that he wakes up soon."

My heart felt like it stopped beating, and I struggled to breathe. The man I loved was in a coma, and there was nothing I could do to help him.

I tried to hold back tears as the nurse checked on my injuries, but the thought of Micah lying in a hospital bed, unresponsive, kept creeping into my mind. I wondered when he will wake up or if he will ever wake up.

"The doctors are doing everything they can," the nurse said, her voice full of sympathy. "You need to rest now, Celestine. We'll take good care of you."

I nodded weakly, tears streaming down my face, as the nurse began to check my vitals. I couldn't believe how quickly our world had turned upside down, and I knew that life would never be the same again.

How could this happen? How could everything change so quickly? I had never felt so alone and afraid in my life.

I knew that I had to be strong for Micah now, and I made a silent promise to myself that I would do everything in my power to see him through this. I had to believe that he would come out of this coma, that he would wake up and come back to me.

Come back to me, love.
