A Good Night's Sleep

Chapter 11

I had finally reached the neighbourhood where Damien lived. It was a very quiet and calm area, with not a lot of children since the houses were very expensive. It was not really optimal for normal nuclear families with children who needed time, attention and money.

As I was walking down the quiet road all alone, I got more aware of my body. I noticed that my senses were still sharpened, and my body was aching pretty bad. I was making sure nothing would surprise me in the middle of the night. I looked up at the Protective eye in its crow form, sitting on a branch, watching me. His black sharp eyes were piercing mine as he stared directly at me, not looking away. I was going to say something to him before I spotted Damien's house. It was grey and white, with a quite modern look. I opened the gate leading to his house, before I hurried up to the front door.

Knocking three times, I took a step back before the door opened, revealing a casual Damien in his usual dark attire.

"Hello Angel", he said as he took a step to the side, letting me in.

"Hello Damien", I responded in the same tone as him while I entered the house.

The inside of the house was as clean cut and modern as the outside. I was actually surprised to find out that a young boy would've been able to keep his house so clean. But then again, I had only been to the houses of boys I had to kill, and boys that are in need of killing are usually not the tidiest since they're busy being evil and such.

"So what were you doing before I showed up?" I asked, trying to keep my voice playful and light.

"Nothing interesting really", he said as he closed the door. "Would you like anything?"

I shook my head before I thanked him. He nodded and started to walk upstairs, and I followed him, still staying on guard. How would I know that this Damien boy wasn't a part of everything that had happened tonight? The Crow had trusted him, so maybe I should've had more trust in him. But then again, could I trust the Crow?

Damien opened the door to what I assumed was his bedroom. It was just like the rest of the house, and lacked even the smallest hint of personality. I was almost wondering if he actually lived here.

"Why did you suddenly want to hang, by the way?" He asked as he sat down on his bed.

I was just going to answer when I felt a cold shiver run across my spine, before it spread across my entire body, leaving me feeling cold and vulnerable.



What is he?

I've told you before, he's not human, but he's not identifiable.

Are you hiding something, Crow?

I'm sorry Angel, but I am not allowed to tell you anything, it's your boss's orders, he wants you to put all your focus on The Phoenix.

So there was something off with this boy, there was definitely no doubt about it. But what was he, if not human? He couldn't have been a fallen angel, they didn't have the capacity or patience to try and lure me into a trap, right? They easily got bored and tried to hurry things up, often ending up failing them. But what else could he have been?


I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned my focus back to the Damien sitting on the bed. I thought of different things to say, and realised that I had to play it sweet if I was actually going to get to know him better.

"I just wanted to see you", I said, as I fake blushed.

He smirked at me before he stood up, walking over to me. He was a lot taller than I was, would I have been able to take him down, even if he would've turned out to be a very powerful creature?

"Oh really?" He said, as he put a hand on my cheek.

Oh no, it was already getting this far, wasn't it? I really didn't mind what my human body was exposed to, so I would've been able to handle this, as long as he wasn't a fallen angel. The only problem would've been how I would proceed after this intimate moment. I nodded as I looked up at him, blushing again.

Damien took this as a hint that I wanted to kiss him, and he ended up doing just that. I didn't really mind, since this wasn't our first kiss, and Damien was a pretty alright creature. The best part was that he wasn't human, but that was also the worst part. How did I know that I could trust him? He didn't tell me that he wasn't human, he didn't tell me anything at all about his true intentions in this town, he just said that he was looking for something. What exactly? And had he found what he had been looking for?

I didn't really know what to do, but obviously I still had some sense in my mind, even though I had completely lost all my sense of focus right after pretty boy showed up in my life. But the recent event with the fallen angels had changed my way of looking at things. I had to end this soon, The Phoenix gained more and more power the longer I let him exist, and I had to stop him, the sooner the better. The first step was to secure a place to stay at, so I had to make sure that Damien felt that he could trust me.

Wow, kissing really made me think properly. I pulled away from Damien before I spoke.

"I was wondering... Can I stay here for a few days?" I asked him.

Damien smiled and stroked my hair behind my ear before he spoke.

"Well of course you can, did you bring anything with you?"

I shook my head and he smiled as he backed away and walked over to a door leading to what turned out to be a bathroom. Well, this was simple enough, he didn't even hesitate.

"I'm guessing you need a toothbrush?" He said as he came back out with a packaged green toothbrush that he handed over to me. "Now, let me show you to the guest room."

I quietly sighed in relief as he said this, good thing he didn't pull a joke about me staying in his bed, which would have been a sad attempt of getting me in bed, because if I had to, I would. Anything for killing The Phoenix, even though it meant having to sacrifice this body, it would just have been one of many.

We walked down the hallway and Damien went ahead and opened a door to the right before entering, and I stayed in the doorway to inspect the room.

The room was very neutral, the floor was brown and wooden, the walls were beige and plain, the bed was black and white, and the dresser with the mirror above it looked very lifeless. All in all, the room was a boring neutral match with the rest of the house.

"So this is the guest room, the closest bathroom is just across the hallway", he said as he pointed at the door behind me. "Do you need anything else?"

I smiled before I shook my head. "I will drop by my apartment tomorrow morning to pick up some clothes, then I'll have it all."

He sat down on the bed before he looked questioning at me.

"Why did you suddenly want to stay here?" He asked me.

"I felt unsafe, I don't know why, but I just didn't like the thought of being alone in my house for a while", I said, repeating the lines I had worked on while I was making my way to his house.

"I see", he said smiling again before getting up and walking past me through the door. "Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you want. Do you want anything specific to sleep in?"

"No, not really", I responded looking straight into his eyes.

He looked me in the eyes and I could easily see that he wanted to kiss me, maybe even sleep with me. So I did exactly what I should do, walk back into the guest room before closing the door behind me.

I looked at the clock on the bedside table, it was two o'clock at night. How many hours had I been out until those idiotic fallen angels decided it was time to let me wake up? Had it been more than a day? Either way, I had at least 5 hours to kill before I had to officially get up, and since I couldn't really leave or stroll around the house without making Damien suspicious, I had to actually sleep. Sleep wasn't something necessary for me even though I might've had a human body, it was connected to my soul, making it need exactly what I needed to survive, and that was not a lot.

I turned the lights off, put the toothbrush I had received on the dresser, before I proceeded to take my clothes off, leaving my pants on. Then I crawled in underneath the blankets and closed my eyes.


Yes Angel?

Stay on the lookout for me.

I shall.

And with that I fell asleep for the first time in a long time, and it was going to be a good night's sleep.


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