The Phoenix

Here you go guys, chapter 2.

"A teenage boy has gone missing. Nobody has seen him since Friday evening when he was at a birthday celebration. We interviewed the parents earlier today, and this was what they said.

- You have sent in a report to the police about your missing son?

- Yes... it's so sad... I hope he's alright.

- Do you have any clues on where he could be?

- No...

- Have you-"

I turned the TV off. Humans were so sad creatures; they always looked in the wrong direction. I was actually pretty surprised over the fact that no one had actually seen me. But that showed how weak minded humans actually were.

I heard a strong knock on the door. I waited a few seconds and heard another loud knock. Then I quickly stood up before I walked over to the door and opened it, ending up face to face with Jack.


"You bitch!" He screamed.

I raised an eyebrow at him before I stepped to the side.

"Come in", I said.

He didn't move and he still stared at me like he was going to kill me. I sighed, rolling my eyes, and motioned him to get inside.

"You don't want to talk?"

He just stood there for another five seconds before he got in. I closed the door behind me and slowly walked over to him. He had his back turned towards me and when I put my hand on his shoulder, he freaked out.

"Don't touch me you bitch!" He screamed.

He pulled out a small pepper spray bottle and directed it at me. I laughed inside. What was he going to do? Spray me to death?

"Look Jack, I don't know what you-"

"You killed him!" He screamed, interrupting me again.

I knew that I could just rip his heart out, but he wasn't marked so I would have to take care of the body myself which would be tiring. I decided to play a bit with him instead.

"Who?" I asked trying to look worried.

"Pete! You killed Pete!" He said.

He was crying hysterically. I changed my expression to shock instead and I felt really amused by his weak and sad mind.

"What? Are you joking?! Pete's not dead!"

"He is! He disappeared at the party after going upstairs with you!" He exclaimed.

He finally dropped the spray bottle to the floor, before he fell to the floor making my floor go all wet with his tears. I tried to look sorry before I crouched next to him. Weak.

"Jack, it's okay, the police will find-"

"No! They're looking in the wrong direction! Hope you have a good lawyer", he said while he stood up before running out of my apartment.

"Does he always act like that?" I thought out loud before I went out of my apartment.

I locked the door behind me as I always did. Didn't want anyone lurking around in my house, now did I? I took the stairs down because it went faster and the lift was already on its way down.

I saw Jack when I opened the door leading out of the building on the ground floor. He was running in the direction of the police station just a few minutes from here. I decided to follow him. He wasn't that quick; probably because of all the cigarettes he used to smoke. He stopped up after every twenty meters to cough his lungs up.

When we finally reached the station he just rushed inside pushing away everything and everyone in his way.

I sat down on a bench outside and listened to the conversation that was going on inside the station with my sensitive hearing switched on.

"It's Angel! Angel!"

"Young man, what are you talking about?"

"Angel is the killer of Peter Brown! I think her full surname is Angelica!"

"You think?"

"I know it was her!"

"Do you have any proof?"

"She was with him when he disappeared!"

"Are you sure about this? I though you said that you weren't at the party where he-"

"I heard it from a friend, okay!?"

I wanted to slap the boy when he interrupted the policeman. He was a clever human, but he had so much to learn.

By this time I had noticed someone standing in the shadow of a tree looking in my direction. But when I looked at him, he simply looked away. I took a note of this.

I had missed out on some of the conversation and hoped that they hadn't said anything important. What would He say if he knew that I wasn't doing my job?

"Alright, now; son, are you on drugs?"


"Any alcohol in your system?"

"No! Why won't you believe me?!"

"We need proof, which you don't have. We would also like to check if you have anything in your system that shouldn't be there."

"Forget it!" He screamed before I saw him storming out of the station running away from it all.

I stood up, believing he was harmless by now, before I walked back to my house. I walked away with a smile because it was finally Saturday, the night were you'll always find a prey.

Later on that evening, I prepared myself for a night out. As I was putting on my lipstick, my phone began to ring.


"Hello Angel! Are you doing anything tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm going out."

"Oh... Okay... Do you need me?"

"No, you don't have to come", I responded, maybe slightly too fast.

"Okay, whatever."

"You're not mad, are you?"

"Hah, no. I think I will have to do my homework anyway. Boring!" She said before giggling.

"Well have fun with that."

"I will, bye!"


I hung up before I put my phone in my shorts pocket, leaving my place for another night.

My street was one of the fancy ones. Fancy street with rich people resulted in many nightclubs. The nightclub even let teens enter, as long as they looked old enough, they didn't even ask for an ID. So I simply just stood in line waiting for my turn.

"Oh. My. God. Angel! You're here too?"

I turned around and tried not to throw up all over Jess', recently more annoying, face.

"Hi Jess", I said, trying to sound a bit happy but I was so tired of her that I couldn't stop myself from giving her half a smile.

"Tired are you?" She asked.

"Something like that", I said and turned to look at the line.

There were two people left until I could get in and get the hell away from Jess, but the bouncer wouldn't let them in for some reason. I glared angrily at him.

"So what are you doing here? Looking for a new guy?"

"New?" I asked in surprise.

"You know, Pete is dead and-"

I was about to answer her but I was interrupted.

"Ladies?" The bouncer said and I turned around.

He motioned for us to get inside and I hurried in with Jess following me. I tried to shake off my stalker but she didn't get the hint and stuck to my back.

I stopped and turned to face her again.

"Jess, I think we should-"

"Oh, there's Jack! "Jess said while she pointed at someone that just entered the place.

"Jack?" I said in shock before I turned around and saw him stepping inside looking fancy and all.

He was looking really mature in a blazer, and i think he had attempted combing his hair back. His fave radiated confidence until he spotted me and his expression turned dark and cold. Jess didn't seem to notice that though, so she just grabbed my arm and pulled me with her towards him.

"Jack!" Jess said smiling at him.

"Hi, Jess", Jack said before he looked at me, "Angel."

The tone in his voice really started to annoy me by now. He should show a bit more respect to women, especially the ones that could have killed someone.

Jess had finally noticed that something was going on.

"So, guys... Let's hit the dance floor", she said while she motioned us to follow her to the floor.

There were many people up dancing already, so it was quite warm. But we started dancing to the beat and I tried to have a good time, but the look I got from Jack was really getting on my nerves. I got closer to him and his eyes got more alerted.

"What do you want me?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"I'm keeping an eye on you", he snapped.

"So you're stalking me?"

"You could say that."

I knew that I had to eliminate him by now. He could be a huge threat and I really needed to be more careful with my killing.

The only problem was that if I ever actually killed someone that hadn't been marked, that person wouldn't be burned straight to hell. I would have to hide the body myself, and that could lead to consequences.

"Just leave me alone", I said before I stepped away from him.

After a few hours of dancing and drinking I noticed that Jack and Jess started to get a bit drunk. There were also more people leaving with a partner that they just recently met. Simple humans, always seeking for someone to love and mate with so they could pass their genes on.

I got eye contact with a guy sitting next to the bar, a few seats next to me. He had a dark hair colour and a pair of dark eyes. He was sipping his drink while he was smiling at me. I noticed that Jack noticed this to and walked over to sit next to me before he started to glare at the man.

I sighed and looked at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm not letting you kill anyone."

"Has it ever crossed your mind that I might not be the killer?"

"No. I know you are."

My eye twitched a little before I stood up and walked over to some girls I recognised from school, I believed that they were a year younger.

"Hi!" I said trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"Hi", one of the girls said smiling, a bit uncertain to why I was speaking to them.

"I'm Angel, we go to the same school."

"Yeah, we know who you are", the same girl answered while she was looking a bit too excited for my liking.

"Could you guys compete in which one of you can make him fall for you within the next hour?" I asked pointing at Jack.

I don't know if it was because of the high amount of alcohol in their system or if they were as silly as everyone else, but they accepted the challenge.

The girl sitting to the left quickly stood up before she threw her long brown hair to the side and walked over to Jack.

She was pressing herself to his body in a seducing manner. Usually a boy wouldn't mind that, but Jack got a bit annoyed. He grabbed the girl's arms before he put his mouth to her ear and whispered something quickly before he let go. She immediately walked away from him to approach us. Jack looked at my face with a neutral face. He went with the 'no reaction'-card? Let's see how good he's at playing that.

"Who's next?" I asked the girls.

"Sara", a blond haired girl said before she looked at another identical girl with brown hair. Twins?

"I'll give it a try", she said before she stood up, walking over to Jack.

He sighed when she approached him and he looked in my direction before he grabbed Sara's shoulder. His mouth moved, forming the words "Don't mess with me". I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled, pushing Sara down to the floor. Her loud scream was covered by the loud music. The other girls that were sitting behind me just stared, they didn't even move.

Jack kicked Sara in her stomach, making her scream even more. And now, every girl sitting next to me began to scream. They didn't do anything to try to stop it; they just screamed, cried and hugged each other. Idiots.

Jack now did something I didn't expect him to do. He raised his foot above Sara's head before he smashed it down on her face. I looked behind myself, watching the girls staring with tears in their eyes and shock covering their faces. Sara's eyes were shut, she didn't move. She was just lying there, dead. He had killed an innocent girl; this was a perfect moment for me considering that he had to get out of the picture.

I stepped over to Jack, staring into his eyes with a grin covering my face. I could hear it.

"I told you not mess with me!" He screamed.

"You're drunk."

"No, I'm not!"

"You just killed someone", I said.

"She's alive, she's just joking!"

Jack sat down next to Sara and started to shake her body.

"Hey! Wake up!" He tried. If she would have survived the hit on her face, she would have been dead by the shaking.

"Girl! Wake up! It's not cool!"

Realisation shot in his eyes when she didn't answer. I guessed that even a drunken Jack could think a bit logically.

"I- I killed her."

"Yes you did", I said while he was trying to stand up. His eyes started to water and he put his head on my shoulder before he started to cry out loud. No real words came out of his mouth, but I didn't complain.

"Shh, come with me", I said before I pulled him with me.

I brought him out to the back alley of the club. The sadness within his eyes was showing strongly when he was looking at the stars, smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I simply asked.

"I don't know. Maybe because I just realised that I turned into you", he said.

I actually almost laughed at his statement. He wouldn't be smiling if he turned into me.

"You sir-"I said before I grabbed the collar of his shirt to rip it off.

The buttons fell off and the mark was shining red. This one had another form though, I had never seen it before. It was like looking into red water with small circular waves forming all the time as if there was something dropping into the water.

"- have been very naughty", I said with a smile.

I looked up at his face, and I could finally see the fear in his eyes.

I pierced my hand through his chest before I pulled the heart out of him. His body caught on fire and I put the bloody part of my hand into the fire. I once again saw a body burn into ashes in the fires of hell.

I stood up, walking away from the alley. I noticed that there were police cars parked outside the club entrance. I noticed that one of the policemen were looking right at me, was he suspecting anything? He looked really young though, maybe he was just playing hero? I would've guessed that he wouldn't be older than 25.

Walking away from a crime scene wouldn't be the right thing to do if I didn't want anyone to suspect me. Any human would want to know what the fuss was about.

So I simply did what a curious human would have done; I started to walk towards the entrance with a worried look on my face.

"Excuse me, what has happened here?" I asked a man with a white moustache.

"Someone has been injured, it's nothing a young girl like you would want to know about", he answered.

"Oh..." I said, trying to sound a bit innocent.

"You should go home, be careful", he said.

"I will, thank you-", I said while I looked at his name tag, "Officer Trimly."

I turned around and I suddenly came face to face with the policeman from before. His dark hair was a mess and his blue eyes were staring down at me. I noticed that his name tag said "B. Phoenix".

And my head suddenly stopped working properly. The noise, I heard it, clearly. My head was throbbing in pain but I tried not to show the pain I was in.

"Are you alright? You look a bit... Tired", he said.

"She got to go home Blake, we have better things to do, it's too dangerous here", the first policeman said.

Blake Phoenix.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure she can handle it", he said looking down at me.

Blake Phoenix, where had I heard that name?

"Let's go now", the first policeman said. Blake looked up at him before he looked down at me again. The noise disappeared and I relaxed a bit, but still being on my guard about this man.

Blake Phoenix.

"Alright, be careful, or hell will break loose", he said before he walked away with the other officer.

He's been loose for quite a while, that Blake Phoenix. His father was a drug dealer and a killer. When he was killed, Blake was sent to an orphanage. He was adopted at last, by a policeman. He was raised to work for the police, but he is his father's son, the killer. He has a very strong mark and many people have been sent to kill him, but for some reason they always end up dead. Nobody even know how he's able to kill us.

I remembered my brother telling me about him. My sister had been set to kill him, but she never returned.

Killed, huh? This could be interesting, challenge accepted.


That was chapter 2!

But I hope you liked it. As always; vote if you liked it, comment if you find any grammar mistakes or if you just feel like you wanted to share something with us, and of course, fan if you feel like it.

Put on your war paint!
