
Chapter 10

"You were not supposed to kill her!"

"Holy shit, we know! You told us to get her here unharmed, and so we did!"

I heard the faint sound of people arguing, it probably came from another room. I tried to look around, but I noticed my eyes were closed. As I tried to open them, I realised that they were numb and that I couldn't locate them. Neither could I locate my arms or legs, I felt as if my mind was the only things existing, my body was nowhere for me to find or to feel.

"So explain why she has a fucking hole in her shoulder!"

The memories hit straight back into my head. Well, I had a hole in my shoulder because those bastards poured hydrofluoric acid on it, which is pretty damn acidic. They had also stuck something into that fucking acid wound, so what the hell had they been expecting?

I got furious. Humans broke into my flat, humans wounded me, humans kidnapped me, and I was going to kill them all. Humans were the real bad creatures, not demons. Demons only existed to punish the wrongdoing humans, but we were still marked as the bad guys.

The anger made me feel a bit stronger; a demon's best weapons were hatred, darkness and fury. Right now, I had them all.

I finally located the eyes on my face and opened them slowly. I wouldn't want anyone to know that I was awake if I wasn't alone in the room. The room was really dark, but since my eyes had been closed all the time they didn't need time to adjust. I noticed that I was alone, and the only thing that I could spot was the chair that was screwed to the floor, with me placed on top of it with two handcuffs that were stuck to the chair. I tried ripping my arms free, but after a few failures, I stopped trying. They must've had been blessed by someone or something, probably a fallen angel, normal handcuffs wouldn't have stopped a creature like me.

"We may have gone overboard, but she is alive! And didn't you say something about her being able to heal really quickly?"

"Yes, I did, but do you really think the fucking hole on her shoulder will heal that fucking quick?"

I recognized the voices that were arguing behind the only door in the room. I identified one of them to be Stephan, best friend to Adam, the boy who got his lungs ripped out by me. The other one's were a bit harder to identify. I knew that none of them were The Phoenix's voice, and to be honest, I didn't even think that he was around. I couldn't smell him anywhere, not even the slightest. I could've been wrong though. 

"I want you guys to go and bring her to me now, remember to inject her with this if you don't want her to attack you."

Stephan and some other boy mumbled something before I could hear approaching footsteps. I quickly closed my eyes and tried to make my body look as numb as possible.

The door opened, letting some light in, as three boys entered the room. I could hear their heartbeats and how they were walking towards me, slowly. They were afraid, perfect. Human's were so easy to get when they were afraid.

I felt a warm hand grab my left hand, and someone unlocked the handcuff around my wrist. Were they actually that naive? They were scared for their lives, but they still didn't get that I could rip their throats out without them even realising?

"Maybe we should inject her with this before unlocking the other handcuff?" I heard Stephan say.

"Yeah, maybe we should", another boy answered.

I groaned in my mind, why did they have to make it all so complicated? They were all going to die anyway! Were they actually thinking that I wouldn't try to kill them instantly? Also, what was a bit of drugs or poison going to do me?

I felt something cold being injected into my throat, and I guessed that it was the unknown liquid. The cold feeling spread quickly, freezing all of my body. The cold wasn't something I couldn't handle, but my body went numb quickly after the injection and I lost the control of the situation, again.

"There, now let's take her to Lumiun."

Lumiun? Who the actual fuck was Lumiun? Was he working for The Phoenix?

I heard something fall to the floor before the boys started to laugh.

"Be careful! She could break!" A voice said.

"Then I better not try to carry her, let's keep her on the ground", Stephen answered.

After that I heard the sound of something being dragged across the floor. I was guessing that it was my body, and that the thing falling onto the floor had been me. Oh how I was going to kill them as soon as I got the chance.

"Lumiun! We got her ready for you!" Stephen shouted as the sound of my body being dragged stopped.

"Great, put her on there!" A powerful voice, who I guessed belonged to Lumiun, answered.

I suddenly felt something, probably an arm, on my back; I could feel again, even if it was a few minor parts on my body. Maybe that liquid had been diluted or was quite weak in general? I felt how my mind got clearer and the smell of lavender and rose suddenly attacked my nose as a sudden wake up call. I had always been able to hear, smell was back, and touch was slowly coming back. Now I only had one necessary sense left, vision, before I was going to kick their asses.

I felt how the arm was removed from my back, and I was now lying on something warm and soft. The smell of rose got stronger as the smell of lavender got weaker, but it was still present.

"You can now leave", Lumiun calmly said and the boys walked out quickly on demand.

There was a silence for a few minutes. I could only hear Lumiun's heartbeat, as he slowly walked around the room, breathing casually.

"We will have fun with you", he suddenly said.

Then suddenly I felt another presence in the room, with a quite fresh smell. The creature got closer to me, and I could feel how the surface underneath me sank a bit, before I could feel the temperature of the other body on my skin.

That's when I realised that we were on a bed, the bed was most probably covered in rose petals, surrounded by lavender candles. Everything about it was so wrong.

"Hello my little Angel, didn't I tell you that I would get you? And I may need sleep, but you have been sleeping for quite some time now", a familiar voice whispered close to my ear.

Sara, the fallen angel I had met earlier at the ball. Oh I was going to kill her too.

"You may or may not hear me, but we're going to have a little fun with you before we sacrifice your body to The Mighty Phoenix", she said.

I felt a hand on either side of my face a few seconds before her lips crashed onto my lips. Wow, fallen angels still give in for desire, they were all weak. We would've been better off without them and their dirty minds and needs.

I felt another hand on my chest, I was guessing that it was Lumiun joining the party. I could easily feel everything, their hands, chests, legs, but I couldn't do anything about it. It was as if my body didn't want to move. I felt how some gentle hands started to unbutton my shirt before those hands went on, fondling my breast.

I was trying everything to gain control off my body again, I was not going to have sex with fallen angels, especially not against my own will. I didn't care about their needs, what they were about to do was rape. I was going to feed them their lungs before they would've been able to remove my pants, that would've been a proper punishment for what they had in mind.



Yes, I am back, and it seems like my timing is impeccable.

Stop flattering yourself, Crow, and do something about this.

As you wish.

I felt a sudden burn on my shoulder, right at the spot where the eye was placed, before it suddenly disappeared. A few seconds later, the room was filled with screams and cries.

"Lumiun! Help me! Lumiun?!" Sara cried out.

I could only feel her presence, which could either mean that Lumien had left, or that he was dead. Suddenly a cold shriek was heard, it had been coming from Sara.

"Lumiun? I can't see!" Sara exclaimed before I felt a whip of cool air against my skin, and the sound of a body collapsing onto the floor.

Then I felt something land on top of my chest. It was a breathing living creature that had saved me from humiliation and maybe even death.

I finally regained the control of my eyes and I slowly opened them. I then saw a dark, majestic bird standing on my chest. Its feathers were pitch black, and the same went for its eyes.

"Aren't you quite handsome?" I said, smiling. "Protective eye?"

The bird in front of me flew off of me and sat down on the corner of the bed I was lying on top of. I sat up slowly as I was looking around my surroundings.

There were indeed red rose petals covering the entire bed, not in a sexy way, there was just too much. There were purple candles on the tables and wardrobes along the walls, and the red walls in the room were covered with paintings.

I must say, I was a bit worried for you.

My smile disappeared and I remembered that my shirt was unbuttoned, so I started to button it again as I gave off a sigh.

"You're still in my head?"

Yes I am, it is easier to communicate this way, and then I can stay away but still hear what you're thinking.

"Yay", I said sarcastically as I stood up from the bed.

What is your plan?

"I have to lay low for a while, and then when he least expects it, I'll attack", I said.

You are improving, Angel. But don't you think that The Phoenix will suspect something when these fallen angels don't report back, or bring your body to him?

I stood there for a moment, considering what the Crow had just said.

If I was going to lay low, I had to be social like usual so nobody would question my absence. But it would still be quite risky to walk around in the city where The Phoenix or the fallen angels could spot me. So I had to be around people I knew, but in quite small places and hangouts. Also, if Sara and Lumiun wouldn't show up, what would happen? Would The Phoenix think that someone else killed them, or that they failed their mission and escaped?

The Phoenix would most probably suspect me, but would he move in and try to end me quickly, or is he like me, enjoying the hunt? 

I don't think we should go back to your home right now. Is there anywhere else you could stay?

I snapped out of my thoughts as the Crow interrupted them.

"Not what I know of, and I'd rather not stay at Rachel's."

What about that boy, Damien?

I raised my eyebrow and the Crows suggestion. Why would he even consider someone I don't know much about?

Well you see, many people at your school see you as a couple, so it would be natural to go to him.

"Oh, and how do you know this?" I asked the Crow as I walked across the room to the old-school phone that was lying on top of the wardrobe.

Rachel loves talking to other people about 'ships' and her 'otp'. Frankly I don't know what these words mean, but they seem to involve you and Damien.

I sighed as I picked up the phone, clicking the memorized number in before I pressed call.

"Hello?" A voice answered after two signals.

"Hello Damien, it's Angel", I said casually, leaning towards the wardrobe.

"Hello Angel! What are you up to?" He asked.

I looked over at the blood splattered bed with a red rose petal disguise and the two bodies lying on the floor.

"Nothing really, I'm just really bored. I was wondering if I could come over or something?"

"Sure, but isn't it a bit late? Do you want to crash here?" He asked and I smiled at him, this was so easy.

"That would be really nice, if it's okay for you and your parents."

"I live alone, and I do approve of you staying here tonight", he answered.

"Great, then I'll see you soon!" I said before I hung up.

Now all I needed to do was to get rid of the bodies and then find a way out of here so I could get to Damien. Luckily, since they were fallen angels, I only needed a sharp object and they would take care of themselves.

I grabbed the wooden pole on the edge of the bed before I broke it off. I looked at the end of it and saw that it was sharp enough to go through a fallen angels body.

I stepped over to Sara, who was dressed in soft lingerie. She looked so peaceful with bloody holes where her eyes used to be and her pale fair skin. I smiled at her before I stabbed her throat with the pole and then I pulled it out again.  There was now a big hole in her throat, and you could see her veins, muscles and tendons. 

I did the same motion again, again, and again. Stabbing it in, pulling it out, until her head was completely dislocated from her body. A few seconds later, her body started to liquify and it looked as if the liquid was absorbed by the floor.

I turned around and looked at Lumiun before I did the exact same thing with him, and he slowly turned into a liquid before there was no trace left of him. Killing supernatural creatures is usually quite easy. It has always been easy to get rid of a possible threat, especially fallen angels.

"Time to get out of this rat-hole."
