Chapter 20

Bryan's POV

I decided to take a quick shower after coming home from the office the other day, but Joey and I still haven't told some people yet. Sure, we did tell Connor to spread the word, but we don't know how fast. I've been over thinking way too much, so I'll just continue showering.

*Few minutes later*

After done showering, I heard someone's voice from Joey's room. I'm pretty sure it's Joey, but you never know. After quietly sneaking to his front door, I'm hearing him say something.

"Bryan, will you marry me?"

What is Joey doing? If he's asking me to marry him, I'm pretty sure he's suppose to do it directly. I quietly opened the door and began looking.

"Bryan, marry me," Joey said.

Joey is actually practicing. I wouldn't really guess Joey would be practicing for a proposal. I didn't want to bother him or make it look awkward if I just stood here, so I decided to close the door. Unfortunately, the door made a screeching noise, enough for Joey to hear it. I tried tip-toeing away, but Joey began to talking.

"Bryan, I know it's you," Joey said.

Accepting the inevitability, I opened the the front, seeing Joey putting away a small box.

"Joey, what were you doing?" I asked.

"Well, I guess you would know if you were spying on me," Joey said.

I didn't want to start another fight, so I played it calmly.

"I-I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have peeked," I said.

"Bryan, it's fine, it's just, I don't know if I'm ready, that's why I've been practicing," Joey said.

I looked at Joey smiled softly.

"Joey, you don't need practice for any proposal, even if it's me," I explained.

"I know, I just wanted it to be perfect for you," Joey said

"Oh Joey, seeing you tremble, nervous, and afraid is already perfect as you are, I wouldn't change anything about you," I said.

I began walking up to Joey, but then Joey looked down.

"But, what if I mess up?" Joey said in disappointment.

I lifted up his chin, making him face me. I smiled at him and said,

"Well if you mess up, it would make it more memorable for us, wouldn't it?"

Joey began hugging me, and I hugged him back. I don't know if I made any sense, but Joey seems to have found it understandable.

" *sniff* Wait, did you use my shampoo?" Joey asked and he looked at me.

"Well, there was no other one's left, so yes?" I said.

It didn't really concern Joey, but then I looked back at him.

"Joey, I know when you'll be ready to propose. You'll also know when too. You just gotta pick wait for the perfect moment, then you'll understand why I already think you are perfect. You don't need practice, doing it the first time would be a good enough experience, right?" I said.

"Heh, well I guess you're right," Joey looked at me, "Bryan, you're one of the best living thing that has come into an existence in my world, and I love you, so, so much,"

The atmosphere was getting more romantic, with the low lightness and the darkness outside, Joey began to kiss me. I wasn't really ready for it, but then I traded him a kiss back. We eventually got on the bed and kissed from there. I lying on top of Joey and he began to take off my hat. Throughout our time making out, I still began thinking. Would spreading our relationship at the office really be worth it. I guess we would just have to wait and see, but from the time being... I was still with Joey, enjoying ourselves as we kept kissing.

Joey's POV

The next morning, Bryan I woke up from our nap yesterday. We were both awake, but not fully. On that note, we decided to go back to the office to check on the process. I wonder how far it spread, but we'll see. Bryan and I fully awoke ourselves and began to get ready. We brought everything that we needed, phones, hats, keys, and wallets. It was kind of early in the morning, it was about 8:00 A.M, so there might've been more people at the office. As we arrived at Red Base, Bobby just informed me to head over to Matt's office for a meeting. He said bring Bryan if I wanted to, but I was obviously was going to. The meeting was a little bit later, probably just fifteen more minutes, so we had time to screw around. Bryan and I decided to head to Connor and Paul's office to ask Connor if he told anyone. Unfortunately, they both weren't there and when I asked Bobby, he said that they went to go get lunch. Bryan and I didn't know what to do for the past fifteen minutes, so we just decided to go to Blue Base for now. As we opened the door for Blue Base, we saw Rob trying to set some furniture up for Battle Universe.

"Oh! Hey you two, your relationship coming along well," Rob said smiling.

Uhm, did it spread this fast?

"Oh hey Rob, I guess our relationship is going well," I said.

"Well I heard you guys have a meeting with Matt, but I guess you can go early," Rob said.

We nodded back and began going upstairs. We were heading up, we heard someone say, "#Joeryan!"

We looked through the left door, seeing that Doma said it. She smiled back at her, and I waved back. I am kind of curios on how many people do know. Ignoring that, we went into Matt's office, seeing him sitting down in front of his computer. We closed the door and he looked up.

"Oh, you brought Bryan." Matt said.

"Was he not allowed?" I asked.

"Hm, nah, but not until the end," Matt did a slight little grin.

Every time Matt does that grin, I can only assume that it's something bad.
