Chapter 14

Joey's POV

As soon as we Bryan and I opened the door, I had immediate regrets. If my mom is still family, then I at least have to help her see my perspective. This can't go the way that Sarah and Bryan went, that's why they hate each other and if I let that happen to mom, then this isn't going to do any good. Mom looked at us, having a disgusted face already. I can tell that this isn't going to end well.

"Mrs. Frederick..." Bryan said.

"What do you want? Especially you," Mom said and pointed towards me.

"Mom, we want to make things work and we want you back. This isn't how you acted before, so can you ju-"

"SHUT UP JOEY!" Mom yelled as she interrupted me.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a christian and have a gay son?! God won't forgive me or you!" Mom said.

"God isn't my concern right now! Bryan is and I want to make our relationship work out!" I said.

"Why Joseph... Why did you chose him, over me,"  Mom said and pointed at Bryan.

"I didn't chose sides Mom! I choose what made me happy! Bryan did and listen to me! You wanted me to find a date that made me happy, but you never specified what they had to be. Regardless, attractive looking men is what makes me happy and I so happened to be dating one right now. People change Mom, I'm not always going to stay the same and be loyal to the ones I follow," I briefly explained.

"You.. You took him away from me, give him back," Mom said and slowly walked towards Bryan.

Bryan and I took a step back, but then she charged at Bryan, hitting him against the wall.

"Mom what the hell stop!" I yelled at her.

"It's okay Joseph, just when he's gone, you'll all be better, ehehe!" Mom said amusingly.

Has she turned crazy!? I've never heard someone this creepy before! Especially my Mom! She attempted to charge at Bryan again, but he dodged and ran into me. Luckily, I was able to stop his momentum, but I don't think my Mom stopped at all. She looked back at us, truly even more disgusted.

"Joey, this isn't right, no one has ever acted like this befo - OOUGH!" Bryan said but then was interrupted by my Mom punching him in the stomach.

"Mom stop!" I yelled at her.

"Is that all you got Bryan! I thought you were suppose to be the tough in your relationship, but I guess I was wrong," Mom said.

This isn't how someone acts normally, this is kinda of scaring me. The fact that she's also hurting Bryan, scares me more. I don't know if I should do something or not! But Bryan is in danger!

"Mrs. Frederick... I know how much Joey still loves you... So for the sake of him... I'm not going to fight back..." Bryan said softly.

"Bryan no! You're hurt, this isn't going to help make me feel better!" I said to Bryan.

"Pathetic, can't even protect yourself, how are you suppose to protect your love ones?" Mom said.

I couldn't bare watching something that's happening right in front of me. I had to intervene! I grabbed Mom's wrist and tossed her on her bed. She kind of yelled in pain, but that wasn't severely going to break her bone. I yelled at Bryan to get to the car and he nodded. Bryan left the room already, but as soon as I was about to leave, Mom said something.

"How's Bryan's head doing... Is it still, glassy? Sarah inherited her tantrum attacks by me, if you already saw, but other wise, I hope you rot in hell Joseph," Mom said.

I gulped and walked away from her bedroom. Eventually, I was out of the room and Bryan was waiting for me outside of her room.

"Joey, I wanted to help, but I don't know if that was the correct option. I'm sorry," Bryan apologetically said.

I kissed Bryan on the lips, telling him not to worry about anything. We eventually got back downstairs and told everyone that Bryan and I are going to go.

"Did you guys shower together?!" Kevin said excitingly.

"What? No you weirdo," I replied back.

Kevin had a frown as we were leaving, but the drive was pretty quiet. We didn't feel like talking because of just happened. When we did get back home though, I looked at Bryan.

"Hey, you have some bruises on you face, let me clean that when we get inside," I insistently said.

"Nah I'm fine, but if you feel like touching my face, then sure," Bryan said smiling.

I smiled as well, but I was still going to clean his face. Those wounds looked like they hurt, so I told Bryan to sit on the living room couch while I went to go get some cloth and bandages. I went to the bathroom to try to look for some stuff that would help Bryan's face. I eventually found a cloth, so I just watered it. I came back to the living room, seeing Bryan on his phone. He looked up and saw, then put his phone away. He looked back down, kind of having a sad face.

"Joey, I don't understand why I'm doing everything so wrong for you. I keep trying to protect you, but anything I do, doesn't even help. I don't want to live in a place where I can't keep my boyfriend safe," Bryan said.

I looked at Bryan, then my hand on his face.

"You don't to do anything for me to make me happy. Existing in my life, is all I can ask for. If you're going to always feel bad about yourself, I want to be with you. That might not make since, but just know that I'll always love you," I said.

Bryan pulled me in for a kiss, I grabbed the back of his head and his face. We were there, kissing for a pretty long time, but I decided that we should both get some rest. Bryan and I went to the bed and we went to sleep. While I was in bed, I feel like everything that has happened to us, feels so repetitive. We go to a place, one of us has a conflict with our family, then we come back home supporting the other one. I don't know how long that would go and I want to change. I don't know when, I don't know will if he'll accept or not. Doing this, would help change our life, I'm sure of it. I just hope I have enough time and the courage to do it.
