Tsukasa x Photo of Amane

Tsukasa fanart I did.

This is a Tsukasa x Picture of Amane fic my friend made me do this. I blame her. Thank you, good day folks. 

"Amane, you know I love you right, I love you so much!" Tsukasa mumbled this under his breath, not knowing of his confused onlookers. "I do truly adore you so much Amane! You're like.... my favourite!" This time Tsukasa was yelling at the photograph of Amane on the table in the recording room. "I love you Amane! I want to eat you, smell you, see you always!" Now Tsukasa finishes that strange statement with a kiss on the lips, a kiss on photo Amanes lips that is.

Some people say they could hear the screams coming from the photo, but thats just a theory.....

As I had previously said, the unaware Tsukasa did not see the three people standing in the doorway watching this spectacle in shock, awe and most of all confusion. "Is he gay?" Mitsuba whispered to his boyfriend Kou "I don't know....maybe?" Kou responded still very confused then Sakura butts in saying something that would seem obvious to others but not the couple "Aren't you two gay? Wouldn't you know?" She states in confusion similar to everyone else. Everyone then simultaneously shrugs then looks into the camera like they're in The Office and say as one unit

"Thats All Folks"

"Annnnnnddd Thats Just A Theory!! A Gameee Theory!" 

"Tsukasa shut up! you'll ruin it!" 
