Just Nene...

Nene and Hanako fanart cuz why not.

This chapter is based off when the particular friend from chapter 1 was being Hanako. No Hanako here, Just Nene. That freaking Daikon stealing peoples identities.

This story begins with Tsukasa asking our resident Daikon about wether she believes her legs will change in her lifetime. Not that that's gonna be too long anyways. Teasing ensues about her lifespan and her cankley ankles.

The radish haired girl really hopes her daikons parts get fixed as she doesn't know how she would even get a boyfriend when she looks like the self proclaimed Daikon. We all know she is quite boy crazy so this was never a strange change in the conversation anyways.

Our rat boi then suggests just find a boyfriend who doesn't care like. His brother Amane. He mentioned that he doesn't mind her cankles much.

Nene gets annoyed slightly about the Rat pushing their relationship. Tsukasa just wants Him (Amane) to be happy with someone he likes.

The Daikon makes a reference to why I don't just hang out with him as she is referring to the fact that I the one and only Tsukasa is someone he likes. Sadly I don't believe that is wholly true. Butt for the sake of it I played dumb. Isn't that fun.

Then Yashiro finally answers the question even though she already kinda did with, I hope so but I don't think I have enough time left. Look at that a nice reasonable response. It is not that awful.

Yashiro then asks the question to both me and Amane of what is our biggest regret from the time we were alive. My answer definitely isn't the best but who cares I'm some chaotic evil being I don't care.

Tsukasa's amazing response is that he regrets not staying alive long enough to do all the more sadistic things that he would have liked to do. I agree, that sound very sad and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Okay maybe I would because I'm horrible like that.

Then! the Daikon starts to fill in for my dearest older brother in a most wonderful of ways.

She starts it off by saying 

"Hello! This is Yashiro Nene filling in for Hanako-Kun" 

Off to the side some may hear Tsukasa lamenting the fact he cannot do all the wonderful sadistic things he wanted to while he was living, he can't do as many now that he is dead. What a tragedy I must say.

Nene goes off then, she starts saying quite funny things "Hello I am the honorable no.7" "I am soooOOooO humble" Quite good things I would say.

Then my Dearest Amane come in appalled asking what she is doing, it's quite obvious she is still mad about the fishbowl incident. At least I was spared.

Daikon goes to say that Amane is "NOt aT aLL a PerV" We know thats a lie we all know it. But we all know that was sarcasm too.

Rat kid points out the obvious to his confused brother by telling him she is being him.

Nene goes to answer the original question by saying "I will say that my greatest regret in death was.... Being so mean to Yashiro and not saving her quicker" Some serious shade was being thrown here and I reveled in it.

"She isn't that much of a daikon i'm just insecure" About what, we may never know readers, we may never know.

Amane agrees with some of these statements a bit resigned it seems.

We all agree it is quite a funny situation he has gotten into.

"I LOoOoOve donuts... but the main reason I said that was because I didn't want to tell anyone my secrets. I'm just tooOoOo edgy" No lies here I can see none at all.

But there is a reason Tsukasa does exist, to spill the tea on all of Amanes secrets.

"I have a brother who is a rat in a human costume... and he's....." 

At that point we all would go to think of course this would end with her saying he's amazing because we have common sense correct.


She calls me "Interesting" But ill take it.

Then there was this kid that I (He, she ya know 'Amane') turned into a bird nobody knows why he just did.



She says as my ghostly friendo brethren "He (Who is he we shall never know since it sure wasn't Kou) got mad at me and slapped me" 

"But anywayssSsSsSs" 

"I know when Yashiro is gonna die but I'm not gonna tell her, because I'm mean like that"

Except! We have tea sipper and spiller extraordinaire here to tell when. Except he's a jerk and wants to keep her in suspense.


It comes out that Hanako was possessing Nene all along!!!!! *EpiC SuspensE NoisEs****** 
NOboDy could Have guessed that!!!!!

Tsukasa is in shock, Nene is in shock, Kou is in shock and he isn't even here, that one random fReaking bird is in shock and it isn't even real.

Nene gets mad.

Yelling at Hanako to not possess her like that...AGAIN!!

She questions the sanity of Tsukasa again asking him if he seriously thought it was her, she is as she says never sarcastic. Yeah we know she is no fun.

Hanako comes back somewhere from out of nowhere here now to ask What in the heccing hec were you doing??

Truly we don't really know

Nobody knows


But Tsukasa does a lil Uno Reverse here and instead asks Amane "What were you doing?"

Nene obviously agrees since she was being possessed and I don't think people like that too often. 

We're all confused on why Amane was trying to throw the blame since he was the one possessing the Daikon here.

Then even more blasphemous he tries to feign ignorance, it's not working.

So then Nene hits him with some obvious knowledge of yeah she didn't like it at all when he possessed her.

Amane asks why??

Why what Amane, what are you even talking about, it's pretty plain to see. 

Like Amane, nobody in their right mind would like to be possessed.

Amane laughs, he laughs thats great, it is kinda funny but we have to fake empathy.

But Amane comes at us again with his perversion, but we love it.

He says "I bet Yashiro loves it" I mean maybe, we can't be totally sure ya know.

She is quite appalled which is reasonable 

Tsukasa, we haven't talked about  him in a couple lines but he's having a ball laughing at this right now.

So then after that possible admission from Amane, Nene accuses him of being a pervert and probably liking it more. She's also probably not wrong. We don't know.

We can't really disagree with these statements here. We just can't.

Amane agrees maybe. All he said was "Sure" It's quite hard to decipher language as we all know.

Nene being the limp noodle that she is, gives in quite easily and just asks him to not do it again.

Obviously neither can agree, they can't really make any promises about that statement.

None of us know when we might need to use it. You just never know.

Even though we don't really know when we may have to use it we just need to keep our options open.

You never know my dudes.
