Kou Bird

So this is a fanart I did. Yay.

Setting: the roof. The roof with a random room somewhere. The roof with a window somewhere somehow.

Tsukasa and Hanako-Kun are keeping Nene hostage in a fishbowl.

And It Starts with a monologue from the main heroine Daikon being.

"It is I, the beautiful heroine Nene!"

"Who is currently being held captive"

                                  "In a fishbowl!!" 

"By two evil twins"

                                                                     "I'm not evil!"

                               "I am"

Nene begs the two to let her out as they are "not evil" or as one is "not evil" Hanako then asks the radish ankled heroine if she will promise to behave, she agrees of course, nobody would say otherwise if they were smart. Then Tsukasa has to whine to his older brother about being a fun sponge as usual, thus Hanako uses logic and reasons that the both of them cannot keep her in the bowl forever. 

Tsukasa says that they could maybe let her out, possibly at some point in an everlasting future.

Exasperated, Amane wants to free his love but Tsukasa being Tsukasa doesn't want to see the lady be freed thus goes to a separate room. That is on the roof. Somehow. No logic here it's a roleplay.

Hanako then lets the Daikon out of the dreaded fishbowl and then Slaps Him!!!! Gasp Oh No what a tragedy.

Tsukasa being Tsukasa hears Amanes exclamation of "What the heck daikon!" and the slap and sine he was obviously eavesdropping he has to butt in with a "Ooooooh, Did I hear what I think I heard!" Of course he did.

Nene then laments being kept as a fish for so long while Amane tells her it was for a reason. Duh it was.

Tsukasa back at it again with them white vans is yelling about "Relationship troubles!!!" because of course.

"Tsukasa no"

"Tsukasa yes"

                             "Tsukasaaaaaa go to the other room!"

"I AM" 

                    "Don't speak!"


Nene was running as she says she didn't want to interfere with "sibling stuff" Yes we all know what that means.

Tsukasa is finally called back to the roof room and then comments on the slap sound he heard. Because it was a slap and nobody can convince me otherwise. He mutters about getting them a relationship councillor, they probably need it since slapping thats a no from me mate.

Nene denies it

She's lying as the only other person here is Tsuchigomori.

Amane denies it

He's lying

Tsukasa offers help for once in his life

They deny it

Nene says that the sound was Kou

She's lying

Amane says it was a bird hitting a nonexistent window that we do not have on a roof

He's lying

Tsukasa knows these lies are getting much worse

He's not wrong

Nene still says it was Kou

She's still lying

Nene says he came here and slapped someone, then ran away

You see this is a totally believable story so completely solid you can't even see the particles vibrating against each other thats how solid it is. 


Tsukasa kindly offers training in lying

She denies lying at all since this is the truth of course

She sticks with it being Kou

Still lying

She says he went downstairs

So he shows up says nothing, nothing to even his Senpai, makes no noise, slaps someone then leaves as quick as I got back

Nene asks her love to tell Tsukasa that it was Kou

But BETRAYAL he sticks with his lie of it being a bird!

Nene stays with Kou

Tsukasa berates them for not being able to keep their lies straight

They deny lies

Nene then says Kou got turned into a bird

See Brightest person on Earth here

She said he turned into a bird then hit something

Amane agrees with these insane statements

They've lost their minds

Kou is not and never will be a bird. End of story. 

