Donut Day

The setting is some random area to start us off with Nene

Andddd whoever the hell wants to read this the next many chapters will be posted by the wonderful Nene Yashiro as my computer is taken away

Nene starts us off with a lovely conversation starter with the humble me as a narrator.

She asks Hanako if he'd like to go do something, quite vague if you ask me but go ahead.

"Well it depends on where and who Yashiro, we can't just go walking around boundaries like it's nothing" yes quite true that that would be stupid

But it's Nene so.

She then gives the idea of going to visit Mitsuba as they hadn't seen him in a while, she wants to go check in on him.

Hanako being him and his slight distaste for the 3rd wonder probably doesn't want to go see him and suggests that he's probably fine.

Nene then gives a good idea to look about his yorishiro, for some reason Hanako then comes to his side saying that he hasn't done anything wrong so far, and yeah he's not wrong so.

Then Nene suggests finding Kou since she thinks she saw him going to the Hell of Mirrors and since they haven't seen him in a while either to check up on him as well.

Hanako then reluctantly agrees to go but only for a little bit. So then Nene is heading ready to go and with some conversation on the way to the Mirror Hell and for some reason was asking him whether he knew what the day today was, he didn't know of course. (The day was June 5th)(National Donut Day of course)

Nene being her tsundere esque self she just insists on them going and abandoning that conversation, Hanako wants to know why she is being avoidant but she just ignores him.

Nene and Hanako then share a kinda weird uncomfortable silence until the moron narrator actually does something. (Which was me)

Nene and Hanako's conversation that they weren't having thus ended as they got to the Hell of Mirrors and asks Hanako to stay outside for a second as she goes in real quick to check in.

She tells him that Kou is in there and rushes them both into the area.

Hanako is obviously a bit sus about being taken into an dark area with still no idea what he is even doing here, but I guess he ignores it for a little longer until.....

The lights come on and everyone yells out surprise!! As this was a surprise party.

Our main man here is clearly surprised and confused about this whole situation, duh. Nene starts explaining then about that since he never told her his birthday and as today was national donut day she was deciding to celebrate his and Tsukasas birthday today while she was still alive!

Hanako starts crying some weird tears of joy and muttering about.... donuts.

"I.....hope you like it?"

"I do thank you Yashiro" hanako says this with a broad smile reassuring our daikon protag.

Nene tells Hanako how Kou helped make the magic donut cake that tastes like donut but is still a cake but shaped like a donut by magic..... Cuz why not.

Hanako is very touched by the action and thanks the ...boy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Nene then tells him how Mitsuba helped with the decorations and Tsukasa just kinda appeared here somehow.

And assss they're twins they're sharing this odd birthdate.

Tsukasa exclaims loudly how he wanted to be there with his Amane.

But out little daikon lady wants to get Hanako alone in private ooooooh what ideas does she have going up in her little brain of hers.

He complies because duh, he's crazy for the girl.

Then Tsukasa over here cheering on his bro.

They go to a sEclUdeD arEa.

"So Yashiro?"

"Hanako-Kun, I just wanted to say thank you"

"Uh what for?"

She hesitates a bit but continues

"I..I know I don't have much time left, and you helped me live a life the best I could. So thank you"

Yashiro smiles up at Hanako and says

"Hanako-San, Hanako-San, will you grant my wish?"

"Please don't forget me when I'm gone"

"That's all I ask"

Hanako is staring wide eyed at this but eventually says

"I won't"

*tension breaking line!!!*

Nene then asks the best question ever "Hey Hanako-Kun.. are you hungry?"

Give us a hell Yes!

Nene somehow pulls a giant slice of cake from..... somewhere. The answer is magic though.

Hanako is very excited by how good it must take after all the magical work out into it obviously.

"Um, I know this is your piece but could I have some?"

"Sure Yashiro! The open up!"

Nene screams out because I doubt that's what she meant but whatever.

Hanako is confused until Yashiro agrees, she did want some so take it how you get it.

She conveniently forgot a second fork though ;)

Hanako then feeds her some cake in very cute relationship fashion. Then ruins it by calling Kou over.

Nene is obviously confused and a bit upset at why he was calling Kou over but greets him as usual.

He lets Nene have his piece before he goes to talk to Kou, Hanako asks when Mitsubas birthday is.

Kou is confused as always and asks why only to hear a daikon muttering about ghosts ruining moments or something he didn't really pay attention.

Hanako then says it's because he know Kou and Mitsuba are spending a lot of time together and thought it would be kind to do the same thing for him.

Kou agrees since why wouldn't he want to do something nice for his boyfriend*cough* *cough* Friend, sorry.

He tells Hanako his birthday is September 31st.(it's random since I just thought of a random date)

Hanako then suggests to be sure to get him a good gift when it comes and then Nene comes in with her Jealous radish legs butting in about gifts she has one for him.

She tells him his gift is on the roof so they go up there. She gives him his gift up there and they just slightly hear Kou yelling, "Yeah okay!! I'll just be with Mitsuba no biggie guys" sarcastic little boy.

They talk about how Hanako finds it relaxing up her and if they know anything so far to deal with her lifespan as the radish is obviously stalling.

Nene then tells Hanako he can open his gift and all there is, is a card saying happy birthday, pretty lacklustre eh, yeah Ik me too dude. Butt Nene then says that, that wasn't his real gift 'this' is.

Nene then kisses him on the cheek just like he had once done.

Then she runs off like always but Hanako catches her and asks why she ran away, she said she just though he'd want to be alone, he then obliviously says why would he want to be along after they planned such a great party for him. That wasn't what she meant you idiot but go off.

Kou then comes up to witness Nene in Hanako's grip, and so she says he's holding her hostage(freaking drama queen okay) she's asking for his help and Hanako tells Kou he is not keeping her hostage and since it's Kou he yells at Hanako asking what he's doing to Senpai.

Hanako says he was saying thank you, yeah okay weirdo Kou tells him to get away and then noticing he looks like a tomato and asking thanking her for what too.

Hanako gets more flustered and just says the party. We know you're lying dude.

Nobody believes that.

Nene then goes to poke fun at why he's a tomato too while she's not much better so.

Kou asks why he's blushing so much and then Hanako throws the blame on Yashiro.

So she does as she does and runs away then Kou runs away and everyone else runs away leaving Hanako there in Extreme Confusion.

And that's how this turned into a Naruto con.
