Chapter 9

In the middle of nowhere

Kara could not do anything but stare at her evil self.

"Hard to except it isn't it." Nazi Kara gave her an evil smile. "I feel the same way. How can someone that looks so much like me be so weak. It hurts my eyes to look at you."

"No. You where the one that killed the priest. You where the one that ruined Barry's wedding." Kara said still unable to believe it.

"Your welcome." Nazi Kara said with a smile followed by her reactivating her mask. She flew at Kara and took her up to the sky. She followed her attack by giving Kara a punch that sent her flying forward.

Kara was thrown a couple yards back before she was able to regain her balance in the air. Once she took control again she looked at the direction the General was at, but to her surprise she was gone. "What the?"

The General snuck above Kara's line of sight and delivered a forcefully punch that sent her straight down to the ground.

Kara's body hitting the ground caused a large crater to form. As she began to get up, the General dove down and landed right on top of Kara; forcing her back down to the ground and causing the crater to get larger and deeper.

"So weak!" The General said reaching down and picking Kara up. She held her up by the neck and gave her another punch that sent Kara flying forward again.

Once Kara landed again she looked around and saw National City in her view. She was at the city border. The fight caused her to retrace steps back to National City. "No. I need to get her away from the city."

As she got up, she saw the other Kryptonian flying at her at high speed. Before the General could land a fourth straight punch on her; Kara flew into the sky to dodge her attack. Her actions caused the General to keep flying straight into the ground.

As the General was getting up Kara came down on top of her. With the General on her back again Kara bent down and held onto her arms so that she couldn't punch her again. "It's over!"

"No it's not. National City hasn't seen their great Girl of Steel fall yet." The General said as she pulled in her legs close to her chest and delivered a furious kick to Kara's stomach.

Kara was sent flying into the sky again, but was immediately stopped when she crashed into the side of a skyscraper. Kara didn't even have a chance to recover because she was met by the General again. The General grabbed her by her neck and dragged her up the side of the building.

Once at the top the General throw Kara down to the streets of National City. The General stayed in the air and watched as the citizens ran in horror when they saw the destruction that she was causing. She then slowly descended to the street where she had thrown Supergirl.

As Kara stood up she felt herself struggle for a second. Once fully up, she saw the General land on the opposite side of the street. Kara looked at her trying to get some reason for why a Nazi look-a-like of her was attacking her and her city, but all she could see were her dark red goggles.

"Why are you doing this!? What do you want from me!?" Kara yelled her questions.

"What I want to do is cleanse this world of you." The General responded, she followed this by removing her mask so that Kara could see her face, "I can't believe you Kara. All these powers and you use them to protect them instead of rule them. A god that chooses to live among those less of her. Why?"

"We are not gods. We shouldn't be ruling them." Kara shot back.

"We have to! You think that these inferior species is capable of ruling themselves. They are corrupt. They are greedy, murders, robbers, criminals; if we don't rule over them then they will destroy themselves!" The General shouted in frustration of Kara's ignorance, "All humans care about are themselves! They are materialist, ignorant, self-centered! They kill each other for money; they can't follow the simplest rules that are designed to protect them! We can't hold back! Just like you, I'm trying to same this primitive species, but your way doesn't go far enough! You need to lead them with fear! They don't understand anything else!"

"We are not better then them! We don't decide how they have live their lives; we should be the ones to protect them, so that they can live their lives the way they want to." Kara countered, showing that she wasn't going to back down on her principles.

The General felt only raged at Kara's stubbornness, "But you can have anything you want! Power! Fame! Respect! ... Barry."

That last example she whispered, but Kara heard it clearly.

"How do-?" Kara questioned, but was interrupted.

"Look around! Look at them all run in fear. Cowards! None of them deserve to be free!" The General's eyes began to glow blue, Kara saw what she was going to do and began to charge up her own heat vision. "None of them deserve our protection!"

At the same time the two Kryptonian launched their heat vision at each other. The two beams collide in the center, neither beam seemed to be moving in either direction.

"Give it up! I've beat you before." Kara yelled refusing to move her place.

"Yes. But this time will be different. This time you'll see me at my full strength!" The General hollered back. And with that statement she took a deep breath, took a step forward, and unleashed her full power.

Her heat vision beams turned from light blue to dark red and pushed against Kara's without even a struggle.

"Ugh!" Kara yelled as she struggled to keep her beams stable. The General's heat vision reached Kara's face dragged her backwards. She was dragged all the way to the building behind her.

After the General stopped Kara fell to the ground. Her eyes burned and were shut from the heat vision to the eyes. She wiped them, trying desperately to get her vision back. After struggling for a while she was finally able to see, but she wished she didn't. The only thing she was able to see was the General's fist come towards her line of sight. Kara was sent upward into the sky.

As she got to the peak of her flight up ward she was met by the General, "Pathetic!", she announced to her, but was loud enough to for all the citizens in the city to hear.

The General then charged up another heat vision and blasted Kara down to the city. The beams carried Kara through multiple buildings till she crashed landed in a public park.

Kara was now really struggling to get up. She would try to lift herself up but would fall soon after. She grabbed her stomach in agony. Looking down she noticed that her suit was compromised; there was now a hole where the General had delivered a heat vision to. Her skin was another story. The place where the General had blasted her, left her with extremely terrifying burn marks. A normal person would have disintegrated from her attack, but luckily her Kryptonian skin was able to withstand her attack, but that didn't stop it from leaving her with third degree burn marks.

The General landed in Kara's location soon after and walked slowly over to Kara, enjoying the sight of Kara struggling. "This is sad. This is suppose to be Earth's finest hero."

Kara rolled over; gasping for air while holding her stomach.

"Oh that looks bad. You should put some ice on that." The General said with an evil smirk. The General then inhaled a large amount of air and exhaled it using her freeze breath, but this attack was on another level from Kara's. The attack was an even brighter blue and the radius of the blast was twice as large.

"Agh!" Kara yelled in utter pain. She had never experience such pain before; it was unexplainable. She lost all feeling to her body and was unable move, all she could do was scream at the burning sensation she felt on her entire body.

After the General ran out of air she stood there; enjoying the sight of a beaten Supergirl frozen to the ground. She turned her head and noticed that in the center of the park there was a statue. It was a bronze Supergirl. She walked over to it and read the caption.

This Statue is dedicated to National City's own Girl of Steel: Supergirl

"Supergirl! What's so 'super' about you? You're nothing. You could have been something, but you lack the spine. You don't have the right determination!" With her last statement she unleashed her heat vision and melted the statue. She then walked back to Supergirl, grabbed her by the neck, and broke her out of the ice.

She flew up into the air with Kara in her hand. Once she reached a high altitude she brought Kara up to her line of vision. She examined her body to look at all the injuries she had endured during their fight.

Kara's eyes were swollen with red burn marks surrounding them. Her arms and legs were stained with ice shards and most noticeable she had a large burn mark in the middle of her stomach.

The General then used her X-ray vision to examine her insides; which weren't any better. Kara has fractured her skull, lost three ribs, her heart beat was slow, and her left arm and left leg were broken.

"Supergirl?...Back on my Earth, you don't receive a title until you have proven your strength to the Reichsman. You know what I did to proven my strength?" The General asked and brought Kara even closer to her face and whispered into her ear, "I killed Superman."

"You... Agh!" Kara tried to talk back to her doppelganger, but was stopped by the pressure that the General placed on her neck.

"Though back on my Earth we called him Overman." The General continued, "He was the strongest being on the planet. Everyone feared him. He ruled with an iron fist. I was just as powerful as him, but no matter what I did I was always looked upon as his 'cousin'. It was insulting and irritating; I was never looked upon as my own individual. You understand."

Kara could only gag at her lack of air, but inside she completely understood what the General was talking about. It is the same feeling that she gets when anyone would refer to her as just 'Superman's cousin', or 'the girl version of Superman'.

"Anyway. I was sick and tired of it so I killed him. After killing him, people suddenly looked upon me as my own person. They respected me; they feared me. Then a young reported, I forget her name, Cat something decided to assigned me the title... Supergirl... I hated it, I loathed that name. It was pathetic; weak. You know what I did next?"

Kara remained the same; still gasping for air.

"I found this reporter; told her what my problem was, and melted her brain."

Kara couldn't believe what she was explaining to her. She killed her cousin and Cat Grant; two of most important and influential people in her life. She killed them just to gain respect; to assert her authority.

"I announce to the world that she was dead. As well as my new title. From that day on I was no longer branded as 'Supergirl'; I was to be addressed as 'Overgirl'." With that Overgirl clutched her free hand into a fist and jab Kara with powerful punch to the stomach.

"Agh!" Kara yelled in pain with tears in her eyes. For the first time in her life she was crying from pain. She felt so weak.

Overgirl saw the tears and got even more angry. She gave her three more punches to the stomach, "Your weak! Pathetic! An embarrassment to me!"

"Agh!" Kara continued to cry from the pain.

Below the citizens watched in shock as their hero was brought to tears. Most of the people had their phones out to record; others watched with tears in their eyes.

Overgirl saw this and turned Kara around so that the citizens could see their hero completely, "Look at you hero! Your protector! Reduced to tears!"

Kara could only lay there and see all people whose hearts she was breaking. She had no strength to fight. Could barely comprehend what was going on. She could do nothing... But there was one last thing that she had. Something that she could always rely on when she felt weak. So she grabbed onto the hand Overgirl had around her neck with both hands, and with the last bit of strength that she had, she pride Overgirl's hand open. She was able to loosen Overgirl's grip long enough for her to say one word, but it was all she needed. With the little time she had, she was able to release the one word that meant more to her than anything else in the entire universe,"Barry!!"
