Chapter 25

Earth 1 - Arrow Cave

Everyone was doing their own thing when Kara and Catiline returned back to the cave.

"Kara." Clark said glad to see his cousin, "How you feeling?"

"Better." Kara told him, "You meet everyone yet?"

"Yup. Pretty much." Clark told her.

Kara then looked over Clark's shoulder and noticed Oliver, "Hey!"

This grabbed Oliver's attention immediately.

"A little warning that you have a kid would be great next time." Kara told him.

"My bad." Oliver said holding a hand up.

Kara then noticed Iris sitting alone in a chair, playing with her engagement ring, "Can you excuse me Clark. Thanks."

Kara walked over to Iris and took a seat in a chair next to her, "Hi Iris."

Iris was to distracted that she didn't notice Kara until she said something to her, "Oh. Hey Kara. How you been?"

"I'm fine. How about you?" Kara asked knowing the answer already.

"Me not so much. I miss Barry." Iris told her going back to staring at her ring, "How was he back on Earth 38. Did he miss me?"

Kara thought about it for a moment and realized that Iris never came up when she and Barry where back on her Earth. She doesn't remember a single time Barry spoke about her, "Oh. Ugh... Yeah he did. He would never stop talking about you. It was like 'Come on Barry, talk about something else.'"

Kara didn't sound at all convincing, but it wasn't noticeable to Iris.

"Oh that's my Barry." Iris said happy, "I'm actually relieved."

"Why?" Kara asked.

"It's just something that Oliver's Earth X doppelganger said to me back at S.T.A.R Labs, it's nothing." Iris told Kara.

"What he say? Come on you can tell me." Kara urged her.

"He told me horrible things like 'Barry didn't love me' and that 'Barry cared more about you than me'." Iris explained, she was too embarrassed to look up at Kara, "I know I shouldn't have let his words get to me, but they did. At first I wasn't affected, but as time went on I started to believe him. You and Barry were gone for so long that I couldn't help but feel like he wasn't going to come back. That you and him where going to end up living together, getting married, and starting a family. I know it's silly, but I thought that you were going to steal him away from me."

Kara stayed quiet, her face was extremely red, "I... I wouldn't pay much attention to it Iris. Barry doesn't care nearly as much about me, then he does about you."

"Because he loves me?" Iris asked.

"No because I invulnerable, and nothing hurts me. Unlike you soft skins." Kara said breaking into laughter. She would always make quipes when things got to tense.

Iris couldn't keep her frown and she burst into laughter as well, "Thanks Kara. I really needed a friend that knows exactly what I need."

Kara placed a hand on Iris's shoulder and gave her a supporting smile

"Oh my gosh! You're Barry." Iris gasped.

Kara let go of Iris's shoulder and her face grew red, "Why... Why would you say that?"

"Because he was the only one that could cheer me up when I was down, just like how you did right now." Iris explained, "You're like identical to him. It's scary to think about."

Kara laughed nervously, "That's funny. Hey I'm going to go check on Curtis. See how he is doing on trying to find Barry."

Iris gave her a nod.

Kara walked over to Curtis who was working on his tablet, "Hey Curtis. You get anything yet? Any sign of Barry?"

"No he hasn't breached back yet." Curtis told her, "But for the past couple of hours I have been getting some weird disturbances. Similar to a breach's wave pattern. It's like something is trying to break into our reality."

"You think it could be Barry?" Kara asked with a lot of hope in her voice.

"It might be, but at the same time it could be someone else." Curtis told her, "Either way I say we all stay alert, we have no idea who's coming through."

"Yeah your right." Kara told him, "I'll tell everyone."

Kara inside was secretly jumping in joy. She knew it was Barry coming back, she also knew that she was getting her hopes up, but she didn't care. Barry wouldn't let her down.

Earth 38 - D.E.O Prison Center

Barry had been turned into his Earth X doppelganger. He wore the silver frequency changing device on his chest, while kneeling in front of Overgirl.

"Rise Blitzkrieg." Overgirl said with a smile, "The Reichsman has work to be done."

Barry stood up like he was asked. He looked at Overgirl in the eyes and spoke, "What is it that I can do for The Fatherland."

Overgirl's smile grew even wider, "We are trapped here on Earth 38, I need you to get us to Earth 1. Quickly."

"I can do that. For the Fatherland!" Barry said doing The Reichsman solute before leaving to get to work.

Once Barry was out of the room Eobard looked at Overgirl, "Do you trust that he can break the dimensional barrier?"

Overgirl looked over at Eobard with look of disgust, "I trust him more than you."

Overgirl then left the room.

"Daaaamn!" Mon El said with a smirk as he leaned on the forcefield.

Eobard looked at him, annoyed, and then left the room as well.

Earth 1 - Arrow Cave (Couple of hours later)

Kara sat in Felicity's chair as she stared at the monitor. She has had her head resting on her hands while she monitored the monitor for the past two hours straight. Waiting for any sign of Barry's return.

"Kara?" Oliver asked. Next to him was Alex, both had an expression of worry on it, "Everyone has left for the night. How about you call it a night and come back to my house so that you can sleep."

Kara looked up from her screen, she looked at both of them and told them, "Don't worry about me Oliver, I'm not tired. I rather stay here, you guys go rest."

Now it was Alex's turn, "Kara you don't have to stay here, Curtis will get an alert if a breach opens up."

"Alex!" Kara yelled while slamming the desk with her fists, she was already annoyed of the two, "I'm not leaving. It's my fault that Barry is trapped on my Earth, the least I can do for him is be here when he comes. I should be the first person that Barry sees when he gets back."

"Ugh.." Oliver stutter out of fear, "Shouldn't Iris be the first person Barry sees when he gets back."

*Sigh* Kara rubbed her head with her fingers, "Yeah... that's what I said. Just go rest, I'll be here waiting."

Alex was about to argue back, but Oliver stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. He gave her a nod telling her to stop trying.

Alex gave him a nod in agreement and the two left the Arrow Cave. This made Kara the only person left in the Arrow Cave. She was alone.

Having enough of sitting in the chair, she decided to get up and look around. She admired all the different arrow the Oliver had on display, she knew this was the only time she could do this. Oliver would probably yell at her if he saw her touching his arrows.

Kara had finished looking at everything in the Arrow Cave, except for the manikins that held all the uniforms. She walked up to admired the Green Arrow suit before walking over to look at the suit next to his. The Flash suit.

Kara placed her hand on the red leather and ran her fingers through the arm. Doing this brought her back to the first time she met The Flash, she remembered exactly what he had said to her.

"Who are you?" Supergirl asked the strange man dressed in red leather.

"I'm the Flash." The Flash said with a smile.

"The who now?" Supergirl asked still confused as to who he was.

"The Fla-Wait do you not know who I am?"

"Should I?"

Kara laughed as she remembered the look on his face when he noticed that he wasn't on his Earth any more. He had the most adorable expression. Suddenly, in an instant, all the happiness that came with that memory was replaced with sadness. She began to tear up as she remembered even more fond memories the two had shared together over the past three years. Kara placed her hand on the lightning bolt emblem and cried. Seeing the most amazing suit without the most amazing man inside it, crushed her.

"I'm... I'm so sorry Barry. I should have done more. I should have not let you do all the sacrificing. Why do you always insist on being the hero. Why do you always insist on trying to protect me. I'm the invulnerable one! I should be protecting you." Kara sobbed, "Please come back to me. Please Barry."

So that is chapter 25, omg this is taking forever. I didn't think it would take this long to write. I have the whole plot of the story mapped out on my Note One app and I estimate that this story will still have another 10 chapters to go. I really like were I'm going with the story, the only thing that I notice is that I keep having to change the ending of the story because, while I have the ending all mapped out, I keep getting new ideas and once I put them into the story I end up having to change everything. Anyway hope you guys like this chapter, but let me know what you guys think. I'm sorry if it seemed like a boring chapter, this was mostly just a filler chapter, but I did like the part where I brought back the first conversation Kara and Barry had. I don't know about anyone else, and I'm not being bias, but I think that The Flash's introduction to the World's Finest crossover was the best. The theme song before he appeared got me all excited. Some good stuff is coming in the next chapter... I think. As long as I don't change anything else. Don't forget to leave a comment or question. 
