Chapter 15

Kara's Bedroom

Barry began to feel the light coming from the window hit his eyes, but he refuse to move from his position though. He was way to comfortable.

*Sniff *"Kara." He unknowingly mumbled in his sleep. He held her by her waist line in his arms and had her hair in his face. He subconsciously loved the smell of her strawberry scented hair. He held her tightly, afraid that she would leave him if he held on to her to lightly.

But that wasn't what actually was happening. As soon as Barry open his eyes he saw that he was holding a pillow. It only smelled like her because it was the pillow she used last night. He let go of it and rubbed his eyes, looking around he saw that there was no sign of Kara anywhere.

Walking out of her room, he finally found Kara standing over the stove. She was cooking while watching a morning talk show on the TV.

"Good morning?" Barry told her trying to get her attention.

"Oh. Good morning. You woke up just in time." Kara said placing the scrambled eggs and pancakes she was cooking onto a plate. "You better be hungry."

"I am." Barry said taking a seat at the dinner table.

"That's good because I made you breakfast." Kara said setting a the plate in front of him and pouring him some orange juice.

"Oh that's nice of you." Barry said looking down at his plate.

"Just wanted to do something nice for you since yesterday you were doing everything for me." Kara said as she saw him take his first bite, "So. What do you think?"

Barry chewed his food in his mouth taking in all the different flavors in, "You know how I said we don't need to lie to each other." Barry told her in between bites.

"Yeah." Kara said with a smile.

"This sucks." Barry told her with a big grin.

"What? Really." Kara said with a giggle.


"Well it's not easy to cook with a one hand." Kara tried to defend herself.

"I'm sorry but it's still true." Barry said pushing the plate away, he got up and gave her a smile "Here how about we make something together."

"Nah. Screw that. How about you take me out to eat since you're acting like such a critic today." Kara said taking his plate away to the sink.

Barry laughed at her, "Alright I deserve that. Let me get ready quick and we can head out."

"Alright just don't take-"

"Done." Barry said using his super speed to get ready in less than three seconds, "Sorry for taking so long."

Kara just laughed at his joke as she placed on her coat.

"Here let me help." Barry said noticing that she was going to need help placing her injured arm in the arm sleeve.

"Thanks Barry."

"Sure thing. Hey I just noticed you're walking again."

"Yup. Woke up and I didn't feel any pain in my leg anymore. So I took the bandages off."

"That's good."

"It is, but I will admit I am going to miss you carrying me everywhere." Kara jokes.

"My back won't." Barry joked back.

Kara laughed, "Lets go."

Cafe in National City

"Is there anything else I can get for you?" A waitress said coming by Barry and Kara's table.

"Um I don't know. Kara you want anything else?" Barry asked her.

"Yeah actually I had a question. What is your Couple's Sundae?" Kara asked the waitress as she pointed to the picture in the menu.

"That is our famous sundae for couples only. You need to be a couple to order it." The waitress answered.

"Excuse me Miss.?" A gentleman at the bar waved his hand to attract the attention of the waitress.

"Please excuse me. I'll be right back." She told Barry and Kara.

"I want this sundae." Kara told Barry.

"But you don't have a boyfriend Kara."

Kara frowned at Barry's cluelessness, "Barry. Just pretend to be my boyfriend."

Kara saw Barry turn a shape of light red, she could also hear his heart pick up even more speed than it already was at.

"Come on Barry, it's not hard." Kara laughed, "I promise I won't tell anyone."

"No it's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"It just feels wrong to lie, you know."

Kara giggled, but she knew that she would feel guilty for lying as well.

"You're right." Kara said closing the menu, "Man the life of a superhero is rough. It takes away every bad impulse one has."

Barry laughed at Kara's disappointed face, but then thought of a loophole.

"Wait I got an idea." Barry smiled. He got out of his chair and got down on one knee in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Kara asked a little bit embarrassed and confused by his actions.

"It's not lying if we are actually a couple." Barry said before taking Kara's hand in his and clearing his throat, "Kara Danvers. Will you make the happiest man in the entire multiverse and be my girlfriend for the next 30 minutes, so that we can order is sundae."

Kara couldn't hold back her smile. It was quickly followed by a giggle, "Barry Allen. I will be extremely happy to be your girlfriend for the next 30 minutes."

Barry laughed with her. He actually didn't expect her to accept her offer. As he got up he held her hand.

"Ok I'm back sorry about that." The waitress said, "Is there anything else I can get you?"

Barry flashed a smile at Kara and she gave him one back, "Yes we would. My girlfriend and I would like one order of your famous Couple's Sundaes."

In the winter streets of National City

*Burp* "Excuse me." Kara said covering her mouth, "Man that sundae was good."

Barry chuckled at her burping, "You said it."

After finishing their dessert at the café they decided to take a walk through National City.

"So what now?" Kara asked.

"Now we need to talk about your crazy doppelganger that attacked you. We need a plan for when she comes back for you." Barry responded.

"We can't just leave them here, we need a way to capture them before we go back to Earth 1."

"Yeah. About that. We can't go back to Earth 1."

"What why?"

"During your fight, your interdimensional extrapolator got destroyed. I managed to get all the pieces, but without a proper lab I don't think I can fix it. Plus Cisco is the only person that could possibly fix it, I just don't know enough about quantum physics to repair it myself."

"Oh no."

"Do you know anyone that could possibly fix it? I already asked Winn, but he said that he has nothing. Anyone else come to mind?

Kara took time to think, and then a likely candidate came to mind.

"Lina Luther can."

"Who?" Barry questioned never hearing the name before.

"She's a really smart scientist, which also happens to be a really close friend of mine." Kara explained, "If anyone can fix it, it's Lina."

"Well if you trust her then so do I." Barry said.

"Well then let's get to L Corp." Kara said

As they made their way to L Corp, Kara noticed a salesman on the side of the street. Kara stopped in her tracks, waiting for Barry to do the same.

It didn't take long for Barry to notice that Kara had stopped walking, "What's wrong?"

Kara had a grin on her face. She nudged her head to the side to guide Barry to the salesman.

He was a short Italian man with a thick beard pushing a cart that had bright red roses. The sign on the side said '$1 for 1 rose'.

Barry looked back to her still confused at what she wanted.

Kara giggled and pulled out her watch from under her sleeve. She pointed to it and said, "Your still my boyfriend for three more minutes."

"Are you kidding." Barry said with a smile. He pulled out his wallet and gave a dollar to the salesman.

He shortly came back with a rose and handed it her. "Here you are my girlfriend."

Kara smiled and accepted the flower. She placed it up to her nose and smelled it.

"Aww, Barry. You're the best boyfriend ever." Kara said with a giggle as she wrapped her arm around his.

The two then continued there way to L Corp.
