Chapter 17

Kara's Apartment

Kara and Barry sat on the couch shoulder to shoulder. The two had an amazing evening last night, Barry took Kara to her favorite miniature golf course. They both had a great time together, but Kara was the one that had the best time. Since her arm was still in the arm sleeve she couldn't set up her stroke correctly, so Barry, being the gentleman he always was, would come around her and help guild her. Afterwards Barry took Kara to a nearby restaurant where they had an delicious dinner; they talked, they laughed, they drank. The drinks didn't do anything to them, but they still found them tasty. Once they finished they decided to split the bill, because according to Kara having the man pay for dinner was sexist and degrading to women, they ended the night by walking through National City and then heading home.

When Barry woke up this morning he found himself in the same position he was in last time, hugging the pillow thinking it was Kara. After finally getting out of bed, Barry met Kara in the kitchen where she provided Barry with a better breakfast then what she gave him the day before. Kara's arm was finally healed and the scar on her midsection was also gone; she was back to her complete healthy state.

Now the two decided to watch some old recorded shows that Kara had stored in her DVR. They sat shoulder to shoulder on the couch as they watched the last episode of iCarly.

Last episode of iCarly

"Oh hey, how goes it? I'm leaving in a few minutes." Carly said as she watched Freddie pack his equipment way.
"Yeah, I know." Freddie said acknowledging her presents, "Better not be late or your dad's gonna be wazzed off."
"Ya know, you don't have to take all your tech stuff home tonight." Carly said getting closer to Freddie.
"Yeah, but I figured I might as well get a head start." Freddie responded, "Tomorrow, I promised Gibby I'd help him do some research on the proper care and feeding of weasels so I figure the sooner I get all this equipment out of here, the sooner I can take it down-"

Freddie cut himself off when he felt Carly's touch on his arm. He knew what she was going to do and he didn't stop her. He brought himself closer to her till there was finally no more room between them, and kissed her.

He held on to her by the waist while she placed her arm on his shoulder. Each of them trying to make the kiss last as long as possible. It would have gone on further if Carly didn't have to go.

The two separated from each other and looked into each others eyes. Suddenly a wave of embarrassment washed over the two.

"So, I'm gonna get my bags and head downstairs." Carly said trying to make the situation less awkward.
"Why don't I help you with those bags?" Freddie offered.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Carly accepted.

Kara's Apartment

"Why!" Kara yelled at the TV with tears in her eyes, she grabbed a tissue from the box that Barry held up for her and blew her nose loudly, "Why did she have to leave him. She could have stayed with him, lived a happy life with him."

"It's ok Kara, she said that she would be back." Barry said rubbing Kara's back. "She promised Freddie and everyone else that she would be back."

"But what about me!" Kara yelled with tears, "Who the hell ends something like that. What kind of author does a bunch of romantic build up, have then finally kiss, and then have them separated in the end! You don't play with someone's emotions like that!"

"It's going to be ok Kara." Barry chuckled at his overreacting friend, "Plus it's not like it was a romantic 'I love you' kiss."

"Wait what you say?" Kara asked finally stopping the crying.

"The kiss was just a goodbye gift to him. You know how Freddie had always had a crush on Carly, well what gift is more perfect then a friendly goodbye kiss." Barry responded.

"Ok Barry I need to stop you there. Let me tell you a little something about girls." Kara told him as she grabbed the remote, rewind, and pressed pause at the moment where Carly and Freddie were kissing. "You see that. No girl kisses a guy like that, if she is not deeply in love with him."

"Oh come on Kara. There are more meanings to a kiss then just romance."

"No sir. A friend can not kiss another friend like that unless there is something deeper and more meaningful between them."

"I don't buy that. Two friends that have an extremely close connection can do it."

"If two friends had that much of an extremely close connection, then those two shouldn't be friends. Those two should be going out, getting married, having a child, and growing old together."

"Not all boy / girl friendships end in with them falling in love. Some of them can go on and marry other people, but still manage to maintain that strong friendship. I mean look at us."

Kara then stopped to evaluate an idea that popped into her head while Barry was taking, "Hey! Your right! What about us."


"We're best friends aren't we?"

"We're better, we are super friends." Barry said as he reached over to the coffee table to get his water.

"Great!" Kara said, completely turning her body to face Barry's, "Kiss me."

"What!?" Barry said choking on his water.

"You heard me. Kiss me."

"What!? Why!?"

"To prove your point. You said it yourself, 'two friends that have an extremely close connection can do it'. Why does that not apply to us."

"Because you're my best friend. You don't kiss your best friend."

"You just said that there are different meaning to a kiss. That means that you can be perfectly comfortable with kissing me."


"Come on Barry you claimed that a kiss on the lips can be done between friends. Do it. Unless you know your wrong and you know that if you kiss me you'll fall instantly in love with me." Kara taunted him by making a kissy face.

"Ok Danvers. You don't think I'll do it?" Barry chuckled as he caved into Kara's demand, "I'll actually do it. Nothing is going to change between us."

"Well according to you logic there shouldn't. So come on. Let's test your hypothesis." Kara said inching her face closer to his, she suddenly hear a rapidly repeating thumping sound, "Oh Barry. Do I hear someone's heart racing." 

"No." Barry smirked at her trying to keep his cool, "That's just a side effect of having super speed."

Kara couldn't hold in her laughter, "You're such a liar. You sure you want to do this Barry? It's never too late to chicken out."

"Kara. I'm the man that ran up into the sky to close a singularity, took on three different phyco-murdering speedster in the last three years, sacrificed myself to the Speedforce, and took on Supergirl when she was being mind controlled by aliens. I'm pretty sure I can get away with one simple kiss to the lips."

"Well ok then mister professional. Do it." Kara said as she closed her eyes and waited for Barry to come meet her lips.

Barry took his time to examine Kara's face with her eyes closed. He placed a hand on her cheek and felt her shiver at the touch. He took another moment to examine her features before finally deciding to ignore his overly loud heart beats, and just close his eyes. He leaned his head forward slowly, keeping his mind clear as a way of keeping himself from over thinking things. He reached the point where he could feel the air being exhaled by Kara. And then as fast as a speeding bullet,-

Kara pulled away.

"What happened?" Barry said after realizing that he had missed his intended destination because Kara had moved from her position.

"Bomb." Kara said quickly. She followed her phrase by grabbing Barry and throwing him and herself over the couch.

A sudden explosion erupted in Kara's living rooming causing Kara, Barry, and her couch to go flying into the kitchen.

*cough* "Barry! Barry are you ok." Kara yelled at him after the explosion landed them on top of her kitchen table, causing it to break at the same time.

*cough* "I'm good Kara." Barry assured her.

Both Barry and Kara turned to the where explosion came through and saw two figures emerge out of the debry.

"My apologizes. Did we interrupt something." Overgirl said.

So what do you guys think of chapter 17? I'm sorry for those who wanted to see Kara and Barry's date, I was planning on making it an entire chapter by itself, but then I realized that the story is already long enough. If enough people actually want to read about their date I will make it a separate one-shot story, I have a pretty good idea of how to approach it, so if you would like to read about Kara and Barry's night tell me. It will honestly take me like a week or two to write. Anyway leave a comment or question.
