
This lesson was inspired by Charis_Tikvah comment they left. So we will be studying James 5 for this lesson, so please have your Bibles ready!

*for this lesson I will be writing out the verses from my student study Bible.

So admit your sins to each other, and pray for each other so that you will be healed.
James 5:16

Let's start by reading verses 1 through 3.

1-Pay attention to this if you're rich. Cry and moan about the misery that is coming to you.
2-Your riches have decayed, and your clothes have been eaten by moths.
3-Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be used as evidence against you. Like fire, it will destroy your body. You have stored up riches in these last days.

We're starting off with a message to the rich people that are corrupt in their ways. In this, James makes it very clear to pay attention to this for those in that situation. Being rich in this sense means that you're financially well-off, but if you're not serving the Lord, beware. For those that build themselves up on fame and idolatry will fall before the God Almighty. Those that turn their head from those less fortunate and in need will make their bed in hell.

In James 4:6 the saying holds strong, "God opposes arrogant people, but He is kind to humble people."

These verses really define that having riches in this life won't mean anything in the long run of things. You will be held accountable for all the wrongs your worldly life is built on. Unless you are born again, your past will be remembered by the Lord.

When we repent and give ourselves to Christ, we become a new creature - we are saved, and our sins are washed away. All of your past faults are forgotten to the Lord. We want to focus from then on to build our riches up in heaven by doing the Lord's work. Whether that be online ministering, preaching the gospel, singing the gospel, or whatever you're called to do in life. God has a purpose and plan for you, and it is unique and solely for you.

If you turn away from Him, and deny Him, then you will die and burn in a lake of fire for all eternity. There is no escaping that.

4-The wages you refused to pay the people who harvested your fields shout to God against you. The Lord of Armies has heard the cries of those who gather the crops.
5-You have lived in luxury and pleasure here on earth. You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter.
6-You have condemned and murdered people who have God's approval, even though they didn't resist you.

Have you ever been cheated out of your pay for your labor? Have you ever worked for a business and was wronged? It happens to a lot of people because some people are selfish in their riches; they grow to be petty and unrighteous. They lie, steal, and cheat anyone - just like Satan.

But the Lord has also said for us not to seek out revenge against those who prosecute you. We are to give it to Him and then He will go on our behalf and deliver a righteous judgement. God doesn't want to see us hurting, that's why He has made a way for us to come to Him with ALL things.

Personally, I have been wronged a lot of times, and we'll all go through it. But I've also learned to have a fear in God - because His fury and power is greater than any man's. He will deliver back what has been stolen, He has promised me.

7-Brothers and sisters, be patient until the Lord comes again. See how farmers wait for their precious crops to grow. They wait patiently for fall and spring rains.
8-You, too, must be patient. Don't give up hope. The Lord will soon be here.
9-Brothers and sisters, stop complaining about each other, or you will be condemned. Realize that the judge is standing at the door.
10-Brothers and sisters, follow the example of the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. They were patient when they suffered unjustly.
11-We consider those who endure to be blessed. You have heard about Job's endurance. You saw that the Lord ended Job's suffering because the Lord is compassionate and merciful.

Be Patient. If you read one of the past lessons on the fruit of Peace, then you should know about this. Today's world has everyone rushing to meet deadlines, and get everything together on time - our lives revolve around time and makes us impatient.

But when you receive God's peace, patience will come with it. Once it does, you are to practice it until it becomes a crucial part in your life. So when everything is rushing around you, you are able to be still and feel God's presence in your life.

The Lord will be coming back soon to take the Church home; we must be patient and watching for His signs. Just like how a farmer plants his crops and raises them with patience; he watches them grow to produce what he worked hard for, and that is the same way in our walk with God. Have faith in Him, He will be here soon wearing a crown of glory.

Those that talk about each other with negativity will be judged in the throne room of God. Consider those that the enemy is actively attacking - the preachers and prophets who preach to the masses. Trials in life are not easy to go through, that is why those that endure to the end are truly blessed. God knows what we can and can't handle, He created us after all. He will never put us under something that He knows we cannot handle.

So if you are currently in a trial, a rough time in your life, I just want you to know that God is with you. He will not ever leave nor forsake you, He's right there with you when no one else is. Have patience during this rough time, and cry out to Jesus - just speaking His name will cause the demons to flee. And when you are washed and made clean, YOU will have the authority to stomp over serpents in your path. In Jesus' name, the devil has to flee.

12-Above all things, my brothers and sisters, do not take an oath on anything in heaven or on earth. Do not take any oath. If you mean yes, say yes. If you mean no, say no. Do this so that you won't be condemned.

Don't Take Oaths. What is an oath? It's a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior. It's a step above a promise you would make to yourself or to someone.

Simple put: do not take an oath. An oath is very important, and if you go against it then you will be condemned. It's better to think wisely and to say yes or no in situations. God warns us of this, and we need to heed this warning.

13-If any of you are having trouble, pray. If you are happy, sing psalms.
14-If you are sick, call for the church leaders. Have them pray for you and anoint you with olive oil in the name of the Lord.
15-(Prayers offered in faith will save those who are sick, and the Lord will cure them.) If you have sinned, you will be forgiven.
16-So admit your sins to each other, and pray for each other so that you will be healed. Prayers offered by those who have God's approval are effective.
17-Elijah was human like us. Yet, when he prayed that it wouldn't rain, no rain fell on the ground for three-and-a-half years.
18-Then he prayed again. It rained, and the ground produced crops.

Prayer Is Powerful. A merry soul will sing for the Lord, while a troubled heart will kneel and pray. It holds very true for us. These verses are all about proving how prayer works, when to pray, and how powerful this communication is with God.

To learn more about prayer, you can read the three part lesson about prayer in the beginning of this book. Continue to pray, never stop praying.

19-My brothers and sisters, if one of you wanders from the truth, someone can bring that person back.
20-Realize that whoever brings a sinner back from the error of his ways will save him from death, and many sins will be forgiven.

Help Those Who Have Wandered Away From the Truth. The point of this is - spread God's word. Tell your life testimony, of what God has brought you from. It will touch someone out there, someday, in God's time. You could be the reason for leading someone to seeking out Jesus for salvation.

So do all you can for the kingdom of God! Quit being about the world's business and be about the Father's business!

Until next time, I hope you can take something out of this lesson and apply it to your own better understanding. Stay faithful!
