#3 Peace - The Nine Fruits of the Spirit

This is the third part of a nine-part lesson going over the nine fruits of the Spirit, with each lesson focusing on each character trait a Christian should have.

But the spiritual nature produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There are no laws against things like that. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their corrupt nature along with its passions and desires. If we live by our spiritual nature, then our lives need to conform to our spiritual nature. We can't allow ourselves to act arrogantly and to provoke or envy each other.

Galatians 5:22-26

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There are many different kinds of peace in life. Some induced, some artificial, but these are temporary. People constantly use drugs to reach that high of peace, but it never lasts.

After war of nations, there's a peace from the battles. But is this true peace? How can we reach true, everlasting peace?

Let's look at Isaiah 9:6, Jesus is called the Prince of Peace! When He began His ministry it wasn't a peaceful time, in order to seek true peace Jesus had to uproot a lot of evil going on.

He had to begin cutting through and change the ways back to righteousness before peace could come.

God chose peace to describe His son. He rules over what we need most: peace. If you are dissatisfied and restless in your life, go to the Prince of Peace.

A child will be born for us.
A son will be given to us.
The government will rest on his shoulders.
He will be named:
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
His government and peace will have unlimited growth.
He will establish David's throne and kingdom.
He will uphold it with justice and righteousness now and forever.
The Lord of Armies is determined to do this!
Isaiah 9:6-7

When a friend is going through a rough time, you may not know how to help them. It's okay to not know what to pray for when you think of them. Ask God to bless your hurting friend with His peace. You give someone a wonderful gift when you pray for God's peace to surround them.

Just look at the blessing in Numbers 6:22-26.

Or read about God's promise to Phinehas in Numbers 25:1-13. He took a strong stand against his nation's disobedience. He had been rewarded by God's promise of peace because of his sincere concern for God.

There is a sweet peace to gain from honoring God; you honor Him, and He will honor you.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
John 14:27

Job had a desperate plea to God. He had no peace and felt hopeless. When was the last time you felt like trouble is all you have? This world and the situations you find yourself in can rob you of God's peace of mind and only leave that feeling of hopelessness. It will make you feel lost in the dark - fumbling and confused.

You could be in a stressful situation, or suffering from over procrastination. But if you pray for God's peace, your situation will get better. It is in these dire times that we must cling to the cross. God's peace can help you make it through any crisis in life.

Just look at David's life - he had been running from his enemies when he wrote many of the psalms! Yet, through it all he remained calm and talked about God's peace. He knew that God was with him, watching over him as he slept. Do you have worries that keep you up at night? Do you dread facing the next day? Depend on the Lord like David did, and your troubles won't plague you.

It might be a small thing to do, but take a break. At night, pray and talk to God and confidently leave your worries with Him. You'll be surprised by how depending on God can get you through each day.

The Lord will give power to His people.
The Lord will bless His people with peace.
Psalm 29:11

According to scripture, God's people are blessed with peace. But during life certain things may leave you feeling more stressed than blessed! Even during your most trying circumstances, the Lord promises His peace to get you through it. Relying on God's promise will help you handle even the worst situations with confidence and maturity.

When you are under stress, try praying for peace rather than giving in to worry. Slowly read Psalm 29 as a reminder of God's power and His desire to help you.

Which of you want a full life?
Who would like to live long enough to enjoy good things?
Keep your tongue from saying evil things
and your lips from speaking deceitful things.
Turn away from evil, and do good.
Seek peace, and pursue it!
Psalm 34:12-14

Now we know how to seek peace even through the most trying times for yourself, but what about with others?

Even those that love and trust each other can have misunderstandings. Sometimes it's hard to get along with certain people; personalities and opinions can clash and conflict happens. But God wants us to take a different approach.

We are to seek peace as the goal of every relationship and situation. He wants us to swallow our pride and give Him control over the situation and our lives. It may be hard to find that peace with other people, but let God's encouragement to pursue peace motivate you to keep working at it.

Of all the circumstances and people around you, God alone can be trusted in this shaky world. He alone will bring perfect peace to an imperfect world.

When friends step away from you, or your family falls apart, you can count on God. He will be your solid rock! He can bring peace - perfect peace - to your life.

Study Philippians 4:1-13, and ask yourself:

-What had taken away Euodia and Syntyche's peace?

-What kind of help can you offer to two friends who might be at odds with each other?

-Look at Verse 6, what does it mean to be anxious?

-What role does your thinking and attitude have in living a peaceful life?

-What does "gentleness" have to do with peace?


•Are you currently living with that peace of God in your life? If not, what do you plan to do to recapture that lost peace?

Lord I pray for your peace. I pray for Your calming presence in the middle of my storm. I need to keep my eyes on you, and trust you to support me through everything. Help me to trust you for my security and salvation. Amen.

Good will and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are yours!
1 Corinthians 1:3
