The Prowler.

"Stop. Speaking."

I was filled with terror. What could Prowler want to do with me?

Why would he throw Jackson over like that?

He gripped my shoulders, I could tell he was glaring at me through his mask.

I looked anywhere. I wanted to escape, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave without Jackson, and I couldn't leave without my mom.

"Please, sir." I bit my lip while looking at Jackson. "Please let me go."

A painful feeling on my cheek erupted as my head flung to the side. He slapped me.

"What'd I say about talking." He moved his grasp from shoulders to my shirt. "Look at me."

I slowly looked at him, one eye closed due to the immense pain on my face.

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me. As if he were examining me or looking for something to comment about.

I tried to move under his grasp, but his hand was held on tight to my shirt.

I was relieved when I soon saw Jackson stirring, moving up from the ground.

He caught sight of the Prowler and I. I knew he was trying to concoct a plan in his head.

I didn't speak. I stayed silent while Prowler looked at me. "Who is this boy."

"Wh-" I quickly shut myself up. I didn't want to get punched again.

"Who is this boy, and why are you with him?" The led lenses on his mask furrowed, showing me his anger.

"He's just.. my friend," I said. My voice was a little shaky. But why does the Prowler care if I'm with another guy or not?

The lenses opened back all the way when he turned around and stopped Jackson from punching him.

He grabbed his fist and twisted it, making Jackson yelp out in pain.

"No, stop, please don't hurt him." I yanked on the hand that was on my shirt, but the gauntlet was too strong. It was impossible to budge.

I knew that if I wanted to leave his grasp, I had to distract him or slip out from my shirt.

One of them could kill me, and the other would make me feel exposed and uncomfortable.

I looked for something to distract him. That's when I saw a braid. I slowly reached up and tugged on it, making the Prowler let go of my shirt and grab it in pain.

As soon as I was free, I ran toward Jackson, grabbing his hand and sprinting as fast as I could.

"Y/N, do you even have a plan?!" Jackson panted behind me. I just ran and ran. I didn't know where to go, but I knew I needed to find my mom.

I ran into the smoky area, squinting my eyes so I could make out objects.


When Y/N and Jackson finally made it out of the area filled with debris and smoke, she wasted no time looking for the spa in which her mother occupied.

"Mama?!" She called out. She sprinted inside the area, seeing it mostly empty. "Mama?! Tell me you're here!"

"Y/N, thank goodness!" Her mom ran out from behind the counter. Y/N let out a breath of relief.

They both quickly embraced each other in a tight hug, Y/N still a little dazed about the whole situation.

"Ay, pobrecita, what happened to your cheek?" Her mother examined the spot in which the Prowler had smacked her.

"I just fell. I'm okay, Mama." Y/N pulled away and looked around. "We need to get everyone to safety. They can't stay here."

"Y/N, are you crazy? There's a villain running around the mall right now. Our best bet is to stay here." Her mother backed up behind the counter again, holding Y/N's arm, trying to bring her with.

"I can't. What happens when he comes around this part? And... and he finds all of you. What then?" I raised my voice so everyone in the Spa could hear me. Some people agreed, but some others wanted to stay still and hide.

Her mother bit her cheek, contemplating whether her daughter was making a good choice or not.

"Y/N, hija, I trust you. But I'm staying here." She frowned and moved back behind the counter, slightly crouching down.

"Mami, you can't be serious! Please, I don't want him to hurt you!" She tried to pull her mom from behind the counter, but she wouldn't budge.

"I'm sorry..." her mother's voice faded out, her eyes widening as she pointed behind Y/N.

She hesitantly turned around. Prowler had found her, and he didn't seem very happy.

"Shit." Y/N stood still for a few minutes, trying to think of another way to escape.

"You can't run. I'll always find you." Prowler let out a low chuckle. "I already found your... friend."

She bit her tongue, standing her ground and looking around. She didn't even flinch when he walked closer to her, his gauntlet lighting up.

"What did you do to him?" She glared at his lenses, praying that they would burn through his mask and reveal the face that belonged to this monster.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He walked closer to her, placing his gauntlet on her shoulder.

"Y/N! ¡Será mejor que no estéis flirteando!" Her mother whispered from behind the counter.

(You better not be flirting!)

In an instant, Y/N slipped through under his arms and began sprinting away. Prowler was quick to go after her.

She glanced at a reflective surface near her, seeing that the Prowler was right on her. If she stopped for even a second, she would he caught.

"Give up running. You can't go forever." He yelled after her.

"Why me?! Why is it me specifically?!" She breathed out while running up the stairs.

Her legs were aching. She hadn't run this much in years. She quickly moved around a corner, slipping into a store and hiding in a crevace.

Her breathing was rapid. However, she tried to breathe out of her nose as best as she could.

She didn't hear his footsteps anymore. So when she looked around and saw that the Prowler was no longer in sight, she let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank goodness..." She breathed out. Y/N left the store she was in and made her way back to the main area.

When she got there, she saw Jackson talking with her mother.

"Jackson!" She ran over to him, engulfing him in a big hug. He quickly returned the favor.

"Y/N!" He pulled away and examined her, making sure Prowler hadn't hurt her anymore.

Y/N's phone then buzzed. It was a text from Miles.


Ay, I can't make it td.

What? Why not.

"Tch, delivered?" She rolled her eyes and pocketed her phone, forgetting about the situation.

Her mom looked at her, grabbing her arms and hugging her. "Y/N, baby. Let's get going. I'm sure we all don't want to stay here anymore."

"Yeah, but uhm," she turned to Jackson. "Can you get home on your own? Or... do you need a ride?"

Jackson let out a low chuckle, looking into her eyes. "Nah, my mom is already here. She heard about the whole Prowler thing, and she rushed." He reached into his pocket and grabbed out a little slip of paper.

She graciously took the paper and pocketed it. "Yeah, yeah, no, my mom would do the same thing." Y/N laughed before waving goodbye.

"Yeah. Get home safe, alright?" His eyes looked her up and down. He watched as she walked away.


"Sooo, you and that... Jackson kid, hm?" My mom said. I rolled my eyes at her statement.

"Nothings going on, mama." I crossed my arms and leaned back in the passenger seat, letting out a long and drawn-out sigh.

"Are you sure? I mean, I saw the way you two hugged." She laughed while pulling into the neighborhood.

"I was just worried! There's nothing going on. I mean, he's a little attractive, but I'm not interested in that stuff right now." I fidgeted with the paper he had given me in my pocket.

"Ah, yeah, because there's Miles. See, you two would look so good together." She pulled into the driveway.

"Mama! Not even! He's not even my type!" I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my things.

"Ah, that's what they all say. You know, I said that about your father when I first met him." She laughed and turned off the car.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. When I got in the house, I went straight up to my room.

I face-planted on my bed and exhaled. "What a day."

So then I grabbed the note out of my pocket.

Text me :)

Xoxo jackson


"That's cute," I said to myself.

I quickly entered his phone number into my contacts and wasted no time in texting him.

Jackson :)

Heyy, did you make it home?

Yep. How about you? Are you okay?

Mhm, I'm fine. Prowler didn't slap me too hard.

That's great to hear, I'm glad you're okay.

I shut off my phone and planted my face in my pillow. I mean, what am I supposed to say back to that??

but then, my phone buzzed again.

sooo, you free tomorrow?

maybe, maybe not. might have a study session tomorrow.

well, if they dont show, we should go out.


Well, I guess I just landed myself a date with Jackson. I just hope that Miles would understand if he didn't show.

I got off my bed and walked back downstairs. My mom was on the couch watching TV, so i decided that it was probably best not to bother her.

When I entered the kitchen, i overheard my mom on the phone with someone. I'm not the one to listen in on other peoples conversations (I totally am,) but I just couldn't help it. besides, it was on speaker anyways...

"I know, I know. And she told me he wasn't even her type!"

"Seriously? You should see the way he lights up when anyone says her name. I mean, I haven't seen him act this way since... you know."

"Tch, her. I never liked her. Seemed she only used him for money, nothing more."

"Yeah, but he liked her so much. he was devastated when he found out she cheated on him."

"Pobre chico. Bueno, espero que mi hija lo trate bien. I'm expecting the same from him."

(Aw, poor boy. Well, I hope my daughter treats him right.)

"Mhm. Well, I'm at the hospital now. I'll text you after work."

"Alright, see you."

When the call ended, I just then realized that I was standing still for the whole conversation, which made me incredibly obvious.

I ended up grabbing my food and walking back up to my room, trying my best to stay unnoticed.

I can only guess that my mom was talking to Mrs. Morales. I mean, who else could it be...

But then that got me thinking. Who was this other girl? What does she look like? Why would she cheat on who I'm assuming is Miles?



Change of plans, Ma. i can make it. still wanna have me over?

sure. let me tell my mom and... make sure you come through the front door this time.

Sure thing mami.

I sighed and got off my bed again. I trudged my way back down the stairs and to the couch.

"Hey, mama can Miles come over and help me study with physics?" I moved and sat down on the couch, exhaling.

She looked up from her phone and thought for a moment. "Sure. just make sure you keep the door open." She then looked back at her phone and shooed me away.

Hm, well even if she said no I'm sure he would've came anyway, but either is fine.


Miles followed me into my room while I glanced around and made sure everything was clean. He walked over and sat down at my desk chair, leaving the spare one for me.

"Seriously? Get up, that's my chair." I grabbed his shoulders and tried to pull him up. But unfortunately, he wouldn't budge and inch.

"Chill. I can move by myself." He let out a low chuckle and scooted over into the other chair.

"Finally." I mumbled. I sat down on the chair and placed my phone next to me.

Miles pulled out a worksheet and slid it in front of me. "alright, lets test what you know."

"Are you like a teacher or something? Where'd you even get this paper from.." I examined the questions. Some of them I understood and some of them I didn't.

"You don't need to know that. Just do the questions and we'll go from there." He scooted his chair closer to mine and peered at my face.

While I was answering the last question, I realized that I had to pee like... really bad. So I quickly jotted down my answer and stood up.

"I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." I sped-walked to bathroom, hoping I'd be quick.

I was on the toilet when I realized that I forgot my phone on my desk. And I know for sure he'd look through it.

"Ughhh." I groaned. I washed my hands and walked back to my room. My phone was in the same spot as it was when I left and Miles was just writing something on a piece of paper.

"Y/N." he stated. I hummed in response as I sat down, trying to see what he was writing. "You going out with Jackson?"

"No. Why are you asking?" I watched as he folded the paper and pocketed it, keeping his eyes on my desk.

"You two seem real friendly." He looked into my eyes and frowned. Then he looked away and took the worksheet. "Alright so, Imma look over these for a second."

I nodded and thought for a moment.

Is he jealous? Did he look through my phone? What was he writing on that paper?

"Miles, can I ask you something?" I blurted out. He lifted his head from the worksheet and looked at me.

"What is it, ma?"

"Well, what's your exes name?"


"Why do you ask?"


erm sooo sorry for unpublishing this and then republishing this 😗

Next chapter will be worth it thoo sooooo

Hope you enjoyed this chapterrr <3 (Again 😭)


wc: 2273
