Office Visit.

Awkwardly sitting on my bed while just being caught sniffing a pillow with someone else's scent on it has got to be the most embarrassing thing ever.

Good thing that totally didn't happen to me.

I got up from my bed, walking over to my backpack. I've decided to take the papers out and re organize them.

Nothing good came out of this study session, either. In fact, I wouldn't even call it that! It's more like an I-do-my-homework-while-you-bum-around-session

Which is quite frustrating, really. I went through all this effort to try and improve my grade, and he couldn't help but lay around.

Maybe he was feeling awkward...? About the whole... party thing. I mean, I was feeling kind of awkward, too, since I was hanging out with the guy who gave me hickeys.

BUT YOU KNOW, it's allllll in the past now. Doesn't matter, haha.


When I woke up the next morning, I was dreading the day more than usual.

After the events of the day before, it made me not want to attend this school anymore.

But I guess I do have to take responsibility for my actions – including the consequences that come with it.

When I hurriedly walked to school for the day, I was surprised to see that everyone had already forgotten about it.

But of course, there was always one person – and in this case, it was María.

"So what'd you do?" She gave me a dry smile while leaning onto the locker next to mine. "I... overhead you and Miles talking. He went over to your house, didn't he?"

I slammed my locker shut, giving her a harsh glare. "And so what if he did? How is that your business?"

I watched as she slightly jumped when I closed my locker. Her fingers dug into her arms.

"Why are you so obsessed with Miles anyway? He doesn't even like you." I spat out.

The grip on her arm became tighter as she became more upset.

"Plus, I don't even like him. I only went to that party because he asked me to help him get you off of his back." I let out a little laugh.

All of a sudden, María was jumping on me, trying to punch rapidly at my face.

"YOU BITCH!" She screamed out. She grabbed my hair and started to hit my head. "YOU DONT LIKE HIM, HUH?! WELL, THAT'S NOT HOW YOU WERE ACTING WHEN YOU WERE MAKING OUT WITH HIM AT MY PARTY!"

I rolled over, making sure that I got a couple of blows in before we got pulled apart.

But no one really pulled us apart. They just stood around and recorded videos until a teacher arrived.

I kept hitting as she grabbed my hair and tugged on it as hard as she could. I hit her face, her arms, and I even scratched her too.

"What has gotten into you?!" A teacher yelled at the both of us while we were separated.

"It was self-defense! She jumped on me first!!" María screamed.

"Hell no! You threw the first hit, I didn't do shit!" I tried to kick her – only to be pulled further away.

Her face was a little swollen and bruised, with blood dripping down from her nose and her very slightly from her mouth.

I, however, only had a few scratches on me. Yes, they do hurt a little. I'll admit that, but -


The two of us were pushed and shoved into the Principals office, a teacher holding us both by the shoulder to restrain us.

"Principal Smith!" María began. Before she could get any more words in, he shushed her.

"I have the footage from the cameras. It does show here that you attacked Y/N first, María." He glared at her.

"Yes!" I whispered to myself.


"Never mind.."

"This doesn't mean you're off the hook, Y/N. Although it was self-defense, you did more damage than her. Now, may I ask how this happened?" He sat up and crossed his arms, looking over to María for her input first.

And of course, she put on a fake cry and began to speak. "Well... Y/N she..." She sniffled I'm between her sentences. "She made my boyfriend cheat on me!"

"I see. And who is your boyfriend?" The principal asked. He laced his fingers together while listening to her story.

"His name... his name is Miles Morales." She looked down at the floor with such a melancholic expression.

I couldn't help but Scoff, making me receive some glares in return.

"Okay, and Y/N, what's your side of the story?" The principal looked over to me now.

"Okay, well, basically, Miles is not Marías boyfriend! He doesn't even like her!" I sat up in my seat.

"That's a lie! She's lying!" María exclaimed.

"It's not your turn to speak."

I let out a small smirk when I heard what he said. I then continued on. "And so one day in class, I asked to borrow his notes. And then I thanked him for letting me borrow them, right? And then María was all like, "He doesn't want you!" And stuff like that!" I threw a quick glance at the fuming girl, who would punch me again if she could.

"What else? About the cheating thing?" My principal questioned.

"And so then she invited me to a party that I didn't want to go to. Miles then offered me to go with him because he wanted to "get her offa my back." So then I did eventually end up going, right? But María forced a drink down my throat! And I keep telling people that, but they won't believe me!" I took a deep breath after ending my small rant.

"I see." He looked back over to María. "And so how does this correlate with Miles – who is claimed to not be your boyfriend – cheating on you?"

María put the fake tears back on – as if she were fooling the principal anyways. "There's video evidence! I have video evidence of Y/N and my boyfriend making out!"

She quickly pulled out her phone and played the video for the principal.

"For the last time, María and Miles aren't dating! You can literally bring him in here!" I said in retaliation.

"Hm. Well, both of the stories are pretty convincing. I might just do that." He looked at me and picked up his office phone, dialing what I'm assuming is Miles' current classroom teacher.

A few moments later, Miles arrived at the office, seemingly surprised to see María and I in the same room.

"Mr. Morales, have a seat." The principal gestured to the empty seat between us. He hesitantly took it.

Miles looked over to me and then to María. "So, what's goin' on? Am I in trouble?"

The principal shook his head. "María here claims that you are her boyfriend? Is that correct?"

Miles flashed a quick look of disgust, only before answering a firm no.

"I see. So you were lying, María?" He looked back over to her.

"I- I- Uh.... no..?" She flashed a fake smile at him.

"Alright. Okay, I've made my decision. Y/N, you'll face two days of suspension, and María, you have one week." He stood up from his desk and crossed his arms.

"Wh- a week?! My grades will be ruined!" María complained.

Despite all of her complaints, we all got kicked out of the office.

"This is all YOUR fault, Y/N!" She said to me.

"It is not!" I yelled back.

As we were arguing, Miles was looking at both of us while he had his hands in his pockets.

"I don't have fucking time for this! You're mad I beat your ass and got away with hit!" I retorted. And yet again, María jumped on me, only to be catched by Miles.

"You guys are fighting over the stupidest fuckin' shit." He pulled María away, then dropping her on the ground. "You're seriously mad because Y/N and I drunkenly made out? That's stupid."

He placed his hands back in his pocket and began walking off, ignoring the complaints from María once more.


I walked home after being sent home from school, clearly agitated out of my mind.

Sure, beating her up was an ego boost, but then being sent up made it drop – fast.

"Ma, wait up." I heard someone say behind me. When I turned around, I saw Miles walking toward me with a smirk on his face.

"What're you doing here?? You're supposed to be in the school." I turned back around and kept walking. But he just so happened to walk in front of me.

"You're supposed to be in the school too, mami. I saw the video, and you landed some hard hit to her face." He let out a small chuckle before turning around and walking next to me.

We walked in silence for a few moments until I realized that he was walking home with me.

"So why're you here anyway? How'd you get out of school?" I threw a quick side glance to him.

"Had my uncle call me out. Plus, we still had that study session." He forced a big toothy smile, which earned a small chuckle.

"Hm, whatever. As if you'll even help me." I groaned. We were nearing my house when a car decided to pull up to the two of us.

"Heeyy, you guys lost? Do you need a ride?" An elderly couple said. I was about to open my mouth to say something until Miles interuppted me.

"Nah, we're good." And he continued to walk away – but not toward the direction of my house.

"Uhm, Miles, my house is that way -" He cut me off with a glare. And that's when I caught on.

After a few minutes of walking away from the car, Miles told me to get out my phone and open the camera.

"If you wanted pictures, just say so- Hey! You can't snatch my phone like that!!" He grabbed my phone and lifted it up, as if he were going to take a picture.

"Hm. They're still following us. Don't look back, Mami. But those old people from earlier are stalkin' us." He gave me back my phone before placing his hands back in his pockets.

"Wait, so how're we supposed to get back to my house?" I looked over at him. He had such a chill expression on – as if he weren't even bothered.

"I know a way," he said while grabbing my hand and sprinting off to the side.

He ran through backyards and alleyways, dragging me along with him before he stopped to see if the couple were still behind us.

And yippie, they weren't. However, I was bent over trying to catch my breath.

"H... How did you know where to go..? I would've been lost..." I took slow, deep breaths while talking.

He let out a small chuckle. "I like exploring. Nothing too serious, y'know?" He leaned against the wall, letting me catch my breath.

Once I was better, I started to walk out of the alleyway. Surprisingly, it was near my house.


We both entered my room, Miles immediately going to my bed and plopping himself down.

"No, no, no. You're not sitting on this bed until I know you're going to help me." I pulled him off by his leg.

"Mami, I swear. Let me rest for a minute." He smirked and wriggled his way back up to my bed, laying face down.

I rolled my eyes and walked to my desk, and grabbed out a fresh notebook, one that I had recently bought – SPECIFICALLY for Physics notes.

"Don't be spraying that cologne, either." I yelled out behind me.

"Why? You like it too much? Sniffing your pillow or something?" He let out a chuckle. It might've been funny for him, but it was oddly specific for me.

I heard him get up from my bed and walk next to where I was sitting.

"Hmm, there's only one chair, ma." He grabbed the back of my chair and looked down at me. "So how is this gonna work? You sitting on my lap orr??"

I jolted up from my seat, my face immediately heating up. "I have a spare in my closet... haha..." I let out an awkward laugh before moving out of the way.

I scrambled to my closet, grabbing out my extra chair that I had hidden away.

I placed it next to my own as I returned to my spot. Miles sat down, smirking.

"Soo, uhm, basically, this is what I've been struggling on..." I pulled out my phone, opening my app that tells me what I was struggling on.

"Damn. So basically everything." He let out a small laugh before scooting his chair a little closer. "Okay, I'm gonna start in the beginning."

For the rest of the afternoon, Miles tutored me and really helped me understand how some of this worked.

And so we agreed for tomorrow. Since I was suspended and he was planning on skipping, we both figured on spending the whole day working on this.


I'm 37 😜

I got some real big plans for the next chapters guysssss 🤭

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