
"Hey. Let go of her."


What is he doing here?

Prowler snapped his head to the old man's grasp on my arm. However, the cold gaze from his led lenses didn't make him release me.

"Pffh. All you "villains" do is just rob shit and scare people. I know you won't do anything." He spat out. "Just leave me and my girl alone, and we'll be on our merry way."

"Your girl?" Prowler said. Not gonna lie... that accent with that voice changer is kindaaa...

"Psh, yeah. She's my girlfriend. You saying that we can't be dating?" The old man yanked me closer to him.

"Really?" I heard a few chuckles escape from prowlers mouth. "Right, so you're forcing your girlfriend to get into your car with a gun?"

"What gun? Are you accusing me of assaulting my bae?" I cringed when he said that.

"Whatever." Prowler said. He then slammed his fist into the guys face, knocking him out cold. The hand on my arm fell, too, making me free.

However, he didn't stop there. Prowler began to stomp on the guy, bashing in his face.

"Wait, hey, stop!" I yelled. I tried pulling him away, trying not to look at the gruesome scene.

After a minute or so later, he quit his stomping, pulling away and staring down at the image.

He then turned to me, I could tell he was eyeing me down. "Are you okay?"

"What?" I stood there, averting my gaze from both the Prowler and the blood that was splattered all over the car, his suit, and my shoes.

"Are. You. Okay? Answer me so I can leave."

"I.. I, uhm, I guess I'm okay.." I lied just a tiny bit. Sure, that scene won't stop replaying in my head, but I was a witness to a murder. And it's daylight, too.

"Good." He said bluntly. I was still dazed and a little traumatized that I didn't feel his hands snake around my waist.

I did feel him lift me up, though, and that's when I realized that he was taking me somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked quietly near his ear. His grip around my waist tightened while he struggled to move across roofs.

He didn't answer my question, so I forced myself to not ask anymore and just accept the fact that I was possibly being kidnapped by the Prowler.


(Little makeout session 😍⚠️)

Prowler placed me down on a building roof, which overlooked a bunch of buildings and houses. It was a very pretty view, but I was not in the mood to admire things.

"Why'd you bring me here."

"Because. You needed somewhere safe to go." He mumbled. I don't know what is up with the Prowler being so attentive to me.

"I don't even know you. Plus, you're a villain. Plus plus, my safe place is my house!" I pulled out my phone and began to text my mom of my whereabouts.

That's until he snatched my phone out of my hand.

"Seriously?? I need that back! My mom might call the police if I'm not back home in like 5 minutes!" I tried to reach and grab my phone back, but he leaned his arm further away.

"Y/N." Prowler interuppted. I felt this growing feeling in my stomach whenever he said my name. Wait, how did he know my name?


"Close your eyes f'me." His arms moved back around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

"Wha- why?" I asked him. I mean, I couldn't lie when I said that I was definitely feeling some type of way. But then again, this is the Prowler. The Prowler. And he wants me to close my eyes.

"Just do it, please." He moved one hand up to my shoulder. His tone of voice made it sound like he was begging me. I couldn't come up with something to say after that, so I just closed my eyes.

I heard something. I think it was him retracing his mask. 

But I still didn't understand. Why did the Prowler attach to me? I'm just like everyone else. It's nothing special.

And why does he want me to close my eyes? Is he going to hurt me or something -

Well, I guess my question is solved.

His lips landed onto mine, his hand running up my back as he leaned into me.

I don't know who this man is, but God. He is such a great kisser.

I wasted no time in kissing back, the kisses filled with passion (and a hint of desire).

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt his hand slipping under the back of my shirt.

His tongue then slipped into my mouth, mine colliding and dancing with his as our bodies became hot.

I felt the urge to just open my eyes and see who I was dealing with, but something was telling me I shouldn't.

I felt his hand slowly move up to the back of my bra.

"OKAYY." I yelled out. I pulled away—making sure my eyes were still shut.

He quickly slipped his hand out from under my shirt.

I heard the sound of his mask coming back as he began to speak. "What, what's wrong?"

I opened my eyes, staring down at the ground. I wiped off the extra saliva from my mouth.

"I.. well, uhm. I don't know. This just feels wrong." I sighed and sat down on the floor.

He just stared down at me, not moving a single muscle. It was making me sort of uncomfortable.

"Hm." Was all he said. He then hoisted me up from the ground and held me close.

He began to jump down from the roof in which we were, landing on shorter ones until we eventually made it to the ground.

"I gotta split. You get to go home by yourself. Here's your chips." Prowler threw the bag of chips I had purchased earlier— which made me remember about my mom.

He then handed me my phone. And in a blink of an eye, he disappeared, leaving me confused on why he would drop me off so suddenly.


I trudged through the front door of my house, my shoes wet after I ran the hose on them to wash off the blood.

My hair was a mess, and I was tired. When The Prowler dropped me off, I had no idea where I was, and my phone was practically dead.

Luckily, my mom was passed out on the couch. Must've been all that food.

I placed the bag of chips by her and walked up the stairs.

When I shut the door to my room, I immediately fell to the floor.

"What the fuck just happened to me?!"

(Miles POV)

I watched over Y/N, making sure she made it home safely.

Do I regret making out with her as the Prowler? Absolutely not. I'll do what I want to get her.

If that means kidnapping her or whaaatteevveerrr, I'll do it.

When I saw her get back into her house, I knew I was okay to go. I figure she's not gonna be leaving the house anytime soon since after that incident.

I jumped in through my uncles window, landing with a hard thump on the floor.

"Where the hell were you?" My uncle said. He was leaning against the desk while crossing his arms. "I needed you today."

"Tch, I told you I had plans. Not my fault." I de-actived my mask and began to take off my gauntlets.

"The fuck you mean, "it's not my fault." I needed you! You have to give at least a 15-hour notice." My uncle leaned off the desk, inspecting my face.

"Stop lookin' at me." I finished changing out of my suit and planted my hands into my pockets.

"Mhm. I see. You was with that girl. Y/N." He smirked. "Your face is all red. What'd ya'll do?"

"I wasn't with her. I don't even like her. You know that." I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, he is so annoying.

"Riiiggghhtt. But I need you tomorrow, you can't be leaving me on this one. And that's final." Uncle Aaron left his apartment, leaving me alone.

I knew that if I went with him on whatever he wanted me to go, Y/N would go out with Jackson, and that's the last thing I want.

Obviously, I like Y/N. There's no hiding that. But I'm not admitting it to anyone. ANYONE.

I'm not embarrassed about it. It's just that everyone would make such a big deal about it, and I can't put up with that shit right now.

But I guess I can't ditch my uncle for her, so I just have to let things happen between her and Jackson.

For now at least.

Y/N ;)

Yo, I can't go tmmr

You say that but then end up coming anyways, so make up your mind.

I'm being frl this time.

Thanks for letting me know

Uugghh, she just drives me so crazy. You know, at first I didn't even like her like that. But when I went to that party with her and she started like... kissing on me... I felt so much different.

Since I don't have anything to do right now, I might rest and then go back out for Y/N.

(Back to Y/N)

I rose out of my bed when that creeping feeling of being watched happened again.

Even when I tried to lay back down and go to sleep, it wouldn't leave and it was freaking me out.

I glanced over to the window, noticing that I forgot to cover it up with my blanket.

That might be the problem.

I begrudgingly got out of my bed, a little upset that I was forcing myself to do this.

I grabbed the scotch tape off the ground and set it on my desk. I knew that it wouldn't hold up through trial and error.

I went downstairs and saw that my mom had still passed out on the couch.

Quickly pulling a blanket over her, grabbing a roll of duct tape and sprinting up the stairs so no monsters would get me, I fought the urge to face plant on my bed and sleep.

No, not until this window is covered.


I pulled off a piece of duck tape and stuck it to my blanket, then sticking it to my window.


It fell.

I tried again. This time with more ducktape.


It worked this time!

I repeated this process multiple times until my window was covered in my blanket.

Unfortunately, it left my room completely dark.

I trudged back to my bed, yawning in the process. Before I could even open the covers, the blanket fell down.

"Uuugggghhh." I groaned. I turned around and oh my fucking God I almost pissed my pants.

I swear for a second I saw a silhouette of someone there. But who?

I decided that I was too tired to go with that process over again, so I stumbled back into bed and passed out.


Thump, thump, thump.

Don't open your eyes. There's someone looking right at you. His breathing is incredibly heavy, god, its like he's wearing a gas mask.

"I know you're awake, Hermosa."



Omfg, I could die. tmmr, we have to run a mile for gym, and it's like 100 degrees like every day this week, and I'm gonna buuuurrrn.

sory for short chapters... im trying...

hope u enjoyed <33


wc: 1814
