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—— Seori

As Jungwon bustled around the kitchen, preparing breakfast for us, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that settled in the pit of my stomach. My phone buzzed with a message from my mom, and I hesitated before opening it.

"Are you with Jungwon? And please tell me you didn't share a bed with him," the message read.

I sighed, frustration bubbling up within me. I understood my mom's concerns about the age gap between Jungwon and me, but her constant reminders grated on my nerves. Did she really have to bring it up every single time?

With a practiced ease, I crafted a reply, carefully omitting the truth to spare her unnecessary worry. "Yes, Mom, I'm with Jungwon. And no, we didn't share a bed. Don't worry, I'm fine."

As I hit send, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at me. I hated lying to my mom, but the thought of her reaction if she knew about the nature of my relationship with Jungwon was enough to keep me silent.

Turning my attention back to the kitchen, I watched as Jungwon expertly flipped pancakes on the griddle, a small smile playing on his lips. Despite the lingering tension in the air, being with him felt like home - like a sanctuary from the outside world and all its expectations.

But as the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast filled the air, I couldn't help but wonder how long we could keep our unofficial relationship a secret. Eventually, the truth would come out, and I dreaded the fallout that would inevitably follow.

For now, though, I pushed aside my worries, focusing instead on the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with the person who had unexpectedly stolen my heart - even if our love story was destined to be anything but conventional.

As we sat at the table, savoring the delicious breakfast Jungwon had prepared, he excused himself for a moment to retrieve our shared journal. I couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation as he returned, the journal in hand, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

Opening the journal to a page I had filled weeks ago, he read aloud my musings about our first kiss. My heart skipped a beat as I listened, the words bringing to life the fantasy I had allowed myself to indulge in.

"I envision us standing beneath the starry sky, surrounded by the soft glow of twinkling lights..." His voice trailed off, and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as the memory of those words flooded my mind once more.

Jungwon's gaze met mine, his eyes filled with a warmth that sent shivers down my spine. "Seori," he began, his voice soft yet filled with determination, "this will happen tonight. But only if you're ready and comfortable with it."

My heart raced at his words, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through me. The idea of sharing such an intimate moment with Jungwon filled me with both anticipation and trepidation. But as I looked into his eyes, I knew that I trusted him - trusted him with my heart, my desires, and my fears.

"I... I think I am," I whispered, the words barely audible over the quiet hum of the morning. "But can we take it slow? I want it to be perfect, just like in the journal."

A soft smile tugged at Jungwon's lips, his hand reaching out to brush against mine. "Of course, Seori. We'll take all the time you need. Tonight will be special, I promise."

And as we finished our breakfast, the anticipation of what lay ahead hung in the air, mingling with the scent of pancakes and the warmth of Jungwon's touch. Tonight would be a night to remember - a night that would mark the beginning of something beautiful between us. And as I glanced at the journal resting on the table, filled with dreams and desires yet to be fulfilled, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the journey that lay ahead.

゚.+:。Time skip .+:。

As I sat in my room, freshened up after the events of last night, I couldn't shake the nerves that coiled in the pit of my stomach. I had asked Yeji to come over because I needed to confide in someone about my impending first kiss with Jungwon - a moment that both thrilled and terrified me in equal measure.

When Yeji arrived, she immediately sensed my apprehension and pulled me into a comforting hug. "What's wrong, Seori? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my thoughts before pouring out the details of today's morning and Jungwon's promise of a first kiss beneath the stars. Yeji listened attentively, her expression a mix of amusement and understanding.

"So, you're freaking out about your first kiss, huh?" she remarked with a teasing grin. "Well, let me tell you about mine."

As Yeji recounted her own experience, her first kiss with Jake, who happened to be one of Jungwon's friends and a fellow street racer, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. It was because of me that Jake and Yeji had crossed paths at one of the street races I had taken her to. Despite Yeji's initial reluctance to date someone older, Jake's persistent charm had won her over.

"I was against dating someone older, you know that," Yeji admitted, a wistful smile tugging at her lips. "But there was something about Jake - something that drew me to him despite my reservations. And that first kiss... well, let's just say it was worth the wait."

As I listened to Yeji's story, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance wash over me. If Yeji could overcome her doubts and fears to find happiness with Jake, perhaps there was hope for me and Jungwon as well.

With a newfound sense of determination, I thanked Yeji for her support and promised to keep her updated on how things unfolded with Jungwon. As she left, a sense of calm settled over me, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, I had a friend by my side who understood the complexities of love and relationships.

And as I prepared for the evening ahead, the memory of Yeji's words lingered in my mind, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty of the future. Tonight would be a night to remember - a night filled with the promise of new beginnings and the thrill of taking a leap of faith into the unknown.

—— Jungwon

As Jake and Sunghoon helped me set up the twinkling lights and arrange the flowers on the grass field where Seori and I had stargazed and claimed our stars weeks ago, their teasing banter filled the air.

"Look at you, Jungwon, all romantic and stuff," Jake chuckled, nudging me playfully. "Never thought I'd see the day when you'd fall for a 16-year-old Ramen Queen."

Sunghoon joined in with a grin. "Yeah, man, what happened to the tough guy who swore he'd never catch feelings for her? Looks like the Ramen Queen got under your skin."

I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress a smirk at their teasing. "Oh, ha ha, very funny, guys. Make fun of me all you want."

But deep down, their words struck a chord. Seori may be young and sometimes naive, but there was a depth to her that I couldn't ignore - a fiery spirit and unwavering determination that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

As we finished setting up the romantic dinner under the starry sky, I couldn't help but feel a swell of anticipation building within me. Tonight was the night - the night I would share my first kiss with Seori, the girl who had captured my heart in ways I never thought possible.

But as Jake and Sunghoon exchanged knowing glances, their teasing laughter echoing in the cool night air, I couldn't deny the butterflies that danced in my stomach. Tonight would be a night to remember - a night filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a future together with the one who had stolen my heart - my sweet, silly, and undeniably irresistible Ramen Queen.

To be continued...
