°•♡•° / 18

—— Seori

As I found myself in Jungwon's car, the engine humming beneath us, I couldn't help but wonder about our destination. He stopped by his apartment, and my curiosity bubbled up, prompting me to ask repeatedly where we were going. Jungwon's responses were cryptic, assuring me that I would soon find out for myself.

Minutes later, we arrived at a large grass field. Stepping out of the car, I looked up at the night sky, a breathtaking canvas adorned with countless stars. Jungwon, carrying a few things he had grabbed from his apartment, began walking onto the grass field. Intrigued, I quickly caught up, my curiosity growing with each step.

He found a spot on the field and laid out a blanket, complete with pillows. It was a makeshift haven under the starry expanse, and I couldn't help but smile at the unexpected charm of the evening.

"What are we doing here, Jungwon?" I asked, my eyes searching his face for clues.

He grinned mysteriously, unfolding the blanket. "We're here to enjoy the night, Seori. Lay down, and you'll see."

I obliged, settling onto the soft blanket and propping myself up on a pillow. Jungwon joined me, his gaze fixed on the night sky as he arranged the items he had brought.

"Look up," he said, his eyes reflecting the sparkle of the stars.

I followed his gaze, and as my eyes met the celestial tapestry above, I gasped. The field, bathed in moonlight, became a front-row seat to the cosmic spectacle. A sea of stars stretched endlessly, like diamonds scattered across velvet.

"This is beautiful," I whispered, my breath catching in the sheer awe of the moment.

Jungwon lay beside me, and we both lost ourselves in the brilliance of the night. The silence between us was filled with the soft rustling of the grass and the distant symphony of crickets.

As I marveled at the stars, Jungwon's hand found mine. Our fingers interlaced, creating a connection that transcended words.

As Jungwon and I laid on the blanket, fingers interlaced, our gaze fixed on the celestial tapestry above, a calm settled over us. The night seemed to cradle our shared solitude as we basked in the serene beauty of the stars.

Feeling a gentle pull, I turned to Jungwon and moved closer, laying my head on his chest. His hand, warm and comforting, found its way to my hair, gently playing with the strands. The rhythmic motion lulled me into a tranquil state, and a sense of peace washed over me.

"Seori," he whispered, his voice a soft melody in the quiet of the night.

"Hmm?" I responded, my eyes still fixed on the vast expanse above.

"I'm glad you're here," he admitted, his fingers continuing their soothing dance through my hair.

A genuine smile graced my lips. "I'm glad too, Jungwon."

As the night sky painted a mosaic of stars, each one a distant wish waiting to be whispered, an idea crossed my mind. I shifted my position to look up at Jungwon, the moonlight casting a gentle glow on his face.

"Hey, let's each claim a star and make a wish on it," I suggested, the excitement in my voice mirrored by the gleam in my eyes.

Jungwon's gaze met mine, his expression reflecting a mix of curiosity and warmth. "Claim a star? How do we do that?"

I giggled, feeling the playful energy of the night. "We just pick one, give it a name or a story, and make a wish. It's like creating our own constellations."

He chuckled, the sound resonating through the quiet night. "Alright, Seori. Lead the way."

We both scanned the sky, searching for the perfect stars to claim as our own. I pointed to a particularly bright one, its brilliance standing out in the night canvas.

"That one," I declared. "I'll call it Seori's Star. Now it's yours."

Jungwon followed my lead, choosing a star nearby. "And I'll call this one Jungwon's Beacon. What should we wish for?"

I pondered for a moment, feeling the weight of possibility in the air. "How about we wish for more moments like this? Simple and beautiful."

Jungwon's hand in my hair stilled for a moment before he whispered, "I like that wish, Seori."

Under the celestial tapestry, as our wishes merged with the stars, I felt a sense of connection and understanding. The night, adorned with dreams and shared hopes, embraced us in its tranquil embrace, leaving us to savor the quiet beauty of a moment suspended in time.

After claiming our stars and weaving wishes into the fabric of the night, a spontaneous idea bubbled up within me. Sitting up, I looked at Jungwon, who remained comfortably sprawled on the blanket, his gaze fixed on the stars.

"Jungwon, can we do something I've always wanted to try?" I asked, excitement tingling in my voice.

He turned to me with a curious smile. "What's on your mind, Seori?"

I grinned, the anticipation of my idea brimming over. "I always thought it would be fun if, when I have my first boyfriend, we write in a journal what we want to do together without telling each other. It's like a surprise, you know?"

Jungwon's eyebrows lifted, his expression a mix of amusement and confusion. "But I'm not officially your first boyfriend, am I?"

I laughed, sensing his uncertainty. "Not yet, but it's just an idea. Let me show you how it works." I reached into my bag, pulling out a small journal I had tucked away.

Flipping it open, I wrote something down, a secret desire shared only with the pages of the journal. Closing it, I handed it to Jungwon with a mischievous smile. "Now you read it when you want. It's like a little surprise."

He looked at the journal in his hands, then back at me, the playful glint in my eyes sparking his curiosity. "So, I just open it whenever I feel like it?"

I nodded. "Exactly! And I'll do the same. It's a way to share our wishes without saying them out loud."

Jungwon chuckled, accepting the challenge. "Alright, Seori. I'm curious to see what you wrote."

With that, we each had our own little secret nestled within the pages of the journal.

—— Jungwon

Unable to resist the playful challenge Seori had presented, I eagerly grabbed the journal from her hands. Opening it, I saw her neat handwriting sprawled across the page, a secret wish encapsulated in ink. A smile tugged at my lips as I read her words.

"I wish we could sneak away for a midnight drive, windows down, chasing the wind on empty streets, with only the moon as our witness."

Her desire painted a vivid image in my mind, the thrill of the open road and the quiet intimacy of a shared adventure. Closing the journal, I looked at Seori with a playful glint in my eyes.

"Well, Seori, that's a fantastic wish," I teased, holding the journal out of her reach.

She pouted, attempting to snatch it back. "Hey, that's my secret wish! What do you think?"

I chuckled, enjoying the banter. "I think it sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe we can make it come true one day."

Her eyes lit up with excitement, and she grinned. "Really? That would be amazing!"

Returning the journal to her, I leaned back on the blanket, the night air wrapping around us like a comforting embrace. The stars above, witnesses to our shared dreams, seemed to shimmer with approval.

Seori, now armed with her own wish in the journal, clutched it to her chest. "Your turn, Jungwon. Write down something and let's see if it matches my adventurous spirit."

I accepted the challenge, flipping to an empty page in the journal. As the pen glided across the paper, I penned my own secret desire, the words becoming a silent pact between us and the stars.

Handing the journal back to Seori, I grinned. "There you go. Now it's your turn to discover the surprise."

She eagerly took the journal, her eyes shining with curiosity. Opening it, she read my words, and a playful smirk danced on her lips.

"I wish we could have a spontaneous dance under the stars, with only the music of the night to guide our steps."

Her laughter echoed in the quiet field, and I joined in, the night becoming a stage for our shared wishes and the unspoken promises that lingered in the air.

To be continued...
