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—— Seori

Friday afternoon, I found me at Yeji's house, navigating the challenge of getting ready for the club. Unable to prepare at my own house due to the secrecy surrounding my evening plans, I relied on Yeji's assistance in choosing an outfit that reflected a more mature image.

Yeji, ever the fashion guru, pulled out a variety of bold dresses that seemed worlds away from my usual, playful style. I couldn't help but wonder how she managed to possess such an extensive collection of daring clothes at our age. Each dress she presented clashed with the image of the immature, silly, and childlike Seori that I had crafted over the years.

In the midst of my uncertainty, I settled on a knee-length black dress that seemed to strike a balance between sophistication and comfort. Yeji, with an approving nod, set to work, transforming my appearance. She pulled the scrunchie from my hair, letting the long, black strands fall freely. With a brush, she ran through my hair, detangling it with gentle strokes.

As she applied a natural makeup look, I caught glimpses of myself in the mirror, the transformation both intriguing and slightly intimidating. The reflection staring back at me looked different from the Seori I knew, but it was a necessary departure for the night's adventure.

Yeji handed me a pair of high heels, a cozy jacket, and a stylish bag to complete the ensemble. As I stood before the mirror, my nerves heightened. I wondered what Jungwon would think of this departure from my usual self, and a sense of self-consciousness crept in.

"Seori, you look stunning," Yeji reassured, her voice filled with confidence. "Trust me, Jungwon won't be able to take his eyes off you."

Her words provided a small comfort, but the nervousness lingered. With the image of the black dress and the anticipation of the night ahead, I couldn't help but question how Jungwon would react to this version of me – a departure from the familiar Ramen Queen he knew so well.

The neon lights outside the party club flickered as Yeji and I approached, the thumping bass resonating through the air. At the entrance, the familiar faces of Jungwon, Jake, Jay, Heeseung, Niki, Sunghoon, and Sunoo awaited our arrival. The energy of the club pulsed around us, setting the stage for a night of unexpected twists.

Yeji headed toward Jake, her playful smile evident as she greeted him with a kiss. My attention turned to Jungwon, his gaze locking onto me with widened eyes. In that moment, a surge of insecurity washed over me, amplified by the pulsating rhythm of the music.

Tapping his shoulder, I tried to match the courage in my voice with a smile. "Hey, Jungwon."

He turned toward me, his eyes lingering on my transformed appearance. The silence between us grew, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had strayed too far from the Seori he was accustomed to.

"Seori," he finally spoke, his voice gentle yet filled with surprise. "You... you look different."

My heart sank at his words, and a wave of self-consciousness swept over me. "I know," I admitted, my gaze dropping momentarily. "I look bad, don't I? Different from my usual childlike self."

Jungwon's expression softened as he reached out to gently cup my face, his touch reassuring. "No, Seori, you don't look bad. You look... stunning. Just different."

His words offered a mix of comfort and uncertainty, leaving me to grapple with the newfound complexity of the situation. The beats of the music seemed to echo the cadence of my racing heart as we stood there, caught between the familiar and the unknown.

"I wanted to try something different, for tonight," I confessed, searching for understanding in his eyes. "Do you... do you like it?"

Jungwon's gaze held mine, a momentary pause lingering before a smile curved on his lips. "Seori, you could wear a potato sack, and I'd still think you're beautiful."

His playful remark broke the tension, and I couldn't help but laugh, the sound melding with the music in the background.

As Jungwon grabbed my hand, a sense of relief washed over me, the warmth of his touch grounding me amidst the pulsating energy of the club. Together, we followed the rest of our friends inside, the music growing louder as we entered.

Once inside, I couldn't help but notice the lack of age verification at the entrance. It surprised me, and I couldn't resist asking Jungwon about it.

"They don't check ages here?" I questioned, my voice barely audible over the thumping bass.

Jungwon shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Seems like they're more focused on making money than following the rules."

I nodded, feeling a mix of apprehension and excitement as we navigated the crowded club. Finding a table, we settled in, and the waiter soon arrived to take our drink orders.

Yeji and I opted for alcohol-free drinks, mindful of our age. However, as the drinks arrived, they got mixed up, and I found myself holding a glass of what I assumed was my usual mocktail.

Without thinking, I took a sip, the liquid sliding down my throat with a familiar burn. It wasn't until after I swallowed that I realized my mistake – I had accidentally consumed an alcoholic drink.

Panic surged within me as I turned to Jungwon, my eyes wide with alarm. "Jungwon, I... I think I got the wrong drink," I confessed, my voice trembling slightly.

He glanced at me, concern etched in his features. "Are you okay, Seori?"

I nodded, trying to hide the rising sense of unease gnawing at me. "I didn't taste the difference," I admitted, feeling a pang of guilt for my oversight. "I'm sorry, Jungwon. Now you'll have to take care of me if I get drunk."

Jungwon's expression softened, his hand reaching out to gently squeeze mine. "Don't worry about it, Seori," he reassured, his voice tinged with warmth. "I'll make sure you're okay."

Despite his comforting words, I couldn't shake the nagging worry that lingered at the back of my mind. As the night wore on, I knew that I would rely on Jungwon's steady presence to guide me through the unexpected twists and turns of the evening, trusting in his ability to keep me safe amidst the chaos of the club.

As the night wore on, the effects of the alcoholic drink I had mistakenly consumed began to take hold of my body. Despite my best efforts to keep myself in control, I found it increasingly difficult to resist the urge to cling to Jungwon, my words becoming increasingly incoherent as the minutes passed.

I could sense Sunghoon's amused laughter and the curious glances of our friends as they observed my deteriorating state. I tried to focus on Jungwon's reassuring presence, but the alcohol blurred my thoughts and clouded my judgment.

With a sudden burst of energy, I sat up straight, a determination sparking within me. "I want to dance!," I declared, my words slurring slightly as I made my announcement.

Before Jungwon could react, I stumbled to my feet, my movements unsteady as I wandered into the crowd. The pulsating rhythm of the music enveloped me, drowning out the chaotic thoughts swirling in my mind.

As I lost myself in the swirling sea of bodies, a sense of freedom washed over me, the music guiding my every movement. I danced with reckless abandon, the alcohol fueling my exhilaration as I twirled and swayed to the beat.

But amidst the euphoria of the moment, a nagging worry tugged at the edges of my consciousness. I couldn't shake the fear of losing control, of succumbing to the intoxicating effects of the alcohol.

As I danced on, oblivious to the concerned glances of those around me, I couldn't help but wonder how Jungwon would react to my impulsive behavior. Would he be disappointed in me, or would he understand the allure of the moment, the fleeting sense of freedom that danced just out of reach?

To be continued...
