°•♡•° / 10

—— Seori

As Jungwon skillfully navigated the car back into the city, we eventually arrived at a serene spot by the river. The city's vibrant chaos gave way to the tranquil sounds of flowing water and rustling leaves.

Eager to enjoy the peaceful ambiance, I stepped out of the car, excitement bubbling within me. However, my enthusiasm was swiftly met with a familiar foe – my own two feet. This time, it wasn't a misstep on the pavement; it was a graceful trip over the blanket still draped around me.

In that moment, Jungwon, ever the vigilant Bad Boy Racer, caught me before I could tumble. He untangled me from the blanket, and a cold spring breeze brushed against my skin, eliciting a shiver. The night air held a certain freshness, a contrast to the exhilarating warmth of the highway.

Opening the backseat door, Jungwon tossed the blanket inside. Without missing a beat, he retrieved a hoodie and handed it to me. As I slipped it on, the oversized garment practically draped me like a dress. I couldn't help but laugh at the comical sight.

Jungwon, sporting a teasing smirk, remarked, "You look like a 5-year-old in that hoodie, Seori."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Well, blame it on my height. Everything looks like a dress on me," I quipped, feeling the warmth of the hoodie against the spring chill.

Jungwon, now wearing a hoodie himself, chuckled at my retort. "Fair point. But I have to admit, it's a cute look for you," he conceded, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

Amidst the riverside tranquility, I couldn't resist pressing Jungwon about his earlier comment. "Do I really look cute in this?" I asked, feigning a pout and tugging at the oversized hoodie that now draped over me.

Jungwon, ever the playful Bad Boy Racer, took a step closer, a glint of mischief in his eyes. He reached out, gently pulling the hood over my small head. The hood enveloped me, and he deftly tugged on the strings, securing it around my face. I could feel the playful tightening as he declared, "Now you look even cuter."

I laughed, the hood now framing my face like a makeshift fortress. "Cuter, huh? Well, if I'm going to be cute, might as well embrace it," I replied, smiling through the fabric that obscured part of my vision.

Jungwon grinned, pleased with his impromptu fashion adjustment. The banter continued, our laughter dancing in the moonlit glow. The night seemed to hold a certain magic, woven through shared laughter, riverside serenity, and the unexpected charm of a hoodie secured a bit too snugly.

With the playful banter lingering in the night air, Jungwon and I decided to stroll along the tranquil riverbank. The gentle murmur of flowing water served as a serene backdrop to our impromptu adventure.

As we walked, an idea sparked within me. I paused for a moment, letting Jungwon continue ahead without realizing my brief hesitation. Then, seizing the whimsical spirit of the night, I broke into a run and leaped onto his back.

The sudden weight on him surprised Jungwon, but he swiftly adjusted, his strong arms sliding under my legs to secure a piggyback ride. Laughter spilled from both of us as we continued our walk, the moonlight reflecting on the river casting a glow on our shared moment of spontaneous joy.

"Didn't see that coming, did you?" I teased, my voice laced with laughter.

Jungwon chuckled, the warmth of the night accentuating the amusement in his eyes. "You sure know how to keep things interesting, Seori."

As he carried me along the riverbank, the Ramen Queen on the back of the Bad Boy Racer, the night seemed to embrace the whimsy of our unexpected connection. The moonlit stroll, coupled with the playful surprise, painted the riverbank with the hues of an adventure neither of us had anticipated.

—— Jungwon

With Seori comfortably perched on my back, we continued our leisurely stroll along the riverbank. The night enveloped us in a serene embrace, the river's gentle melody harmonizing with the soft laughter that echoed between us.

As we walked, I sensed a subtle shift in Seori's demeanor. Her movements became more relaxed, and her head nestled against my shoulder. Soon, I felt the gentle rise and fall of her breathing, and her arms, once draped around my neck, now hung loosely.

Unable to resist a playful remark, I glanced over my shoulder. "Seori, are you falling asleep on me?" I teased, a smile playing on my lips.

In response, she emitted a content hum, a sound that spoke volumes of the tranquility she found in that moment. Her grip on my neck remained gentle, and it became apparent that the rhythm of the river and the night's enchantment had lulled her into a peaceful slumber.

With each step, I felt the weight of responsibility and the thrill of the Bad Boy Racer give way to a newfound tenderness. The Ramen Queen, nestled on my back, had found solace in the quietude of the night.

I carried her with care, mindful not to disturb her peaceful repose. The city's distant hum seemed to fade, leaving only the soothing sounds of nature and the occasional rustle of leaves.

Back at the car, I carefully managed to unlock it and open the door, allowing Seori to slip onto the passenger seat. The moonlight painted a soft glow on her peaceful face. I took a moment to ensure she was comfortable before gently buckling her up with the seat belt.

Closing the door with a quiet click, I stepped away from the car and found myself reaching for my phone. A call from Jake flashed on the screen. Answering, I could sense the excitement in his voice as he asked, "Did you tell Seori about the race tomorrow night? And what about bringing Yeji?"

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah, I told her about it. She'll try to bring Yeji along," I replied, glancing back at the sleeping figure in the car.

However, Jake's enthusiasm didn't wane. "And what about you? Any progress with Seori?" he teased.

I sighed, clarifying my stance once again. "Jake, I'm not pursuing Seori in a romantic way. She's a minor, and I'm not looking for anything beyond friendship," I emphasized, trying to make him understand the boundaries.

He chuckled on the other end. "Come on, Jungwon, age is just a number. Besides, you're not the only one trying to pursue someone younger. I've got my eyes on Yeji," he confessed.

I raised an eyebrow, both amused and concerned. "Jake, she's a minor too. Be careful, man. Pursuing someone that young might not end well," I warned.

Jake laughed it off. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Besides, you're in the same boat with Seori," he retorted, the playfulness evident in his voice.

I sighed, a hint of frustration creeping in. "Jake, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm not pursuing Seori romantically. It's a friendship, nothing more," I reiterated.

He chuckled once more. "We'll see about that, Jungwon. Just like I'll see about Yeji. Enjoy your night, man."

As the call ended, I couldn't shake the feeling of complications intertwining with friendships and the blurred lines of youthful pursuits. The night, once filled with laughter and spontaneity, now carried the weight of unspoken tensions.

After the call with Jake, I slid into the driver's seat, the night air carrying a mix of emotions. The engine roared to life as I drove Seori home, the city lights flickering like distant stars guiding our way.

Arriving at her house, I gently lifted Seori from the car, carrying her in bridal style. We approached the front door, and I rang the doorbell. Mrs. Cho, Seori's mother, opened the door, a mix of surprise and familiarity on her face.

"Good evening, Mrs. Cho. Seori dozed off during our night out. I hope you don't mind me bringing her home," I explained, trying to convey a sense of respect.

Mrs. Cho smiled warmly. "Not at all, Jungwon. Thank you for looking out for her. Please, come inside," she invited.

Entering the house, I followed Mrs. Cho's guidance as she directed me upstairs to Seori's room. The house held a comforting warmth, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for the Ramen Queen in my arms.

In Seori's room, Mrs. Cho gestured toward the bed. "You can lay her down here. Thank you for taking care of her tonight," she expressed gratitude.

Gently placing Seori on her bed, I tucked the blanket around her, ensuring she was comfortable. Mrs. Cho watched with a grateful smile, appreciating the care bestowed upon her daughter.

As I stood by Seori's bedside, Mrs. Cho spoke softly, "You're always welcome here, Jungwon. Seori talks about you a lot. I'm glad she has a friend like you."

I nodded, genuinely touched by her words. "Thank you, Mrs. Cho. I value my friendship with Seori. If she needs anything, don't hesitate to let me know."

Mrs. Cho ushered me downstairs, expressing her gratitude once again. At the door, she said, "Take care, Jungwon. Drive safely."

With a respectful nod, I stepped out into the night, the door closing behind me. The Bad Boy Racer, now in the quiet solitude of the night, pondered the complexities of friendship, responsibility, and the uncharted territories of connections that went beyond the roaring engines and city lights. As I drove away, the echoes of the night lingered, leaving behind the Ramen Queen and the Bad Boy Racer, each navigating the intricacies of a story that continued to unfold in unexpected ways.

To be continued...
